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[0.90] ShipEffects Sound Mod: Dynamic Sound Effects - v0.2.6


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  Xenro66 said:
From judging on what I read so far, this looks like a great mod!

I have a suggestion too, but I don't know if it's actually doable: Let's say you're ascending into the atmosphere in a rocket, and you pass the sound battier, in reality you wouldn't be able to hear the jet noise, but in IVA, you would hear the rumbling still. In the stock game, this doesn't happen :(. There's a mod that does this already, but it's freaking ancient and probably doesn't work. Again, in reality, if you're ascending then the air will get thinner and high frequency sounds are muffled and then muted, so you just get the bassy rumble of the rocket. Is this possible to do? Same for if you're in space and there's an explosion; you're obviously not gonna hear it unless you're connected to it.

I know it's a massive handful to ask for, but this mod, added with planetshine, chatterer, a few other mods and these suggestions will make the game soooooo much more immersive :D

First of all, thank you so much~ the mod Im still improving the mod so expect alot of changes still,

Sound Muffling is possible and has been already done by Atmospheric Sound Enhancement, it still works but for some reason its not working with jet engines and rapiers at the moment, to add also explosions, and also quite buggy (as you said quite ancient). I could work on my own version for ShipEffects, we'll see :D

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I've just tried to use IVA only to go into 360 km circular equatorial orbit, and then to reenter. Mk1 capsule on a Soyuz-like rocket.


I used headphones and fairly high, but safe volume. Pulled 9.8 G.

I've never had such feeling of a cat being trapped in a spinning washing machine. The sounds of metal flapping and twisting (some screeching could come in handy) while KerbQuake rattles the image so I can't even read Raster Prop Monitor is making this very immersive. You think something is very wrong. And it might be, maybe the shield is overheating (DRE), you just don't know.

Someone needs to try this combination while using Oculus Rift and a good pair of headphones, all while sitting on a washing machine with an asymmetrical load doing the centrifuge cycle. I guarantee elevated heart rate.


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  lajoswinkler said:
I've just tried to use IVA only to go into 360 km circular equatorial orbit, and then to reenter. Mk1 capsule on a Soyuz-like rocket.


I used headphones and fairly high, but safe volume. Pulled 9.8 G.

I've never had such feeling of a cat being trapped in a spinning washing machine. The sounds of metal flapping and twisting (some screeching could come in handy) while KerbQuake rattles the image so I can't even read Raster Prop Monitor is making this very immersive. You think something is very wrong. And it might be, maybe the shield is overheating (DRE), you just don't know.

Someone needs to try this combination while using Oculus Rift and a good pair of headphones, all while sitting on a washing machine with an asymmetrical load doing the centrifuge cycle. I guarantee elevated heart rate.



Im glad im not alone who craves for intensity during flights like as if not knowing if you have enough deltaV is enough, or your ship will be turn to pieces for some reason the kraken suddenly wants you down.

as cooper said from interstellar: (I want to feel the air)

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UPDATE 0.2.1

  • Engine Response is back and better, reworked code
  • Fixed Flickering audio at High TWR and super G-forces by redoing the Dynamic Volume control and limiting it
  • Converted sounds to wav, easier to the game for a sacrifice of size.
  • Redid Re-entry response, code borrowed from KerbQuake

Next Update:

New way to calculate G-forces, instead going to calculate how much G-forces are you fighting together with the amount of artificial G-forces created plus local Gravitational Pull.

Request your new features now! SO I could work on them :)

- - - Updated - - -

  lajoswinkler said:
Well ok, not that little control. I do keep a delta-v meter on. :)

Thanks, I've made it using procedural parts.

procedural parts are love!

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I'd add metal twisting/screeching sounds that activate at a certain G-load (Deadly Reentry has too short one right before the craft is crushed), and also try to curb the sounds after the parachutes are opened. There's still rattling heard and it slowly increases in intensity. After the parachutes are deployed the craft is no longer under remotely significant stress. It just deccelerates very slowly.

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  Enceos said:
Now I feel like this when reentering!

SAME FEELS, now Im tempted to make alarm sounds as well uhmmm

  lajoswinkler said:
I'd add metal twisting/screeching sounds that activate at a certain G-load (Deadly Reentry has too short one right before the craft is crushed), and also try to curb the sounds after the parachutes are opened. There's still rattling heard and it slowly increases in intensity. After the parachutes are deployed the craft is no longer under remotely significant stress. It just deccelerates very slowly.

there should be a velocity ease settings in the Settings.cfg, set it to 100 if you want sounds to be eased after slowing down to 100m/s.

Though right now im working on a new way to make the the sounds response to situations, totally redid the formula to be alot closer to what is actually happening.

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  lajoswinkler said:
I'd add metal twisting/screeching sounds that activate at a certain G-load (Deadly Reentry has too short one right before the craft is crushed), and also try to curb the sounds after the parachutes are opened. There's still rattling heard and it slowly increases in intensity. After the parachutes are deployed the craft is no longer under remotely significant stress. It just deccelerates very slowly.


EDIT: There's a pretty cool collection of submarine sounds that would fit well: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsfdx8qiooud7zn/creaksNgroans.zip?dl=0

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  ensouensou said:
SAME FEELS, now Im tempted to make alarm sounds as well uhmmm

there should be a velocity ease settings in the Settings.cfg, set it to 100 if you want sounds to be eased after slowing down to 100m/s.

Though right now im working on a new way to make the the sounds response to situations, totally redid the formula to be alot closer to what is actually happening.

If I ease it below 100 m/s, there would be no sounds during the launch until I hit 100 m/s, right? You'd need a code that curbs the sound if the main parachutes are opened and the craft's decceleration is below certain value.

Also, alarms, yes! For example at 5 G.

And if you can, Deadly Reentry delivers vessel temperature data. That's an opportunity for alarm (s).

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  Enceos said:

EDIT: There's a pretty cool collection of submarine sounds that would fit well: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsfdx8qiooud7zn/creaksNgroans.zip?dl=0

DUDE THANKS FOR THAT! that's usefull stuff!

  lajoswinkler said:
If I ease it below 100 m/s, there would be no sounds during the launch until I hit 100 m/s, right? You'd need a code that curbs the sound if the main parachutes are opened and the craft's decceleration is below certain value.

Also, alarms, yes! For example at 5 G.

And if you can, Deadly Reentry delivers vessel temperature data. That's an opportunity for alarm (s).

Yeap, it will change now that I discoverd and learned alot of stuff, things will be simulated alot more accurately now, taking into account air-resistance and drag forces created by both Gravity and Atmospheres.

Im going to change how the sounds are played as well, they'll be now affected by either air resistance and/or gravity! taking into account also the velocity of your craft, so the problem of awkward creaking while being slow/decelerating will be gone.

EDIT: throw in your suggestions~ keep em coming :D

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  ensouensou said:
SAME FEELS, now Im tempted to make alarm sounds as well uhmmm

there should be a velocity ease settings in the Settings.cfg, set it to 100 if you want sounds to be eased after slowing down to 100m/s.

Though right now im working on a new way to make the the sounds response to situations, totally redid the formula to be alot closer to what is actually happening.

Oooohhh, yes! An alarm sound would be amazing. Sometimes when I'm re-entering kerbin's atmosphere from the Mun, my G-Force is like 15+, maybe an alarm should sound at 15Gs, or possibly make it configurable? Would be amazing.

Edit: Is there any chance of releasing your own version of KerbQuake? I can't find any version of it that is 0.90 compatible, so I have to use the one for .25 :(

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  Xenro66 said:
Oooohhh, yes! An alarm sound would be amazing. Sometimes when I'm re-entering kerbin's atmosphere from the Mun, my G-Force is like 15+, maybe an alarm should sound at 15Gs, or possibly make it configurable? Would be amazing.

Edit: Is there any chance of releasing your own version of KerbQuake? I can't find any version of it that is 0.90 compatible, so I have to use the one for .25 :(

ALARM IT IS THEN. just to hype the pressure more when re-entering :D and of course i'll make it configurable.

kerbquake seems to work fine for me at 0.90 with the 0.25 version. unfortunately i'll be focusing on the sound part for now. maybe in the future.

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  ensouensou said:
Playing it with kerbquake + ASE is the best experience! I'm glad ya like it :D

Oh! I didn't realize ASE still "worked" with .90! I think the engine issues are due to the new "module_engine" or some such, but there has been some movement on the mod page recently. Hope springs eternal! :D

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  ensouensou said:
ALARM IT IS THEN. just to hype the pressure more when re-entering :D and of course i'll make it configurable.

kerbquake seems to work fine for me at 0.90 with the 0.25 version. unfortunately i'll be focusing on the sound part for now. maybe in the future.

Awesome! I look forward to it :D

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  SpeedyB said:
It would be really cool to have an alarm go off when things on the craft break. Think the Apollo style master alarm (

Ohyess thanks for this! I should watch the movie itself too

  Svm420 said:
yeah for those crazy enough not to use realchutes, but seriously really enjoy the mod.

AHah I havent played with realchutes lately. is the author of KerbQuake still active?

Throw in all your suggestions with samples and help me craft this mod to a better version. I really enjoy reading up suggestions and help me out how will I achieve such feature :D keep em coming

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I wouldn't put an alarm at 15 G. You're inconscious by the time you breach 10.

It's best to put the first high-G alarm at 5 G, second at 10.

Also, SpeedyB's idea about alarm for stuff breaking is excellent.

As for the temperature, vessel breaching 1000 °C in KSP happens rarely and is a good alarm point.

Low power alarm for the 15 % charge is a nice idea.

If you're gonna add TAC support, there are low oxygen, low water, low food. The mod does stop the timewarp at certain threshold points.

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  lajoswinkler said:
I wouldn't put an alarm at 15 G. You're inconscious by the time you breach 10.

It's best to put the first high-G alarm at 5 G, second at 10.

Also, SpeedyB's idea about alarm for stuff breaking is excellent.

As for the temperature, vessel breaching 1000 °C in KSP happens rarely and is a good alarm point.

Low power alarm for the 15 % charge is a nice idea.

If you're gonna add TAC support, there are low oxygen, low water, low food. The mod does stop the timewarp at certain threshold points.

So far this is my new Goal for this mod together with the gathered suggestions :

New and Improved ShipEffects

•̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶j̶o̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶k̶s̶

-̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶e̶p̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶

no need for this silly me its already in the game

• Alarm System

- Low Power Alarm

- Temperature alarm above 1000c

- Alarm for breaking parts

- Gee Warning Sounds when pass 5gs

- TAC Life Support

  Avera9eJoe said:
OMG THIS IS THE MOD I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!! Awesome job man. Downloading when I next can. :)

THANKS bro! if you could make a video about it that'd be awesome!

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Would you be able to add a setting or reduce/stop the logging done by the mod? My log is spammed with mass is and g pulled. Leading to a massive slowed down in my game. Love the mod, but can't use it with all the logging. Has this been reduced in the newest version?

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  ensouensou said:
So far this is my new Goal for this mod together with the gathered suggestions :

New and Improved ShipEffects

• Sounds for joint breaks

- Sound depends on Mass

• Alarm System

- Low Power Alarm

- Temperature alarm above 1000c

- Alarm for breaking parts

- Gee Warning Sounds when pass 5gs

- TAC Life Support

That is just awesome!:D

Also +1 for docking sounds :)

  SpeedyB said:
It would be really cool to have an alarm go off when things on the craft break. Think the Apollo style master alarm (

Master Alarm was a part of very useful Caution and Warnings System - something like that would be very cool e.g. for Raster Prop Monitor. I hope that somebody will implement this system.

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