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US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack - MERGED INTO ROSolar


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This mod is no longer being maintained by me and I have handed all assets to the ROSolar team. Do not ask me for help or support, post all questions to the ROSolar github.


Many people have been asking me to release the solar panels from my various parts packs as their own standalone pack. Here it is! This pack contains most of the solar panels from my US and Soviet parts packs. The panels permanently attached to their respective crafts have been separated and modified to work as standalone parts. The solar panels that were already separate parts are NOT included.

I kept the original directory structures intact so if you already have my other parts packs this will merge into those folders and use the already existing assets preventing unnecessary raising of RAM usage.

If you enjoy this mod consider downloading my other mods from which these panels are derived.




Remove old version first. Unzip into your KSP main folder.


-This pack contains the majority of the solar panels used on my US and Soviet packs. Some have been slightly modified for use as a separate part rather than part of the original craft.


DOWNLOAD Download removed because mod longer exists as a standalone piece.

These mods are also available on CKAN


Some US panels: NASA JPL

Bahasp and rnmodules source: https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules

Reflection Plugin Source: https://github.com/raidernick/Reflection-Plugin-Continued




This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited

Edited by raidernick
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Thanks RaiderNick, I hope that this mod will expand just as fast as the probe packs. Also, I have to ask if you will do a pack for the antennae, and some solar panels that look like that of the Sirius Satellites.



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First of all, great pack!

Are Skylab's panels included in this pack? the third one sorta looks like one of them, but i'm missing the "umbrella" ones

Also, do you intend to make Solar Panels for Salyut 4, 6 and 7? :)

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  JoseEduardo said:
First of all, great pack!

Are Skylab's panels included in this pack? the third one sorta looks like one of them, but i'm missing the "umbrella" ones

Also, do you intend to make Solar Panels for Salyut 4, 6 and 7? :)

No Skylab panels are not included. I thought about it but both of the panels on skylab have a specific way that they attach to the station that makes it very difficult to adapt to work on any spacecraft. I would likely need to redo the panels entirely to fix this and I didn't think it was worth the time or effort to do.

My pack uses the kosmos panels for those stations. I had no intentions of making my own. Solar panels are extremely time consuming to make(for me anyway) and I often spend equal to or greater amount of time working on them than I do the spacecraft itself. Since those panels are perfectly functional I don't see a reason to make my own.

  Astrofox said:
Thanks RaiderNick, I hope that this mod will expand just as fast as the probe packs. Also, I have to ask if you will do a pack for the antennae, and some solar panels that look like that of the Sirius Satellites.


I don't plan to make any solar panels specifically for this pack. This is just a place to dump the panels from any spacecraft I make into their own individual parts. If at any point I make that particular satellite I will include the panels from it here.

Edited by raidernick
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  Martian said:
Love the panels, but unlocking them in stock career mode is much too easy- I can get them all just by opening up General Rocketry. Is there a way to fix this?

Probably, I don't care about career mode at all(it's pointless and repetitive) so I didn't even bother to set the parts up for that. Try editing the configs if you want them to be more balanced and whatnot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Jiraiyah said:
I have a little problem, in the kerbal stuff it shows that ckan has this in the list, but i can't find it in the ckan list, what is the name of the pack there?

It's not on ckan, I accidentally checked that while uploading it and there is no way to remove it now. However, seeing as how this has no dependencies I see no reason not to add it to ckan in the future.

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These are about the best panels ever....just saying =P

Quick question for ya...seeing how this is panels only mod figured its good spot ya....

Have heard several mention that solar panels now act as mild radiators in 1.0....have yet to have a chance to dig about myself, can u confirm/deny this?!?

If it was in 1.0 changelog I missed it somehow...

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Yes they do radiate heat. There are 3 new values in the config for them, unfortunately I didn't add these to the configs sooooo...I'll paste them here and you can add them yourself in you want. They will be in the next update but since I just released an update that won' be for some time. Besides, they are not required and make little difference.

thermalMassModifier = 2.0 (specific heat capacity of the part)

emissiveConstant = 0.95 (how much heat the panels dissipate, engines also have this value now which is default 0.8)

heatConductivity = 0.04 (conductivity of the part, draws heat away from other parts)

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I just noticed that the Almaz solar arrays are hogging all my fps. I put on 2 arrays in the VAB and my FPS goes down from 110 to 40-50. add another set and it goes down to 20-25. What's up with these parts? I love the look of them but I can't use them if they just ruin the gameplay for me. :/ I got an i5 4670k @stock and a GTX 980 and KSP is installed on an SSD so no problems there.

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There is nothing wrong with them. This is an issue on your end. My game is capped at 60 fps and no matter how man panels I add it stays at 60. The only time you may get some lag is when the panels are opening for the first time as this happens when a lot of colliders move. Once they are open there shouldn't be any lag. Here is a picture to prove the fps doesn't decrease on my laptop which has worse specs than your pc.


Edited by raidernick
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