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Bring Back the Magic Boulder!

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This is a thread focused on bringing back the Magic Boulder for KSP 1.1. Also, some quick facts:

The Magic Boulder orbited Ike in a 15km polar orbit.

It was a grey boulder with green stripes running through it.

There was a monolith on it which had text on it that was a reference to Pet Rock, a toy from the 70's that was very popular.

Yes, the fact above means that the Magic Boulder was the ultimate Pet Rock.

And to quote NovaSilisko, a former dev for KSP, the Magic Boulder was made of:

  NovaSilisko said:
Common volcanic basalt, with unusually high concentrations of love.

Now, armed with these facts and a love for the Magic Boulder, let's get it back into KSP!

EDIT: And kudos to this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115087-What-is-Magic-Boulder-Made-Of

EDIT2: A vid by Scott Manley that explains everything:

EDIT3: Just noticed that the text on the Magic Boulder told us a lot more about the kerbal universe than anything else anywhere.


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So it was a satellite of a satellite (moon, Ike) of a satellite (planet, Duna) of Kerbol? Did it have a SOI?

'Cuz if you could put up a probe (or an asteroid, that would be even better) to make a satellite of a satellite of a satellite of a satellite, that would be pretty badass.

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No, it was tiny and therefore it didn't have an SOI. Also, I think it was removed because of the astroids and the fact that they are practically the same, except no klaw support for the boulder.

Also, link to Scott Manley vid!

EDIT: Since astroids are the same, I think we should either add klaw support to the Boulder or make it big and give it an SOI if we want it back in the game.

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I think SQUAD needs to fix the easter eggs so their not underground/floating/missing, its gunna be 1.0 soon, the game shouldnt have things like this.

easter eggs are a large part of this game, and if one is missing, i dont think its complete.

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The boulder was removed because of changes in the code that forced all objects to have an icon in map view (or something along those lines) which ruined the surprise of the rock. It wasn't because of asteroids being similar to it. I don't think Squad wants to rewrite the game to allow it to exist in secret again.

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  NFUN said:
The boulder was removed because of changes in the code that forced all objects to have an icon in map view (or something along those lines) which ruined the surprise of the rock. It wasn't because of asteroids being similar to it. I don't think Squad wants to rewrite the game to allow it to exist in secret again.

If this is the case, then it's not hard to make it work.

We already have the option to filter what we want to see in map view, debris icons e.g. start as invisible, so they would only need another icon like this, but without the ability to make it visible. Half hour work max.

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  NFUN said:
The boulder was removed because of changes in the code that forced all objects to have an icon in map view (or something along those lines) which ruined the surprise of the rock. It wasn't because of asteroids being similar to it. I don't think Squad wants to rewrite the game to allow it to exist in secret again.

Ok then, that's good to know.

What's also good to know is that, like I said in the OP, the text on the monolith on the Boulder reveals a lot more about the Kerbal Universe than anything else anywhere. Check out Scott's vid for what it says.

EDIT: Kind of a necro, but

  NFUN said:
The boulder was removed because of changes in the code that forced all objects to have an icon in map view (or something along those lines) which ruined the surprise of the rock. It wasn't because of asteroids being similar to it. I don't think Squad wants to rewrite the game to allow it to exist in secret again.
What about the monoliths? Edited by RAINCRAFTER
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i am 100% in support of this, and i dont feel the whole asteroids make it redundant argument has any traction either. 1st of all, it was probably the HARDEST thing to get to (let alone find) in the entire game, and while i wasnt around long enough to have it before the removal, id love to see a truly difficult task to accomplish (and the fact that its the most unique easter egg in the whole game). I like some unique things, and i have to say of everything, having to 100% MANUALLY spot/aim at something in an odd orbit is a feat of itself.

Now, while we are at it, i would love the current easter eggs to be fixed, many are underground and unaccessible period (if you cant get to it, then remove the entire thing, as its extra textures/models that are for all intents and purposes impossible to even see normally). Please fix this in 1.1 or whatever update is after 1.0, since its a major annoyance to finally make a ship able to get to these locations, only to find uot you cant get to it as its underground.

Anyways, if its not possible to get the boulder (or other easter eggs) back, i am fine with it (the amount of content in just .90 alone makes up for the broken easter eggs), but itd be nice to have more of these things around.

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