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[1.8.x] KerboKatz - SmallUtilities - 18.10.2019


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  On 5/3/2016 at 6:37 AM, Deimos Rast said:

This chain of events relevant or am I just stringing together coincidences?


Error while reading AssetBundle header, only uncompressed AssetBundles with 'UnityRaw' signature are supported!

[KerboKatzAssetLoader] Bundle loaded. Accessing file at: assets/kerbokatz/textures/Icons/FPSLimiter.png

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KerboKatz.Assets.AssetLoader.GetAsset[Sprite] (System.String name, System.String pathInBundle, System.String bundlePath, System.String dataType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerboKatz.FPSL.FPSLimiter.onGameSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes GameScene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at PSystemSetup+��.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 



Yes that is why i assumed it was a corrupt file.

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Anyway, it's going on 2am here, so I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll probably just remove the FPS Limiter/Viewer package for now (my gfx card is an animal anyway:cool:). Let me know if you need me to test anything more tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help!:)


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  On 5/3/2016 at 6:45 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Anyway, it's going on 2am here, so I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll probably just remove the FPS Limiter/Viewer package for now (my gfx card is an animal anyway:cool:). Let me know if you need me to test anything more tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help!:)



Good night and I think you missed my post here.

I'll try things out in a vm and see if i can reproduce this.

Edit: Well i know why its not working now. I completely forgot how linux is case sensitive for files/file names. I'll push out an update.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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Hi SpaceTiger, I can't seem to make the FPSViewer stay where I want to put it - specifically, almost all the way flush with the top of the screen (just to the right of where it says MET in the flight scene).  I can move it to such a position and it will stay UNTIL I change the scene or restart KSP, when its position will have changed to be ~25ish pixels down.  Before 1.1, this was fine.  To clarify, it only seems to happen when I try to position it very near the top edge.  Otherwise, it will retain its position.  If it makes a difference, I run KSP in windowed mode with a very nonstandard resolution set by manually editing KSP's settings.cfg file.


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  On 5/3/2016 at 6:45 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Anyway, it's going on 2am here, so I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll probably just remove the FPS Limiter/Viewer package for now (my gfx card is an animal anyway:cool:). Let me know if you need me to test anything more tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help!:)



I just pushed an update to KerboKatzUtilites that should fix this issue. Basically the files were all lower case and all the mods were looking for a mix of lower and upper case just like their name. This doesn't cause any issues with Windows but Linux doesn't like it at all.

  On 5/3/2016 at 8:04 AM, Clouds said:

Hi SpaceTiger, I can't seem to make the FPSViewer stay where I want to put it - specifically, almost all the way flush with the top of the screen (just to the right of where it says MET in the flight scene).  I can move it to such a position and it will stay UNTIL I change the scene or restart KSP, when its position will have changed to be ~25ish pixels down.  Before 1.1, this was fine.  To clarify, it only seems to happen when I try to position it very near the top edge.  Otherwise, it will retain its position.  If it makes a difference, I run KSP in windowed mode with a very nonstandard resolution set by manually editing KSP's settings.cfg file.



I just pushed an update that should fix your issue. This was caused by having every label(max/current/min) visible on start but disabling it as soon as the settings load. But by that time the window was already being pushed down.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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1.3.5 Seems to have worked! At least, I was able to load successfully to the main menu with zero NRE's. Two things though:

  1. Is this still a debug build? Seems to be more log chatter than usual (although I don't really remember what "usual" is to be fair, it's just continually telling the log where all the assets are during loading, which it normally didn't do)
  2. The version of KerboKatzUtilities packaged with AutomatedScienceSampler is the old version still. MD5Sum of KerboKatzUtilities.dll for 1.3.5 is 94a20d3e4730f5c774ce518ce79b7186 and the one bundled with Sampler comes back 1dc7bf36df011b775b2d3e2b80d1278b (probably 1.3.4)

Cheers (and thanks again).:)


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  On 5/4/2016 at 4:09 AM, Deimos Rast said:


1.3.5 Seems to have worked! At least, I was able to load successfully to the main menu with zero NRE's. Two things though:

  1. Is this still a debug build? Seems to be more log chatter than usual (although I don't really remember what "usual" is to be fair, it's just continually telling the log where all the assets are during loading, which it normally didn't do)
  2. The version of KerboKatzUtilities packaged with AutomatedScienceSampler is the old version still. MD5Sum of KerboKatzUtilities.dll for 1.3.5 is 94a20d3e4730f5c774ce518ce79b7186 and the one bundled with Sampler comes back 1dc7bf36df011b775b2d3e2b80d1278b (probably 1.3.4)

Cheers (and thanks again).:)



1.3.5 is a full release version. As for the logs i might add an option later on but for now the logs will have to stay. I generally don't update all packages for a small bug fix but it looks like I'll have to update ASS today anyways.


I thank you for reporting this issue. No one else bothered and I'm sure we had a few Linux players download one of our mods.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 1:12 PM, SpaceTiger said:

I just pushed an update that should fix your issue. This was caused by having every label(max/current/min) visible on start but disabling it as soon as the settings load. But by that time the window was already being pushed down.


Thanks, it works!

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  On 5/8/2016 at 4:30 PM, SpaceTiger said:

I didn't try the 1.0.5 version in 1.1 but I'm quite certain that it doesn't work in its current state. We will be updating it once we are done with CraftHistory.


Ok thanks for the response.
I wanted to try and implement something like it in Hangar Extender. But my attempts endet with something quite strange where only tapping the control key again and again increased the Speed.

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The FPS Viewer doesn't remember the position.

I try to move it nearby the PhysicalTimeRatioViewer it seems there is kinda collision box around it (that is way too big), because on next load the FPS Viewer is moved to the last "good" position about 100 pixels or so away.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 6:58 AM, Gordon Dry said:

The FPS Viewer doesn't remember the position.

I try to move it nearby the PhysicalTimeRatioViewer it seems there is kinda collision box around it (that is way too big), because on next load the FPS Viewer is moved to the last "good" position about 100 pixels or so away.


I tried to reproduce this but so far was unable to do so. This sounds like its failing to save the settings. How are you exiting Kerbal? Try toggling one of the settings, this should save it.

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It's saving anything anywhere but not the position of the fps viewer in "normal" mode (however this mode is called, it starts with the launch).

Also the PhysicalTimeRatioViewer lacks to remember if I toggled the debug mode off, it's always on the next session.

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  On 5/16/2016 at 8:38 AM, Gordon Dry said:

It's saving anything anywhere but not the position of the fps viewer in "normal" mode (however this mode is called, it starts with the launch).


I'm not sure what is causing this, did you try toggling a settings(has to be a setting in the FPSViewer window) after you put it in the desired location ?


  On 5/16/2016 at 8:38 AM, Gordon Dry said:

Also the PhysicalTimeRatioViewer lacks to remember if I toggled the debug mode off, it's always on the next session.


I see what is happening here. I forgot to map the debug option here. Will be fixed in the next version.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 2:39 AM, Kerbinidiel said:

hi, i'm interested to the TempGauge disabler function... what i need to download from your website link or obtain this feature?


Isn't this an option in settings now? I know there was option for it for when parts overheat giving this option stock, or is there another one I'm forgetting about?

Edited by JeffreyCor
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