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What They Found in my Head...


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  Fr8monkey said:
I have a good chance to loose 75 - 100% of my hearing and a small chance of permanent loss of feeling in my face and tongue on the right side.

That is some serious stuff. Luckily you are in a country with some of the best care in the world. The best of luck to you, and let us know how things unfold if you feel like it. These things are scary at the best of times, but I hope we can offer you some support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. Just a note to tell everyone I am going to the hospital tomorrow (Monday) and am staying in "The Inn", accommodation rooms in the hospital.

I am going to be sooooo busy tomorrow and will check this post in the morning but may not post. After that it may be 2 - 3 weeks before I can come back.

Thinking negatively, which I usually don't, But with the chance of fun things like Meningitis, severe nerve damage and Epileptic damage, can't help but think of what may happen (which it won't)... Here is to all the friends on the internet... I love you all!

Talk to you in a few weeks!

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Your conditions are benign, not progressive or aggressive, and you have a good chance of major to complete recovery. There are implants and other aids that can help deal with hearing loss. Prayers of healing for you. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you back later in the year.

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You're in my prayers. Now cheer up and take a page from your Kerbals -- despite constant bumps to the head and presumably frequent brain injuries, they manage to have the most active and successful* space program known to mankind. You'll be fine.

(* - Total overall successful missions. Not indicative of statistical success "rate". Actual results may vary.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember a time [quite a while back] when I needed surgery in my head. From what you describe, I can say that we had similar experiences, only my condition was caused by heavy blunt trauma. I was hoping to bury the thought away...

But nope! My morbid curiosity got me again. Darn you, universe!

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Not to be debbie downer here, but his last post was on may 11th, today is june 1st, odds are he isn't doing too well.


on the bright side of things

I really hope he's OK

Wish you the best of luck man.

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  lajoswinkler said:
Recovering from such condition and subsequent surgery takes quite a bit and requires rest. Don't expect him to jump back to the forum.

Also, please try not to use "prepares trumpet" and such things here. It's really not cool.

Depending on the severity of the surgery and how invasive, not only will he face a good bit of recovery but (let us hope not) also many months of rehabilitation. I have a family member who has had serious brain surgery (astrocytoma tumor removal), and it took her years to recover ... and at that, she still suffered quite a bit of deficit as a result of the surgery. However, we're very glad and thankful to have her still with us. Instead of preparing trumpets, think good thoughts instead so to send positive vibes, and prayers - they do help.

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I'm back... kinda. Been lurking a bit; but haven't had the energy to post.

I was in the hospital until the 16th and had to be readmitted for meningitis. A week later, they let me out again. On the 28th (3 days later), I had to go back in again because My stitches loosened and I had a spinal fluid leek and was in for another week!

I have been back at the in-laws for 1 1\2 weeks (Cleaner than where I was living), on massive antibiotics and close watch.

I am very, very tired and still light headed to the point of confusion... probably the pressure in my head is lower than I have been used to and am not used to it. I feel like my head is full of water all the time.

Will try and keep posted.

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  Fr8monkey said:
I'm back... kinda. Been lurking a bit; but haven't had the energy to post.

I was in the hospital until the 16th and had to be readmitted for meningitis. A week later, they let me out again. On the 28th (3 days later), I had to go back in again because My stitches loosened and I had a spinal fluid leek and was in for another week!

I have been back at the in-laws for 1 1\2 weeks (Cleaner than where I was living), on massive antibiotics and close watch.

I am very, very tired and still light headed to the point of confusion... probably the pressure in my head is lower than I have been used to and am not used to it. I feel like my head is full of water all the time.

Will try and keep posted.

Good to see you've pulled through.

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  Fr8monkey said:
I'm back... kinda. Been lurking a bit; but haven't had the energy to post.

I was in the hospital until the 16th and had to be readmitted for meningitis. A week later, they let me out again. On the 28th (3 days later), I had to go back in again because My stitches loosened and I had a spinal fluid leek and was in for another week!

I have been back at the in-laws for 1 1\2 weeks (Cleaner than where I was living), on massive antibiotics and close watch.

I am very, very tired and still light headed to the point of confusion... probably the pressure in my head is lower than I have been used to and am not used to it. I feel like my head is full of water all the time.

Will try and keep posted.

God bless!

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