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Harv's 'Long Overdue' Feature?


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Ok, so shifting gears a bit. What do you think he meant by "more on that later". I mean, that was the last DevNotes, there isn't a lot of "later" left.

SquadCast, official video play through thing, and maybe the changelog.


Perhaps, but I would think Harvester would be the one to announce it since he started it. ....maybe... Harvester will appear on Squadcast?

I might actually watch Squadcast if HarvesteR is on.

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It could be through Squadcast, and definitely in the changelog. It could also be through gasp twitter.

It seems kinda dumb mentioning it without revealing it though and the only purpose I can think of doing so is to generate these kind of discussions.

On a somewhat unrelated note, it would be interesting if the dev team rotated who did the squad cast.

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Speaking of VAB, what about the background reflecting the time of day?

That wouldn't be too difficult, I think. But time doesn't actually pass while you're in the VAB does it? It's a nice touch anyways as it's always noon in the VAB time bubble.

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Yeah I wouldnt care if there was no clouds in battlefield or anyother game clouds dont effect the gameplay I dont interact with the clouds and frankly aesthetics will never be that important to me. give me a real gameplay feature not some white puffs in a skybox I dont care about.

Atmospherics just so happen to be a large factor in space/flight and rocketry. Sounds like your playing the wrong game. Especially if your bringing up battlefield...

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Yeah I wouldnt care if there was no clouds in battlefield or anyother game clouds dont effect the gameplay I dont interact with the clouds and frankly aesthetics will never be that important to me. give me a real gameplay feature not some white puffs in a skybox I dont care about.

Normally I would agree with you that graphic, resolution, frame rate, ect. don't matter as much as many modern AAA games emphasize; I'm perfectly fine with PS2 era graphics. Gameplay and story (if its that kind of game) are whats important, but clouds man...

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Yeah I wouldnt care if there was no clouds in battlefield or anyother game clouds dont effect the gameplay I dont interact with the clouds and frankly aesthetics will never be that important to me. give me a real gameplay feature not some white puffs in a skybox I dont care about.

I very much doubt that it would be anything involving game mechanics at this point, as they'd be pressed for time to balance it, or at the very least test it to make sure it doesn't cause problems. This rules life support out right away, and is a big strike against giving terrain scatter a collision mesh. On the flip side of this, he says he spent a few days implementing it. Past tense. So if it's minor enough, that's almost a week to playtest it.

I think it's going to be something UI, or strictly visual. And yes, as much as I'm a function over visuals kind of person, I played with a mod that added clouds once and was quite surprised by how much that one change made the game feel more real. I would not be disappointed if it is clouds, but I won't be disappointed if it's not clouds. If they've improved the memory consumption and handling as much as they seem to have, then I don't mind getting clouds from a mod.

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Yeah I wouldnt care if there was no clouds in battlefield or anyother game clouds dont effect the gameplay I dont interact with the clouds and frankly aesthetics will never be that important to me. give me a real gameplay feature not some white puffs in a skybox I dont care about.



TBH, those old dos games are still quite entertaining. Devs in those days had to rely on gameplay instead of graphics to get the player immersed (also no interwebs for bugfixing/adding features). So I can understand the gameplay >=graphics. However, it's not 1989 anymore...

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Are you saying you wouldn't find it odd to look up in [popular title] and see nothing but a flat blue skybox? It's not a "feature" because it's expected.

I'd actually be very, very challenged to try to remember whether or not any first person shooter-type game had clouds or not. I actually had to check in 7 Days to Die, despite it being an outdoor game.

If KSP was given decent clouds, I wouldn't mind, as unlike in most FPS games, you might actually go through one. That being said, I'd much rather have a radar altimeter in the main view than clouds, if I had to pick ONLY one.

Also, I think new players will remember crashing into the Mun with "4077" showing on their altimeter than lack of clouds. I lost a lot of probes doing exactly that prior to my first successful mun landing (I didn't attempt manned landing until I landed a few probes successfully. I think my original save had zero lost kerbals!).

Who knows though? Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll do both.

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Speaking of VAB, what about the background reflecting the time of day?

Quite possible...

That wouldn't be too difficult, I think. But time doesn't actually pass while you're in the VAB does it? It's a nice touch anyways as it's always noon in the VAB time bubble.
I think you have the golden ticket.



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Ok graphics aside

I think time of day in the VAB seems like a worthy possible feature. Its reasonably small but it affects both visuals and gameplay. It always throws me off to build something and then suddenly have it be night (though you could argue that they built it during the day and then now its night, but I don't want to). I do recall they saying something about them having it be day in the VAB because it was easier to see your craft when it's being built but maybe he fixed that.

Yep there's the post, in which he says it would be a ton of work, so maybe no that.

Edited by ImJake
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I'd actually be very, very challenged to try to remember whether or not any first person shooter-type game had clouds or not. I actually had to check in 7 Days to Die, despite it being an outdoor game.

Cloud in FPS games are like distant stars in KSP. They're just painted on the Skybox, no real challenge there. So I guess most FPS games would have clouds. :wink:

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