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Will you be updating to 1.0?


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I won't wait. At the very least I can start the early career contracts, I won't need mods for that. I would preferably like to start with Stage Recovery and RealChute at a minimum. Although, since completing one contract now completes all of the "lower level" ones, that may not take as much time as I'm thinking, I just have to get to orbit and I get them all.

Now that the atmospheric physics range has been extended, Stage Recovery may even become obsolete! Plus, the new atmosphere may make parachutes a little more realistic. :)

This update is going to be incredible; the number of features they packed in is amazing.

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nah, can't see the point really. WHAT!! are you kidding!?? Not only one of the biggest (the biggest?) updates, but the most significant one in KSP history (apart from maybe it's first public alpha release). Gotta be part of that!

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Yes yes yes, but probably not for a week or two. A month or so ago I spent a lot of time designing an entire infrastructure of stations, ferries, tugs, spaceplanes, rovers, landers, tankers, and fuel refineries to send to the Jool system, and they are just now beginning to arrive in Jool orbit... so I'd like to spend some time putting them in place and playing around with them before installing 1.0 and starting a new career save. (While I'm in the Jool system, I'd also like to take the time to visit a certain monument on Vall I've heard so much about!)

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I'll probably poke around in stock for a bit but I'll probably wait a week or two for mods to update before starting a long term save. On the bright side I can pretty much cut feram and DRE from the list of mods I need to wait for but then agian those tended to be ready withen a day or two anyway.

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Why wouldn't I update to 1.0? It's got bug fixes, new features, actual polish, and every mod will be updated within a week anyway. There would be no reason to stay on 0.90 unless you've become attached to ancient bugs and unfinished interiors.

EDIT: Well I can think of one reason people would not want to update. People don't want their old saves nuked. Still, you can just copy over the 0.90 folder to a different directory and then update. Then you can play 1.0 and still finish your old beta missions.

Edited by AlternNocturn
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Now that the atmospheric physics range has been extended, Stage Recovery may even become obsolete! Plus, the new atmosphere may make parachutes a little more realistic. :)

This update is going to be incredible; the number of features they packed in is amazing.

22 killometers is not nearly enough to make StageRecovery obsolete (I would need about 70km) and the new atmosphere will not make parachutes more realistic unless Squad changed the parachutes, which hasn't been confirmed yet. Plus, drag chutes on airplanes.

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I really hope that 27th in my time zone will not become 28th morning. Because I am too mad about it and I want to try new version just when it will be available for download on steam. So many plans!

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I will still retain 0.90 on my hard drive as a hangar for all my beta craft. I went from trainer jets to interplanetary ships within the span of the Beta period and I may still call upon the old workhorses from time to time. Some of the better designs/less ridiculous ideas will be ported over to 1.0 so long as they can play well with the new aerodynamics model, and the mod dependencies get updated quick enough.

I don't mind rebuilding all my craft from scratch with each new major KSP update, but

required about 3 weeks of work before they worked right!
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I will not update instantly on release, i don't have time on monday anyways, its always a good thing to wait for some mods to update or arrive.

No, its just not that much fun without awesome mods like Life Support, RPM, Clouds, etc....

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