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Whats the exact release hour ? 1.0


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  UnionPacific1983WP said:
Squad really needs to film the press of the button that releases 1.0. Been in the making since the first key press for the first little bit of code for KSP 0.1 back in January 2011.

Even longer!

  HarvesteR said:
Wow, I\'m amazed that still existed!

That\'s no April fool\'s gag there, it\'s the real deal. :)

I had completely forgotten about that 'log' though. I guess those ideas were stored in a pretty deep place in my brain.

And yeah it was just over 10 years ago. We were 17 at the time. Lots of free time :D

Awesome find there!!


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  Fel said:
Yes! The final "hype video" release should be the TEAM pushing a big red "GO" button.

A big red 'Launch' button you mean. Then in game we get a not yet announced feature of a big red 'Launch' button.

  ZooNamedGames said:
I'm not backseat modding as I never mentioned what was wrong here. I sent a report abuse in a confidential manner- end of discussion.

If your serious then your a knob end. Reporting for abuse for talking about the actual launch time. Get a life bro.

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Much more interesting would be how quick they release the very first patch to fix the issues with version 1.0, since never, really never in the past few years, any game stayed longer than 1 hour at version 1.0, hotfix inc! :)

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Guys it looks like you do not know Steam well enough.

OK so I will tell you how they are doing things.

We have to wait till some **** yan*** b**** get up in California , have his morning coffee , go to work and push the button for server update at 10:00am PST I think is the time zone.

So in Europe we will have it at around 15 or 16 GMT.

I already experienced this a few releases, last time it was Cities Skylines and the game was ready to download at 15 or 16GMT.

So yeah I hate to say but yeah we have to wait :( I do not think SQUAD paid some extra money so the game will be released in each time zone at midnight.

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  Hotblack Desiato said:
good thing, that I bought the game directly through their store on their website, not via steam.

on the other hand, if the website remains offline :/

It is likely it will be available from website and Steam at same time. It is likely Steam will handle it better.

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  Torham234 said:
Why was a server migration scheduled for the release day? Is it to cope with the high download rates?

It adds suspense, which is highly important in a situation such as this. Were the website up, it would seem too routine. You need the uncertain release time, and the down website to build the mood.

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  Torham234 said:
Why was a server migration scheduled for the release day? Is it to cope with the high download rates?

When the old server was notified about release, it ran away.

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  Torham234 said:
Why was a server migration scheduled for the release day? Is it to cope with the high download rates?

Or it's a generic message displayed when the site is down for maintenance. There was a migration some time ago, maybe they just didn't change the downtime page :cool:

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  Jovzin said:
Guys it looks like you do not know Steam well enough.

server update at 10:00am PST I think is the time zone.

Ahhhh nnnoooo that's 3 am where I live on Tuesday. I have to look after my boys all day so can't stay up that late for it. I won't be able to play until Tuesday evening. NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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  Hotblack Desiato said:
I know... I'm from austria ;-)

Netherlands here. This is what I was afraid of: I have a day off today, but I probably won't be able to play the game anyhow due to the time difference.

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