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Hype Train Express 1.0! (Pic Heavy)

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I suppose I could split it up into separate craft files for the engine, tender, and each passenger car. I know that the engine and tender together are over 500 parts, but about 100 of those are the KSP HYPE logo. and each car is less than 100 parts each, and they are all interchangeable.

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Thank you guys! Zekes :D, that means a lot coming from one of the forums big builders.

Also, I have added the download for the Hoopla Puff Jr. Link in the first post, and here as well.


I was also going to split up the Hype Train Express into individual components, but I've been side-tracked playing 1.0. I'll get to that soon hopefully.

Edited by Ival70
fixed url
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The A4 looks really cool, the only thing that I don't like is that the wheels are covered up on some of them. I'm thinking when (if) I ever make another, I'll try to do something that reduces the part count.. or I might go all out and make a union pacific big boy! (my computer says the first option is better). Also, by Wigeon, do you mean a duck, or an asteroid? Oh wait.. I get the joke. xD (it's a duck)

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  Ival70 said:
Also, by Wigeon, do you mean a duck, or an asteroid? Oh wait.. I get the joke. xD (it's a duck)

I originally wanted to settle with Gadwall or Garganey, but as it turns out, they were already taken by actual A4s :P

And covered up wheels on a certain number of them reminds me of '50s and '60s American Cars.

I am also considering a B6 Sir Martin Kerman as well as the Wigeon.

Edited by KotDemopan
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  KotDemopan said:
And covered up wheels on a certain number of them reminds me of '50s and '60s American Cars.

I do get that vibe from it, which kind of makes sense considering the A4 was in service then. The reason I don't like it so much is because I really enjoy seeing all the motion behind moving the wheels.

I might try to do something without a tender, a tank engine, or maybe an electric engine.. I've always liked the PRR GG1.

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I think I liked the more open wheeled design because it didn't deviate to far from other standard hypetrains. It still held onto the classic hypetrain look, we just gave it a little more of an aerodynamic touch with a dash of detail. Although, a fully streamlined, wheel covered engine sounds like a rather good idea :)

Edited by Otterer
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  On 3/30/2016 at 5:35 PM, Ohm Machre said:

KerbalX no longer seems to have the Hype Train. This makes me very sad with the advent of 1.1. :c


Oh wow, this thread used to have something like 10 pages before the forums migrated, odd...

Glad to see this thread rise from the Moholes at any rate.


Anyhow, I think the downloads should be working now.  If it still isn't working, I could arrange another way to download it.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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