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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Yeah, this is looking like the best mod so far, for those wanting a small supply, maybe we can come up with MM config to add small sensible amount to crewed parts.

I still like the idea to have those bags someone made for TACLS, use them in utility pods and cargo holds, specially if additional KIS support to mode around.

I also hope to have configuration so can have Kerbals going immediately on strike. Anyway, why isn't this on CKAN yet?

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Or use the brilliant KIS mod to slap that docking port on.
I tried but it's quite buggy so far

I've not had any problems with KIS in 1.0.2. And, I use a lot of mods. I've been able to attach and detach large and small parts without the ejection we see in that video.

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An in-game difficulty setting (or per save, ideally) would be nice. That way I can have death on, and my kids can have it off (they can;t stand the idea of killing cute kerbals)

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for those wanting a small supply, maybe we can come up with MM config to add small sensible amount to crewed parts.

Posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again. :)


Adds 15 days worth of supplies per crew slot to command modules and 30 days per crew slot to non-command crewed parts. Adjust to taste by opening with notepad or your equivalent text editor of choice.

I also hope to have configuration so can have Kerbals going immediately on strike.

In \GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\ you should find Settings.cfg. I haven't tested it, but if you change

SupplyTime = 324000


SupplyTime = 0

you should get instant grumpiness.

why isn't this on CKAN yet?

As of right now (18:20 EST May 3) I see it on CKAN, listed as "USI Life Support". Look again? Maybe it got posted since you last checked.

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Why do you want to make mulch? Mulch comes from Kerbals...

Otherwise the greenhouses in the Aeroponics module and Pioneer module won't function... Also, the first post says that the Pioneer module *will* have a mulcher. Does this mean that it's not implemented?

Edited by Playful1510
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could you implement a food 'deficit'? (like -x days food) So, for example, if a Kerbal has been without food for 30 days and is on strike, then when food is provided the ravenous fellow gets to binge eat to make up the 30 days? The rationale is to prevent having Kerbals live in starvation only being fed when required to do something.

Also, does the strike affect MP Labs in operation? Or any other background process?

As always, the USI family of mods really increases my enjoyment of the game. So thanks :)

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Posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again. :)


Adds 15 days worth of supplies per crew slot to command modules and 30 days per crew slot to non-command crewed parts. Adjust to taste by opening with notepad or your equivalent text editor of choice.

I would suggest the following change to each of the overrides:

@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],[COLOR="#FF0000"]!RESOURCE[Supplies],[/COLOR]#CrewCapacity[>0]] {

Add the bit in red to each of them. It'll stop it from overriding parts that already have specified supplies, which are inevitably coming.

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Otherwise the greenhouses in the Aeroponics module and Pioneer module won't function... Also, the first post says that the Pioneer module *will* have a mulcher. Does this mean that it's not implemented?

Not quite.

The pioneer has it abstracted - it goes straight from mulch to supplies.

The aeroponics module makes organics from mulch, which is produced by kerbals. It can also make organics straight from water+substrate (farming!). there is no need to create mulch other than that created by kerbals. The kerbitat is what transforms organics to supplies (again, the pioneer module has both of these bits built into a single converter).

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Posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again. :)

As of right now (18:20 EST May 3) I see it on CKAN, listed as "USI Life Support". Look again? Maybe it got posted since you last checked.

Thanks for both stuff I feel I can start using the mod then :), thanks for both notes.

A side comment about the supply bags. Aside from those mentioned in TACLS, there is also the very convenient Universal Storage, it already provide support for like three different LS support mods.

If anybody wants, a simple patch to use one of its parts, shouldn't be too hard.

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Thanks for both stuff I feel I can start using the mod then :), thanks for both notes.

A side comment about the supply bags. Aside from those mentioned in TACLS, there is also the very convenient Universal Storage, it already provide support for like three different LS support mods.

If anybody wants, a simple patch to use one of its parts, shouldn't be too hard.

Universal Storage is already promising to make a set of parts for USI-LS. The problem is that when Rover named his DLL he used the same name as ECLSS so there is no way currently for anyone to differentiate the two with MM patches. Rover already mentioned he is going to update the DLL name next release, Universal Storage is more or less waiting for that :P

I jury rigged my own if you want to use it. No guarantees on actual balance though since i just divided the 1.25 NOMS container value by 4 to determine how much supplies to put in the wedge. (Since the smallest is a 4 wedge split)

// ==================== Universal Storage ====================
// Disables the ECLSS Parts that get enabled due to the DLL Confusion
TechRequired = unresearchable
category = -1
TechRequired = unresearchable
category = -1
TechRequired = unresearchable
category = -1
// ==================== New Modules ====================
name = US_Wedge_Supplies
module = Part
author = Paul Kingtiger & Daishi

model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R320_Wedge_Food/model
//texture = Food , UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R320_Wedge_Food/Food
scale = 1, 1, 1
mesh = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R320_Wedge_Food/model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_back = 0.187, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 1250
cost = 250
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Universal Storage: Supplies Bag
manufacturer = Umbra Space Industries
description = A tank filled to the brim with Nutritional Organic Meal Substitutes (N.O.M.S.).

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.030
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 15
maxTemp = 1200
emissiveConstant = 0.95
thermalMassModifier = 4.0

// *******************************************************
// Modules
name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 001 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Open Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Close Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
actionEnableName = Open Hatch // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
actionDisableName = Close Hatch // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
animationSpeed = 0.5 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)
oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = true // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = true // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 2 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 002 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Structure Off // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Structure On // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
// actionEnableName = Structure Off // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
// actionDisableName = Structure On // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
animationSpeed = 1000 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)
oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = false // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = false // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 5 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.04, -0.03)
evaPartDir = (0,0,1)
attachNodeName = back
customGroundPos = true
dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55)
dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)
bayType = wedge
bayNode = back
bayRot = (0, 0, 1)

// *******************************************************
// Resources
name = Supplies
amount = 125
maxAmount = 125
name = US_Wedge_Mulch
module = Part
author = Paul Kingtiger & Daishi

model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R350_Wedge_Waste/model
//texture = SolidWaste , UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R350_Wedge_Waste/SolidWaste
scale = 1, 1, 1
mesh = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R350_Wedge_Waste/model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_back = 0.187, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 1250
cost = 250
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Universal Storage: Mulch Tank
manufacturer = Umbra Space Industries
description = Where Nutritional Organic Meal Substitutes (N.O.M.S.) go after your done with them.

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.030
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 15
maxTemp = 1200
emissiveConstant = 0.95
thermalMassModifier = 4.0

// *******************************************************
// Modules
name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 001 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Open Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Close Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
actionEnableName = Open Hatch // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
actionDisableName = Close Hatch // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
animationSpeed = 0.5 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)
oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = true // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = true // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 2 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 002 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Structure Off // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Structure On // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
// actionEnableName = Structure Off // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
// actionDisableName = Structure On // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
animationSpeed = 1000 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)
oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = false // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = false // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 5 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.04, -0.03)
evaPartDir = (0,0,1)
attachNodeName = back
customGroundPos = true
dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55)
dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)
bayType = wedge
bayNode = back
bayRot = (0, 0, 1)

// *******************************************************
// Resources
name = Mulch
amount = 0
maxAmount = 150
name = US_Wedge_Reprocessor
module = Part
author = Paul Kingtiger & Daishi

model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1P140_Wedge_WRS/model
//texture = Purifier , UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1P140_Wedge_WRS/Purifier
scale = 1, 1, 1
mesh = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1P140_Wedge_WRS/model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_back = 0.187, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 17500
cost = 3500
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Universal Storage: Mulch Reprocessor
manufacturer = Umbra Space Industries
description = A compact organics reprocessor for converting Mulch back into usable Nutritional Organic Meal Substitutes (N.O.M.S.). We are not sure how this process works or if this is healthy in the long run.

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.150
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 15
maxTemp = 1200
emissiveConstant = 0.95
thermalMassModifier = 4.0

// *******************************************************
// Modules
name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 001 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Open Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Close Hatch // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
actionEnableName = Open Hatch // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
actionDisableName = Close Hatch // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.

animationSpeed = 0.5 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)

oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = true // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = true // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 2 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = ModuleAnimator
animationName = Take 002 // Name of the animation from the model
guiEnableName = Structure Off // Part tooltip name to display for deployment
guiDisableName = Structure On // Part tooltip name to display for retraction
actionEnableName = Structure Off // Action group name for deployment. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.
actionDisableName = Structure On // Action group name for retraction. If you don't include it, this action group won't appear.

animationSpeed = 1000 // Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good)

oneShot = false // If the animation can only be played once
activeEditor = true // If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
activeFlight = false // If the part tooltip is visible in flight
activeUnfocused = false // If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
unfocusedRange = 5 // The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.04, -0.03)
evaPartDir = (0,0,1)
attachNodeName = back
customGroundPos = true
dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55)
dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)
bayType = wedge
bayNode = back
bayRot = (0, 0, 1)

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Reprocessor
StartActionName = Start Reprocessor
StopActionName = Stop Reprocessor
FillAmount = 0.95

AutoShutdown = true
GeneratesHeat = true
TemperatureModifier = 150
UseSpecializationBonus = false
DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.5

ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 6
ResourceName = Supplies
Ratio = 0.0001
DumpExcess = False
// *******************************************************
// Resources

And yes they do account for the current heat numbers of the 1.0.2 version release of Universal Storage. At least I think they are all set correctly :P


Supplies Bag - 125 Supplies

Mulch Tank - 150 Mulch

Reprocessor - Mulch to Supplies at same ratio as MKS Pioneer Module

Edited by ExavierMacbeth
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Odd thing just happened.

Playing a new career with 1.0.2. Finally decided to take a rescue mission as I have a probe core to stick on a mk1 now. Rendezvous with Jenvie's hulk. I'm a couple hundred meters away. Switch to her pod (mk1 inline cockpit), and EVA her. She was outside, and I had time to turn her suit lights on, then she shot off, and I mean SHOT. I switched back to my rescue craft to match with her… she was already kms away. OK (!?!). Then I get a message a second later that she died of starvation (I turned death on, obviously).

Obviously whatever shot her off is not related, but I didn't realize she had no EVA support. If you don't own the verbal, does it not get LS supplies for EVA?

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Odd thing just happened.

Playing a new career with 1.0.2. Finally decided to take a rescue mission as I have a probe core to stick on a mk1 now. Rendezvous with Jenvie's hulk. I'm a couple hundred meters away. Switch to her pod (mk1 inline cockpit), and EVA her. She was outside, and I had time to turn her suit lights on, then she shot off, and I mean SHOT. I switched back to my rescue craft to match with her… she was already kms away. OK (!?!). Then I get a message a second later that she died of starvation (I turned death on, obviously).

Obviously whatever shot her off is not related, but I didn't realize she had no EVA support. If you don't own the verbal, does it not get LS supplies for EVA?

I confirm - weird things happen with death option turned on (so I have it off for now). Last time I landed pod to mountains, kerbal went EVA, death message appeared but I still had control over him. Weirdest thing was - he started to ignore gravitation like if it was in space. Then I hit pod with him trying to get inside and lost control partially - he started to spin around freely while I still had ability to adjust his trajectory with RCS.

Edited by prog
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I'm getting really sick of you modders and your coming up with awesome mods I want to install.


Really this looks cool. It does two things that I personally wanted from snacks (predictability and serious consequence) and the storage containers look swell to boot.

I'm'a think I'll add this right now.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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I confirm - weird things happen with death option turned on (so I have it off for now). Last time I landed pod to mountains, kerbal went EVA, death message appeared but I still had control over him. Weirdest thing was - he started to ignore gravitation like if it was in space. Then I hit pod with him trying to get inside and lost control partially - he started to spin around freely while I still had ability to adjust his trajectory with RCS.

I just remembered, she did not fling off immediately, I had her RCS on, and her attitude would not change (she'd not rotate) and I had to thrust down to get to the rescue craft.

Could she have been "on strike" or something? Perhaps the rescued hulk somehow was not given the 15 days?

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I would suggest the following change to each of the overrides:

@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],[COLOR="#FF0000"]!RESOURCE[Supplies],[/COLOR]#CrewCapacity[>0]] {

Add the bit in red to each of them. It'll stop it from overriding parts that already have specified supplies, which are inevitably coming.

That's a good idea! Thanks, I'll update the file when I get a chance. :)

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I might as well ask this. I like the USI Kolonization stuff, but what do I need to do to make that mod closer to stock? I'm trying to dribble in as few mods as possible to prevent problems (lower part counts, etc), and with your ISRU already in stock, I figured that I could use what we have built-in, and stick with the habs for some outposts or stations (and it works with USILS).

What cfgs/directories can go bye-bye? USITools? the CRP directory? Then dump part cfgs that look like I don't need them (drills, refineries, etc)?

Feel free to kick me in the head or something if this is an inappropriate request for info, I spent a lot of time modding SH4, and I get how much of a PITA tangential questions and requests can be :)

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I might as well ask this. I like the USI Kolonization stuff, but what do I need to do to make that mod closer to stock? I'm trying to dribble in as few mods as possible to prevent problems (lower part counts, etc), and with your ISRU already in stock, I figured that I could use what we have built-in, and stick with the habs for some outposts or stations (and it works with USILS).

What cfgs/directories can go bye-bye? USITools? the CRP directory? Then dump part cfgs that look like I don't need them (drills, refineries, etc)?

Feel free to kick me in the head or something if this is an inappropriate request for info, I spent a lot of time modding SH4, and I get how much of a PITA tangential questions and requests can be :)

Pretty sure the answer is going to be that this mod is designed to work as a whole. If you want to pick it apart you are on your own. I know for me personally I don't want something like this taking Rover's valuable and limited time away from actually updating the mod.

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Hence my asking if I was heading in the right direction, nothing more. This particular USI mod (LS) is very much a "stock-like" feel, and in his dev thread, he says as much. Some of the parts in the USIK mod are, while not "required" very desirable for a stock user using USILS.

Given that rover dude's own ISRU framework is now stock, I thought that it was not a bad question to ask, and in fact I explicitly said I'd do it myself, I'm about as undemanding as they come as a mod "customer" and did not presume to ask roverdude to do it, I just want to know what is safe to axe myself.

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I might as well ask this. I like the USI Kolonization stuff, but what do I need to do to make that mod closer to stock? I'm trying to dribble in as few mods as possible to prevent problems (lower part counts, etc), and with your ISRU already in stock, I figured that I could use what we have built-in, and stick with the habs for some outposts or stations (and it works with USILS).

What cfgs/directories can go bye-bye? USITools? the CRP directory? Then dump part cfgs that look like I don't need them (drills, refineries, etc)?

Feel free to kick me in the head or something if this is an inappropriate request for info, I spent a lot of time modding SH4, and I get how much of a PITA tangential questions and requests can be :)

It would be rather pointless to try and pull it apart to be honest. Mostly for two reasons:

1) You would need to backtrack the assets to remove with the part cfgs (All the assets share a folder instead of being in the folder with the part cfg)

2) The reason for above is that Rover uses alot of shared assets. In a way the mod has already been cut down to the bare minimum when it comes to system resource usage. Delete the wrong asset and you may break multiple parts.

If your specifically after removing parts so they don't show up ingame as options, well thats more a case of trial and error really. With the exception of the 2 "MKS_EL_" modules everything else (including the module that actually makes the EL Rocketparts) has a specific MKS functionality. Deleting any of them will cause a gap in your supply chain overall. Rover has put alot of work in condensing this mode down from the previous versions. I still remember my 0.25 version where a base needed something like 12 core modules just to have all the basic supply chain... Its currently down to what 4? (Hub, Kerbitat, Aeroponics, Fabricator). Thats of course just the converters not the rest of the base building tools & fuel refineries.

EDIT: You might be able to drop the drills as I have noticed (at least with Karbonite & Karb+) that the new stock drill seems to collect anything using the stock resource system. But i haven't had a chance to see if its also affecting MKS resources. But its probobly not worth the effort tracking them down for removal, and they give you a more compact option over the stock drill.

Edited by ExavierMacbeth
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It would be rather pointless to try and pull it apart to be honest. Mostly for two reasons:

1) You would need to backtrack the assets to remove with the part cfgs (All the assets share a folder instead of being in the folder with the part cfg)

2) The reason for above is that Rover uses alot of shared assets. In a way the mod has already been cut down to the bare minimum when it comes to system resource usage. Delete the wrong asset and you may break multiple parts.

If your specifically after removing parts so they don't show up ingame as options, well thats more a case of trial and error really. With the exception of the 2 "MKS_EL_" modules everything else (including the module that actually makes the EL Rocketparts) has a specific MKS functionality. Deleting any of them will cause a gap in your supply chain overall. Rover has put alot of work in condensing this mode down from the previous versions. I still remember my 0.25 version where a base needed something like 12 core modules just to have all the basic supply chain... Its currently down to what 4? (Hub, Kerbitat, Aeroponics, Fabricator). Thats of course just the converters not the rest of the base building tools & fuel refineries.

Yeah, but I'm not using Karbonite or EL, so I just want the habs. I understand the integration, which is why I asked. I can dump the non-hab cfgs, but I don't want to break stock ISRU by keeping the other stuff. If it's not possible, then that's the answer. I might be a novel USILS user in that I am not using karbonite.

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I am not sure I understand what you would break in stock with MKS & USI-LS.

The Stock ISRU converts Ore > Fuel. MKS uses the stock system but converts Water+Subtrate minables to USI-LS stuff. Water to fuels, and another couple of minables to Spare Parts & Machinery needed to keep the base running.

Besides using the stock resource handling & sharing similar outputs (for the Fuel Refinery at least) they use a completely different set of resources through a different supply chain.

There really arn't any non-hab parts to dump. Since removing the non-converter modules (like bases, tubes, etc) will just make it even harder to assemble your base :P

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