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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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The greenhouses are fine on smaller vessels, but a full station with real Aeroponics at 90%, you lose efficiency with a 50% greenhouse. As far as mass, the small kontainers are 0.4 tons Vs 1.5 tons for the wee greenhouses.

My assumption is that the Pioneer module is pretty much obsolete on vessels that have a Kerbitat and Aeroponics, since adding a dedicated lab is much lighter.

My thought was that since the Aeroponics inflatables have storage for water substrate and Organics now, it would make sense for somewhere in the chain to hold mulch (Kerb+ Inflateables and Habi+ inflatables) without having to build any additional storage. I mean I am able remember now, but I had to launch 2 rescue missions over it and it is a bit of a pain.

For surface bases the landing sections have it. I suppose on massive stations you'd just be using the LS inflatable storage, but for the sake of not wrecking missions, I think having a tiny amount(50-1000) of mulch storage in the inflatable habs would be a positive change.

Similar to someone else on here, I tweaked the small supply container to also have space for 100 mulch, and I strap an empty pair on to the aero module or wherever needs mulch storage. Works a treat, and the specs (weight, 100 days mulch storage for 1 kerbal, etc) are about right. You can bolt on one of the other storage containers, but they are all either very big or very heavy, and this looks much prettier. Technically, you could cheat a little and put both supplies and mulch in there I guess, but we're only talking about 100 units after all, and I'm sure no-one wants to store their supplies in the garbage can.

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Is there a way to disable the kicking supplies out the airlock feature? I just lost all my supplies on a Jool mission even though I had full power and that giant USI generator providing more power than they'd ever need. It happened immediately upon jumping to the ship via Kerbal Alarm Clock, so I suppose there could be a compatibility issue, but I'd prefer to just remove that mechanic entirely.

My solar-powered ships consistently lose all power at maximum warp due to something funky going on with how solar input is calculated. I generally have to warp at the 2nd-fastest speed in those situations, which is annoying.

Not sure why it's causing you an issue - I've had no such problems in multiple saves - and there's no option for disabling that feature as it's built into the code.

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great lifesupp addon. i do not see why this is called alpha.

please convert textures to *.DDS for faster loading times. you may use this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter i didnt checked your other addons but may help you

i'm not sure i understand how NomOMatic5000 works. I added it to a vessel, no additional food containers. 3 Kerbals started eating while on their way to minmus, at some point i switched it on. After a while, supplies got empty and 87 mulch was there. Why is there mulch when it should get converted to supplies?

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After trying out the other LS mods, I've decided this is the one for me. It does fit the Kerbal "theme" and doesn't require micro managing a lot of different resources, and I'm also using MKS/OKS. I've been playing with this on my career on a custom hard mode and I've finally unlocked the tech I need and raised enough money to finally set off and start exploring the Mun. I don't want to have to bring extra parts just to store a few supplies for quick missions to the Mun and Minmus, plus I can't afford to upgrade the VAB right now and that 30 part limit is making it hard. I realize Kerbals go without supplies for 15 days, but that feels cruel to send them off for several days without snacks. I also seems a bit odd that they can't stuff a few days of supplies in the command pods and passenger modules, so I decided to make a module manager config that adds supplies to any part capable of holding crew:

Add_SPC = 5 // Number of Supplies to add per crew

SPC = #$@Supplies_Settings/Add_SPC$
@SPC *= #$CrewCapacity$

%name = Supplies
%amount = #$/SPC$
%maxAmount = #$/SPC$

It will add 5 supplies per crew to any crewable part. Of course you can edit the "Add_SPC = 5" to add whatever you find is reasonable. Five supplies gives about 4.5 days worth of life support and seems reasonable for me.

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If you use KIS you can cram snack sized supply containers into a kerbals pockets, actually it's kind if a cheaty way of getting around the 30 part limit, but docking multiple ships together gets around that anyway.

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Not sure why it's causing you an issue - I've had no such problems in multiple saves - and there's no option for disabling that feature as it's built into the code.

This is a problem, this keeps happening to me no matter how much I save scum. Leaving kerbin SOI with nonorange kerbals is impossible unless you built anti save scumming into the event.

- - - Updated - - -

I am losing power which is what's triggering it, but there's no reason for me to lose it, solar panels just stop working during warp despite sunlight will have to figure out which mod that is.

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This is a problem, this keeps happening to me no matter how much I save scum. Leaving kerbin SOI with nonorange kerbals is impossible unless you built anti save scumming into the event.

- - - Updated - - -

I am losing power which is what's triggering it, but there's no reason for me to lose it, solar panels just stop working during warp despite sunlight will have to figure out which mod that is.

Um it really looks like you are calling someone scum in your post. May want to edit that a bit.

But I believe what you are experiencing is more of a KSP issue with how it handles power production when at high warp and stuff. Usually batteries help this. Hard to really say what's happening though without knowing what the craft is like really. But it's sort of like TAC was I'm guessing, you'd have to refocus on ships before things ran out or kerbals would die. Unfortunately I have not got to the point of venturing out of kerbin SOI. But I'll put a ship in orbit and see if I have problems with supplies. When I get a chance in a bit.

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Haha! No, "save scum" is a pretty common term, enough that I don't think RD would think he was being called scum :D

Good to know. Actually never heard the term before.:)

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@Requia - sorry, I just can't repro this, and at this point looks more like a ship design issue. I assume you have adequate batteries, etc.?

Side note - let us know how much battery storage and how many Kerbals are on that ship.

Edited by RoverDude
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I've made several ships that utilize the 1500kw USI generator, and the bug is reproduced every time for me. At maximum warp, with the generator on and having less than 10% of its output utilized, and with some tens of thousands of KW of battery capacity, the power levels fluctuate, very often going to zero after a short time and staying that way. I do assume it's a stock issue since the same thing happens with solar panels; it nevertheless seems quite problematic to incorporate a mission failure mode that is triggered so readily by this stock bug.

It happened on two different missions recently, one with a crew of 3 and another with a crew of 6. I also hadn't heard of "save scumming", but that's exactly what this situation has required for me.

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I've noticed I never stopped here to show my appreciation for your work, RoverDude.

So, thank you so much for making this! Your effort is much appreciated, really. :)

I second this. Thank you for all your patience and your genuine attitude towards newbies like me, sincerely.

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@Requia - sorry, I just can't repro this, and at this point looks more like a ship design issue. I assume you have adequate batteries, etc.?

Side note - let us know how much battery storage and how many Kerbals are on that ship.

Sorry if my second post wasn't clear, the solar panels are getting a day/night cycle even though I'm in solar orbit. It can't be your mod causing that bug, I'm just only noticing it because of life support+remote tech combined.

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Sorry if my second post wasn't clear, the solar panels are getting a day/night cycle even though I'm in solar orbit. It can't be your mod causing that bug, I'm just only noticing it because of life support+remote tech combined.

Is it possible the panels are getting stuck and not tracking with the sun? I've seen it happen before mostly with non stock solar panels. Or possibly they don't track at certain high warp levels? That is the only things I can think that is happening to cause that in solar orbit. Like I said haven't gotten to stocked supply manned missions yet, but I had no problems with my scansat satellites. But they had a bunch of non moving panels and even with a night cycle I didn't see gaps in the scan like it lost power.

Does your craft have some sort of high power draw though? If you can find a way to get a craft file to Roverdude. He has asked for one about power issues, though not in direct reply to your post. But he will try and see if he can figure it out with your craft file.. Be sure to mention any mods he may need for the craft too.

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Yeah the remote tech comms add a huge power draw, shutting it down let me do the mission (might have problems when it comes time for science lab deliveries, I like to run those on the way :huh:). But if it was a tracking problem it should go down and stay down for half the orbit, instead it seems to be on something like a weekly schedule.

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