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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Was making a mod pack with this as the life support system, and as testing I would load up the tutorial missions, however the craft keeps exploding in a very non center-of-mass style. Ended up finding out that having this mod (and its pre-reqs, though those by themselves do not cause this issue) and nothing else is causing this. I keep everything else and remove USI Life Support and they do not blow up. What is causing this?

To replicate, all I do in 1.0.2 is install USI Life Support via CKAN, no other mods, launch game, launch, say the Docking or Orbital tutorials, boom within 2 seconds.

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  RoverDude said:
It was not able to convert mulch faster than it was generated. A nomOmatic can only keep up with one Kerbal's mulch.

Thanks for clarifying this. Didn't tried it yet, but i guess its cheating the system until all mulch is gone? I mean, produces 1 food - kerbal 1 eats, produces another 1 - another kerbal got more hungry and so on.

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  OvermindDL1 said:
Was making a mod pack with this as the life support system, and as testing I would load up the tutorial missions, however the craft keeps exploding in a very non center-of-mass style. Ended up finding out that having this mod (and its pre-reqs, though those by themselves do not cause this issue) and nothing else is causing this. I keep everything else and remove USI Life Support and they do not blow up. What is causing this?

To replicate, all I do in 1.0.2 is install USI Life Support via CKAN, no other mods, launch game, launch, say the Docking or Orbital tutorials, boom within 2 seconds.

No answer, probably a bug with the tutorial missions. tbh I would not be using those as a benchmark.

  Tahib said:
Thanks for clarifying this. Didn't tried it yet, but i guess its cheating the system until all mulch is gone? I mean, produces 1 food - kerbal 1 eats, produces another 1 - another kerbal got more hungry and so on.

I do not understand your statement.. If you had four nom o matics and four kerbals, you would see all mulch consumed, but less supplies created. So there is a long tail, but your overall time with life support is going to be finite.

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  OvermindDL1 said:
Was making a mod pack with this as the life support system, and as testing I would load up the tutorial missions, however the craft keeps exploding in a very non center-of-mass style. Ended up finding out that having this mod (and its pre-reqs, though those by themselves do not cause this issue) and nothing else is causing this. I keep everything else and remove USI Life Support and they do not blow up. What is causing this?

To replicate, all I do in 1.0.2 is install USI Life Support via CKAN, no other mods, launch game, launch, say the Docking or Orbital tutorials, boom within 2 seconds.

Tutorials don't like USI Life Support, take a look at this post.

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I keep losing the USILS button. Any way to keep it from disappearing? Or how to get it back? I've restarted several times, and can't find anything in the configs that would turn it off. It's not in Blizzy's toolbar not the KSP bar at the top right.

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Hey, I really like this and am going to put it on my career save (will require some emergency NOMS deliveries to a few space stations and bases but oh well)

Question: is there any part that makes mulch for the greenhouse other than the kerbals themselves? I am thinking i want to have some kind of in-situ closed loop solution but do not necessarily want to rise to the complexity of a full MKS setup. If not, I was thinking of trying to mod the stock ISRU converter to make ore into mulch.... thinking like Andy Wier here, just mix some local soil with the organics and start growing potatoes :)

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  Kuzzter said:
Hey, I really like this and am going to put it on my career save (will require some emergency NOMS deliveries to a few space stations and bases but oh well)

Question: is there any part that makes mulch for the greenhouse other than the kerbals themselves? I am thinking i want to have some kind of in-situ closed loop solution but do not necessarily want to rise to the complexity of a full MKS setup. If not, I was thinking of trying to mod the stock ISRU converter to make ore into mulch.... thinking like Andy Wier here, just mix some local soil with the organics and start growing potatoes :)

I have think the same, but better than use ore with CRP use wather, have a greenhouse hable to drill wather for a 100% recycling or without wather 50% recycling like the little one

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  RoverDude said:
Nice bit is that any converters you want to make can easily be done with stock.
Yup, your code is so nice and clean I think even I can copy and paste in a 'mulch' module :)

What would you say is a fair conversion ratio for Ore --> Mulch? If 0.5 Ore can make 1.0 LF+O2 or 1.0 Mono, then I'd think 1.0 Mulch is not too OP... though one could also make an argument for it to be lossy.

ETA: Ha haaaa, it works!


Anyone who wants to do this, just paste the following into your ISRU.cfg file


name = ModuleResourceConverter

ConverterName = Mulch

StartActionName = Start Mulching [Mulch]

StopActionName = Stop Mulching [Mulch]

AutoShutdown = false

GeneratesHeat = false

UseSpecialistBonus = true

SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2

SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05

Specialty = Engineer

EfficiencyBonus = 1



ResourceName = Ore

Ratio = 0.50





ResourceName = ElectricCharge

Ratio = 30




ResourceName = Mulch

Ratio = 1.0

DumpExcess = false




Edited by Kuzzter
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  Kuzzter said:
Yup, your code is so nice and clean I think even I can copy and paste in a 'mulch' module :)

What would you say is a fair conversion ratio for Ore --> Mulch? If 0.5 Ore can make 1.0 LF+O2 or 1.0 Mono, then I'd think 1.0 Mulch is not too OP... though one could also make an argument for it to be lossy.

ETA: Ha haaaa, it works!


Anyone who wants to do this, just paste the following into your ISRU.cfg file


name = ModuleResourceConverter

ConverterName = Mulch

StartActionName = Start Mulching [Mulch]

StopActionName = Stop Mulching [Mulch]

AutoShutdown = false

GeneratesHeat = false

UseSpecialistBonus = true

SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2

SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05

Specialty = Engineer

EfficiencyBonus = 1



ResourceName = Ore

Ratio = 0.50





ResourceName = ElectricCharge

Ratio = 30




ResourceName = Mulch

Ratio = 1.0

DumpExcess = false




The only thing I would recommend is to make this as a modulemanager patch, rather than editing the IRSU.cfg directly. It will save you headaches when KSP updates and overwrites the file.

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  goldenpsp said:
It will save you headaches when KSP updates and overwrites the file.

Anyone (not insane) who uses mods has auto updating disabled. Shouldnt be an issue as people who use mods shouldnt be updating until all their favorite mods are updated and its easy to re-add specific alterations like this.

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  seronis said:
Anyone (not insane) who uses mods has auto updating disabled. Shouldnt be an issue as people who use mods shouldnt be updating until all their favorite mods are updated and its easy to re-add specific alterations like this.

Or even better, they leave their default install alone (clean install for updates etc) and copy KSP before they do anything.

Still this doesn't change the fact that it would likely be cleaner as an MM config. Personally I don't like mucking directly with the Squad configs. It isn't even due to automatic updates, its that I have to try and remember or actually keep track of which files I manually mucked with so I don't forget down the road when I do update.

Plus it makes it easier for anyone who might like this feature, but doesn't feel comfortable manually editing a cfg file.

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  RoverDude said:
Will second doing this as MM. The rub is that folks copy stuff from this thread, and we end up planting the seed of future support issues :D
OK, ok-- if only I knew how to do it as an MM myself that's what I would have done! Any explanation or pointer to a tutorial most welcome. Also say the word and I'll delete my amateurish .cfg hack from that post!
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  Kuzzter said:
is there any part that makes mulch for the greenhouse other than the kerbals themselves?

I have a modman config that adds mulch to the converter. That way, ground bases are self sustaining but nothing else is (without deliveries). It makes for a nice balance, I think. I don't know a good balance and haven't tested this, as I've not yet set up a functional permanent ground base yet.

Just paste this into a config file somewhere in your gamedata folder.

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Mulch
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Mulch]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Mulch]

AutoShutdown = true
GeneratesHeat = true
UseSpecializationBonus = true
TemperatureModifier = 500
SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.2
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.25
SpecialistShutoffTemp = 0.40
DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.25
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1.0

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.5
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 1
DumpExcess = false

EDIT: Haha I totally missed an entire page, that included a config almost exactly like mine :)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  5thHorseman said:
I have a modman config that adds mulch to the converter. That way, ground bases are self sustaining but nothing else is (without deliveries). It makes for a nice balance, I think. I don't know a good balance and haven't tested this, as I've not yet set up a functional permanent ground base yet.

Just paste this into a config file somewhere in your gamedata folder.

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Mulch
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Mulch]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Mulch]

AutoShutdown = true
GeneratesHeat = true
UseSpecializationBonus = true
TemperatureModifier = 500
SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.2
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.25
SpecialistShutoffTemp = 0.40
DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.25
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1.0

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.5
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 1
DumpExcess = false

EDIT: Haha I totally missed an entire page, that included a config almost exactly like mine :)

That's ok, I think he wanted to see how it would be coded as a MM config anyhow.

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I think I get it now. I didn't know what an MM actually was... So if I create a file ISRU_MM.cfg, and I put the code I added to ISRU.cfg in that MM file instead, surrounded by @part(isru) { }, then it will do what I want it to do while keeping the original .cfg intact?

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  Kuzzter said:
I think I get it now. I didn't know what an MM actually was... So if I create a file ISRU_MM.cfg, and I put the code I added to ISRU.cfg in that MM file instead, surrounded by @part(isru) { }, then it will do what I want it to do while keeping the original .cfg intact?


Its pretty amazing.

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