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Is there a way to get .90 back? I was enjoying .90

Where did you buy it? The KSP store has it still available. Steam has a way to download older versions but I don't use Steam so I don't know the steps.

But really I think you'll be far happier in the long run if you keep at it, ask specific questions, watch some youtube videos (I launch a rocket to orbit in my first video that I released today, and Scott Manley has several very informative videos up already).

1.0 is far closer to "real space flight" than any game ever released, when you count the need to launch those spaceships from the ground. Going back to .90 means you're going back to an arcade game.

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I hope that gets fixed, too.

There is really no fix unless you want them to be more specific in labeling and change it to "surface speed". Speed records are based on surface, not orbital speed.

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If you set your speed to surface, you would see that you are about 25 m/s short of the target.

Agreed that ambiguity like this should be more explicit but this isn't a fail.

This might not be the case. There is [thread=117700]another report[/thread] of this not working (with a screenshot showing surface speed above 2500m/s) along with the contract disappearing after a scene change. I've seen the same disappearing problem, too.

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Will it fix antenna mit transfer problem because wiki stats of antenna transfer is different numbers.

The wiki is maintained by the KSP player community, and is probably out of date since the devs said that they had rebalanced the antennas in 1.0. So this is more an indication that the wiki needs work than the game does.

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http://i.imgur.com/mzNfI8S.png ... yep, 2900 < 2500 ?, i was going past 2500 already above 70km and the periapsis was < 0 so it should've been a suborbital flight so i dunno in what situation it would've passed. (i obviously passed 2500 m/s already in orbit ...)

I think the speed records just go away when you get into orbit and that not completed in the list is a remnant that was created when i passed 1050 but not removed when i reached orbit...

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"Or tourists! I love me tourists. I'd love them more if it wasn't such a headache to figure out who needs to board a particular vessel. I'm actually making notes, like, on paper! In this year of our lord two thousand and fifteen, that should no longer be necessary."

I have found that the detail itinerary is shown with "ContractWindowsPlus." You can display the contract for the tourist and then assign them to the proper vessel.

- - - Updated - - -

The camera shake is one of the settings and you can eliminate it there.

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I have noticed that some of the parts are not completely visible. I get a black silhouette where the item should be. It seems that the graphics does not fully load.

That sounds like a corrupt download: better take it to the support forum. Good luck!

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Where did you buy it? The KSP store has it still available. Steam has a way to download older versions but I don't use Steam so I don't know the steps.

But really I think you'll be far happier in the long run if you keep at it, ask specific questions, watch some youtube videos (I launch a rocket to orbit in my first video that I released today, and Scott Manley has several very informative videos up already).

1.0 is far closer to "real space flight" than any game ever released, when you count the need to launch those spaceships from the ground. Going back to .90 means you're going back to an arcade game.

Well endlessly watching rockets explode isn't any fun so .90 arcade mode is fine by me. I wont fell like I wasted my money. Problem is I cant find any way to download it through steam. Anyone know how to do this?

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Well endlessly watching rockets explode isn't any fun so .90 arcade mode is fine by me. I wont fell like I wasted my money. Problem is I cant find any way to download it through steam. Anyone know how to do this?

Go to the Library tab, right-click on Kerbal Space Program and click on Properties. Go to the Betas tab, in the selection drop down select Previous Stable Release. Close it out. You'll probably want to uninstall and reinstall KSP after you've done that.

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How about this time don't merge in changes at the last minute without passing them through QA. 1.0 let people make a good mockery of QA because of your own incompetence.

Little harsh there, Ivan?

I know there's some places that seem to make a sport out of hunting for any piece of mud they can throw, and that even if Squad pulled off the impossible and made a release with zero bugs they'd still find something to moan about. They do occasionally come out with >le ebin funny maymays, but that doesn't mean you have to copy them.

I'm not suggesting blind, cult-like devotion either. A little perspective might be nice though. 1.0 got released, it had more features than ever, yes a few bugs got through, and yes they are being patched as we speak. "Incompetent" is not the word I would use.

Edited by technicalfool
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A few people coming out of the woodwork with excess vitriol, but in general the gripes are pretty minor - a little bug fixing and a few numbers tweaks are all that's needed. Personally I'd follow the stock bug fix mod's tweaks pretty closely if I were on with Squad.

I think KSP is like a whole new game; having to learn how to not make your rockets flip out during launch or having stock resource mining is great. One non-tweak comment I'd make is that I do wish we had non-debug menu ways to examine the heat of our craft. I mean, it'd also be neat if I knew if larger surface areas touching ground would help bleed heat more efficiently without looking at the numbers - anyway we can get an animated convection/conduction/radiation diagram over the ship? I seriously know that'd be a lot of work, I know. But it'd be cool.

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There is really no fix unless you want them to be more specific in labeling and change it to "surface speed". Speed records are based on surface, not orbital speed.

It's still speed. I never read anywhere surface speed record. I saw speed. Maybe surface was there, but if not, they really need to specify.

Oh and I actually did set mine to surface speed and it still didn't work.

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