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[Windows] KSP won't "accept" Joystick axes

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That report was closed because the reporter was not having issues. I have another issue open (didn't find the first one when I looked before) but no one's touched it. I'm pretty sure I know what the bug is, but not so sure if it's in KSP or Unity3D (and thus out of squad's hands).

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That workaround is to a different issue. The bug most users in this thread are encountering is related to joysticks without a name string being given a default name, which is not entered into the dictionary used to look up joystick handles making any attempt at accessing that stick fail. No workaround posted yet has solved this, and almost certainly won't be able to without a fix.

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  Rocket Taco said:
That workaround is to a different issue. The bug most users in this thread are encountering is related to joysticks without a name string being given a default name, which is not entered into the dictionary used to look up joystick handles making any attempt at accessing that stick fail. No workaround posted yet has solved this, and almost certainly won't be able to without a fix.

On the other hand, the bug _some_ users in this thread are encountering is the one I can workaround, and it would be really quite handy to know if it works for anyone else.

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Was having trouble with wireless x360. Deleted the save file & plugged the receiver into a USB on the top instead of front. Perhaps doesn't support slower USB ports? Works now. Only problem is the triggers are registered as Axises so I can't use them, except maybe a throttle you have to hold down :(.

At least it reads the POV though +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had similar problems when changing joysticks, it seems like the settings config file gets wonky. It may also be a problem when a joystick gets removed because it is no longer detected... although this was not my case.

After deleting the settings.cfg file (this is a pretty big hammer as it also resets all your other settings) I was able to register my joystick axis. I think the config file gets some bad settings (in particular for pitch axis -- although this may just be a symptom of the fact that it is the first setting and is the most likely to get "multiple" and/or "changed" joystick configs first) and hangs before popping up the dialog to register the axis.

Anyway, after removing the settings.cfg file, it started working. (Kerbal recreated a default settings file when I restarted it.)

Hopefully, this can help the devs somewhat in diagnosing this bug.

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How about, after setting up your controller and other settings and applying them, you make your settings.cfg read-only so KSP cannot overwrite it.

You'd have to enable read to do any changes of course, but it'd be protected from being modified at all other times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea I have the same problem with either my Xbox 360 wired controller, CH Pro USB pedals or my CH Flight Sim USB yoke. I can program buttons in all day but whenever i try to change the axis bindings they don't work at all.

The only way I have ever gotten around this issue is to move KSP from the steam app folder and to a flash drive or other folder then start steam and uninstall and reinstall KSP but make a copy of the fresh install and move my mods and save game to the copy. I then play on the the copy directly and can once again change axis bindings without the screen graying out. if the game crashes or I close it i have to make a new copy and do it again. it seems that KSP only likes to bind axes in a fresh install I don't know why. I have even tried with out mods and I still run into the same problem after the binding change. I know they are supported because other games like Microsoft flight sim x steam edition the controls work fine on all three devices. any help would be much appreciated. i have run into this problem since 0.90 to 1.0.4

When I have been able to bind the axes it works like a charm but if I reload the game the bindings are no longer there and if I change any other settings I run into the problem of screen resizing and even if started from the launcher the problem still persists. This is so very annoying and I would really like to free up some disk space so I don't have to have two copies of KSP on my computer. no settings are saved even though in the config file they are correct it seems to either not check the config file or is checking a config file in the hard code and glitching out.

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  Madhatterde1st said:
Yea I have the same problem with either my Xbox 360 wired controller, CH Pro USB pedals or my CH Flight Sim USB yoke. I can program buttons in all day but whenever i try to change the axis bindings they don't work at all.

Do you use the CH Control Manager?

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best thing you guys can try. open your config.cfg file with notepad or equiv.

~ line 74 you should see this

I'm using a Logitech like the OP

Logitech Extreme 3D = 0

this should match your input devices in dxdiag report. Check the status report of your Controller as well it should report attached.

if your device is not found in the dxdiag report then KSP will not be able to see it. if the name is correct in dxdiag and wrong on the config file then its a KSP config write problem.

if dxdiag report is showing the wrong name like in your config file and you cannot get it working then it could be a driver issue.

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i have the same issues im using a X45 with an xbox360 wired controller plugged into the front usb ports on my pc i deleted the cfg that Raptr made and i was able to map my controls but i still have other issues with not being able to launch from the vab or the sph as long as i click the launch pad or runway its fine

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can provide a bit more information on this one. Running a thrustmaster warthog and saitek pedals. I get this problem if I use TARGET to attempt to overcome unity's ridiculous 20 button limit. If i disable TARGET then the input maps correctly, but of course then the HOTAS is pointless since you can't use its inputs.

Deleting the settings.cfg has no effect. Reassigning device ID's with JoyID has no effect.

Semi-workaround: The advanced fly by wire mod *does* work with TARGET running, but only if you remap almost everything to keyboard input. If you don't do this it doesn't recognize some inputs (ie, the switches).

Unfortunately the AFBW mod also has some other issues, like corrupting its config if you press a joystick button while in the keyboard config window (may sound like an odd thing to do but when you're remapping 40-odd inputs to keyboard keys it can be easy to forget which ones are still regular buttons - namely the modifier buttons set in TARGET). Some functions in AFBW also don't seem to work, for example the "physics warp" input can be mapped but has no effect.

Further, some inputs are simply unavailable in the stock configuration, like physics warp, trim, show/hide the navball, and so on - because "reasons", no doubt. So you can't just run stock either.

So, basically, no matter what you do, you're boned. The only bug-free solution I've ever found with KSP is to manually program everything in autohotkey. But you can't really expect everyone to do this, and it still won't give you otherwise-unmappable inputs (*cough* trim *cough*) like AFBW will.

This is not an acceptable state of affairs for a post 1.0 "flight sim" styled game.

Edited by allmhuran
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I have a similar problem, the game doesen't seem to recognize my joystick axis. The stick works for other games, but in the KSP settings menu, it would only recognize the buttons.

Its a logitec 3D pro

Any help would be appreciated!



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Okay, so I use a Logitech Extreme 3D pro stick, on Windows 8.

The stick works fine for other games, but on KSP only the buttons are recognized. It will not see the stick axis, throttle lever, and that 8 way hat switch.

Contrary to the issue of other users, my systems seems to be able to save the settings. Anytime I come back the buttons I configured are still there.

Other than this issue the game runs smooth, no lag or crashes.

The setup of the stick itself is fine, my computer sees every input.

If you need more information on my system, please let me know where to find it or how to post it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance


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Yeah I spotted that after, but there's a lot of joystick issues and they all seem related.

The settings should persist as long as KSP is started directly, not via shortcut, and the controller is plugged in before starting.

As it is the whole shebang really needs looking at on Squads end.

Also don't forget to check the bug tracker for your issue, the Support forum is really for support rather than bug reports :)

Edited by sal_vager
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Okay, I see your point. Then lets just note here (in case squad is watching) I have a different issue that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere before: Buttons work perfect but axis and throttle lever are not detected by the game.

Thank you.

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Hmm okay, can you provide any more info? What you have is not much to go on.

The support sticky details the kind of info we need to deal with support requests and bugs, things such as OS (which you mentioned, though I don't recall any issues with Win8 specifically), logs, dxdiag, save and settings files.

Reproducible steps are also great, though you can bet that they aren't easy with an issue like this as everyone's PC is different and the symptoms of this controller bug vary considerably.

Edited by sal_vager
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Okay, here we go, I try the best I can.

Its KSP 1.0.4, 32-bit Version, clean instalation, playing on Steam, running on a 64-bit Win8.

Joystick is a Logitech Extreme 3D pro.

How should I post my DxDiag?? Its a 23p textfile. Same goes for the Settings.cfg, how should I post this here? Do I really have to go through a file sharing site like your guide suggests??

Sorry for the questions, I'm new to this.

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A file sharing site is easiest, though many require an account, you could put all the files in a zip and put the zip on filedropper.com as you don't need an account for that, the files would expire eventually but that's not a prob for logs.

One of the most important files is the output_log.txt found in the KSP_Data folder, though none of the files have been very useful when diagnosing any of these joystick problems.

Things like axis detection are meant to be plug n play, they should just work, as all you're doing is telling Unity to listen for an input which KSP then writes to a file.

Controllers have always been weird, but 1.0.x is the worst, supposedly the whole controller back-end in Unity5 is new though, so that should mean these problems go away.

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