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[1.0.4][Kopernicus]KerbolPlus v.2.3.9 - a planet pack that ads the legendary Gas Planet 2 and more.


What should we add in future updates? (besides EVE, science and resources intergration)  

203 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we add in future updates? (besides EVE, science and resources intergration)

    • I want more planets/moons.
    • I want the existent content improved.
    • I want more optimisations.

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Oh God, I'm so happy! After 5 long painful hours of fiddling, studying configs and testing, I finally fixed one of my planets! First to go is Fonso, the hardest one. Everything is working good, and ended up remaking the atmosphere configs by myself, with only reduced reference to stock planets. Now Fonso's atmosphere will be a little bit denser than Duna's, encreasing the dificulty. The terrain now has NO BUGS AT ALL, and has sand covering it, getting rid of the ugly rock ground texture!

Thank you everyone for believing in me! Now that I know what was the problem, it will be easier and quicker to fix everything else. cheers! :):D

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Oh God, I'm so happy! After 5 long painful hours of fiddling, studying configs and testing, I finally fixed one of my planets! First to go is Fonso, the hardest one. Everything is working good, and ended up remaking the atmosphere configs by myself, with only reduced reference to stock planets. Now Fonso's atmosphere will be a little bit denser than Duna's, encreasing the dificulty. The terrain now has NO BUGS AT ALL, and has sand covering it, getting rid of the ugly rock ground texture!

Thank you everyone for believing in me! Now that I know what was the problem, it will be easier and quicker to fix everything else. cheers! :):D

Applause! Well done!

I was planning on covering Kerbol Plus in a mod spotlight on youtube, but now that various bugs are being taken care of, I'll soon be able to showcase a completely stable and stunning planet pack.

Again, gongratulations on solving the bugs, and I wish you good luck with solving the other ones.

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Applause! Well done!

I was planning on covering Kerbol Plus in a mod spotlight on youtube, but now that various bugs are being taken care of, I'll soon be able to showcase a completely stable and stunning planet pack.

Again, gongratulations on solving the bugs, and I wish you good luck with solving the other ones.

Thank you! Actualy, the only bug left is black seams on some planets, that, however, have been already fixed as Olimpyc1 is doing the science/dds conversion part. For now I've only fixed Fonso, but now that I know where was the issue, I can easily fix the other planets and send everything to the tester. Also, I may be releasing some teasers of the new crystals on Faz tomorrow... Cheers!

With the bugfixes, we'll also add a whole lot of futures, like completely overhauled Keelon system. All of its otherwise identical moons are now more interesting:

Manai: ringed lava ocean moon

Womp: orange-yellow moon covered in craters and interesting rare mountains

Clero: Brown-yellow moon that has a long deep canyon stretching along its equator

Arnal: Moon similar to Vall but with accentuated ridges and Huge North Pole Crater

Faz: in the next version will have huge light-blue collidable crystals like Nova Silisko's one had.

Pergas: remade so it looks a lot more interesting

Sarvin: now has procedural animated gas clouds and storms

Kerbin: now has randomly generated small farms on its surface. Transparent clouds are visiboe from orbit (optionaly) Different types of trees also generate.

Mun: now has many tiny rocks covering its surface

Minmus: green tiny crystals generate on surface

Korolet: now has a proper more realistic comet tail with ion and dust trail visible from Kerbin.

Duna: now has interesting different randomly generated rocks covering its surface.

Shayle: now has very rare randomly generated rock gates covering its surface (like on stock Mun).

Manai: has common huge randomly generated volcanoes on its surface (if I manage to give them animations that'd be great!)

(Maybe not in next version) Parts: new bettwe RTG. New awesome capsule. New orbiter engine. New gimballable SRBs. Procedural wings acting like struts (don't know how this will turn out but I know that you should be able to place wings between 2 parts, like you do with struts. New 0.65 fairing.

Sarvin: remade rings

Kerbin: revamped Cactus and tree models

Pls sned us more ideas.

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Today was a good day! I worked hard today to make the game load ALL the planets with no bugs. FIxed the atmospheric ones, cleaned configs while I was at it. Only minor bugs with planets in Dwarf Planets have the issues of not appearing but that should be fixed after I take alook at the configs. All in all... AWESOEME!!!!!! :):D:D:cool::cool::sticktongue:

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Oh goddamn!!! :D Fixed the other planets, and now they evel look better than before! I'm right now working on the new moons of Keelon, while I upload the current files so my tester can test them more than I already did. BTW Faz now has stable cool crystals, altrough they like to spawn on craters and they are black (I need a part modder to help me but thankfully JoePatrick1 (from Mk2 Extended) is my friend!

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Dude... that's just genius! However, there is some sort of checkerboard pattern on the surface. For example, it can be seen on image 19/67 of the sneak preview.

Yeah, I know... it's just a matter of terrain detail. There are more small bugs to be fixed with it, but otherwise it works good!

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Yeah, I know... it's just a matter of terrain detail. There are more small bugs to be fixed with it, but otherwise it works good!

I suggest putting it closer (A LOT closer) to Keelon. That way there's a believable reason for the lava: Tidal Heating.

This game is supposed to be based on science after all. The extremely dense properties of Keelon, and the high gravity environment would be enough to create those oceans if I'm not mistaken. You might also want to increase the feathering on the edge of the oceans, to make it look more smooth. Kinda like shores of molten igneous rock.

Edited by ThatOneBritishGuy...
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I suggest putting it closer (A LOT closer) to Keelon. That way there's a believable reason for the lava: Tidal Heating.

This game is supposed to be based on science after all. The extremely dense properties of Keelon, and the high gravity environment would be enough to create those oceans if I'm not mistaken. You might also want to increase the feathering on the edge of the oceans, to make it look more smooth. Kinda like shores of molten igneous rock.

Yeah, good ideas actualy! Will bing it closer to Keelong and smooth everything some more.

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What do you recommend to make the biome maps?

I dunno, since Olimpyc is doing biomes and science stuff, but when I did them by myself, I used to raise the contrast to height maps so the floating selection has smaller sensitivity and selects a certain height, ignoring smaller details. Delete the floating selection, export, open in MSPaint, choose a color with RGB numbers easy to remember, and paint the missing white zone left by the previous zone. I generaky base biome maps on heights like this:


Heightlands (painted with a different color over the lighter zones on the height map)

Midlands (hills that make the connection to lowlands and heightlands and are usualy colored in grey on the height map)

Lowlands (darkest places on the height map i.e lowest places)

Ridges (painted over mountains)

Dunes (painted over gentile sand plains)

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What do you recommend to make the biome maps?
Any image editor that does layers should do well for making biome maps, that way you can have stuff like terrain or texture semi-transparent to use as reference.

True. I personally use Paint.NET.

With Paint.NET, make a copy of your planet's colormap and open it in Paint.NET. Then go to layers -> add new layer.

Next, go to layer settings and use the layer transparency slider to make the new layer a bit transparent. Then, paint over the colormap with the paintbrush (with colors such as red, blue, green, yellow, purple, cyan, black and white), and when you're done, set the layer transparency back to 100% and you're almost done!

The only thing left to do, and this is very important, is layers->merge layer down, otherwise you can only save the image as .pdn, and not as .png or .dds.

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I'm just starting out when it comes to Kopernicus, but I am currently working on an asteroid expansion pack. Do you know how I can configure a config (no, that was not deliberate) so that it does not need a biome map, or at least at the moment.

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I'm just starting out when it comes to Kopernicus, but I am currently working on an asteroid expansion pack. Do you know how I can configure a config (no, that was not deliberate) so that it does not need a biome map, or at least at the moment.

I'm not sure if it's possible (take a look at Trans-Keptunian as it might manage to do biomemapless worlds), but you can probably use a solid-color biome map.

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I'm just starting out when it comes to Kopernicus, but I am currently working on an asteroid expansion pack. Do you know how I can configure a config (no, that was not deliberate) so that it does not need a biome map, or at least at the moment.

Step 1: Create an 1024 by 512 pixel image that is completely black or white, and save that. Give it a name like 'MyMod_BiomeMaps'.

Step 2: Then, in the Kopernicus configs, enter the file path to your biome map (for example: MyMod/Textures/MyMod_BiomeMaps.png). Next, add the biome 'Rocky Surface' and tell Kopernicus that it has the code 1,1,1,1 (if the map you made earlier is completely white) or 0,0,0,0 (if the map you made earlier is completely black).

You can let multiple configs use the same biome map texture, so repeat step 2 for each of your configs and let them load the same biome map.

If you still don't get it, I'm willing to write that part of the configs for you, for I am working on an asteroid extension pack as well.

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