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[1.0.4][Kopernicus]KerbolPlus v.2.3.9 - a planet pack that ads the legendary Gas Planet 2 and more.


What should we add in future updates? (besides EVE, science and resources intergration)  

203 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we add in future updates? (besides EVE, science and resources intergration)

    • I want more planets/moons.
    • I want the existent content improved.
    • I want more optimisations.

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  medikohl said:
Hello, used to make planets for planet factory back in the day, was wondering if there was a comprehensive tutorial for how to use this?

Also is kippotech necessary?


No, Kittopia Tech is not needed, but we used it for the comet particles and the volcano. We will remove that dependency in future updates trough. For a tutorial, I don't know any explicative enough ones, except just studying our mod, since everything is nice'n dandy organised.

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  KillAshley said:
guys i noticed an error in the configs, im hoping my kerbal stuff upload actually completes this time, as i'm too tiered to stay up much later than this (it's 4:45am here). I'm uploading a new version to kerbal stuff now, hopefully it works. @moggiog thats weird man, i honestly have no clue whats happening. Can you upload your ksp>logs folder for us to look at? @thomas we were making this pack back in an old version where the particles could only be set to target stock bodies. After upgrading versions we just forgot to remove it...i'll get around to it at some point. @medikohl not so much of a tutorial, it's more trial and error. Browse through our configs and see if you can work it out, and if you have any questions feel free to pm me. kittopiatech is not required for kopernicus packs, kopernicus can do everything kittopia can do and more. theres a tutorial for kopernicustech (but not stand alone kopernicus) somewhere on the developement forums which might help. but then again the configs for planetfactory wasn't too different to the ones now, theres just way more configurable options with kopernicus.
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  amarius1 said:
Hey people, good news! I've replaced the Dropbox link with a Maga link that, from what I know never closes.

Woo ! Thank you very much !

By the way, can't wait for NH to be updated. Keep up the good work.

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it's on my to-do list :wink:

oh and before i forget, i managed to get a couple of the boris system planets running in kopernicus while i was experimenting with ideas. Peabody worked fine, however the deformation n kopernicus can only be about 15k max. If i still have the files lying around, i'll send them to you


sry, must have deleted the files at some point.

Edited by KillAshley
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Just a small question here:

How can I remove planets from the pack, I find the system a bit too crowded for my taste? :rolleyes:

I suppose I could alter the orbits by messing with each planet's cfg file...?

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  amarius1 said:
The comet trail orientates properly!

I forgot to also ask if the particle trail also has a scale factor relative to the comet's distance from Kerbin, since it shouldn't have a trail all the time - but even if it lacks this feature I can still just manually tweak things myself

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planets can easily be removed by deleting the folder for it. if you delete a parent body, make sure to delete it's moons or alter their orbital paramaters, otherwise it won't load. :wink:


you'll have to tweak it yourself. they are kinda 'one setting only' kinda things...i still need to tweak them some more, as they appear too fast sometimes, but I set them so they always point away from the sun so at least it looks ok. To change the opacity of the tail, look in the kittopiatech config for corolet, and just set the last number for each of the color settings from 0.2 to what ever you feel comfortable with (0=invisible, 1=solid)

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Great pack! Just installed it and some of these look really fun. The comet feels a lot like ascension from PF:CE, which I never did get around to going to, so I'm definitely going to have to do that this time around.

Keelon looks like one hell of a planet. When I do my 1.0 grand tour, I think my goal is gonna be to land on it and return from it. I'll probably need mods to do it, but I'm hoping I can cram something onto my lander to do it. The last time I did Eve I had to use a blimp to get past most of the atmosphere.

I see quite a few bodies in the pack with relatively high gravity which is going to make things interesting.

I thought PF:CE's Thudd was harsh. Hah.

Anyway, the one thing I wish for is some sort of visual enhancement patch (whenever EVE rolls an update out anyway, which may be a while). I keep misjudging things when I don't see clouds. :(

Also that cryo-volcano looking thing on Potatus looks a bit fast. I doubt in real life you'd be able to discern any sort of movement unless you looked at it for a very long time. Nevertheless it is cool, and is gonna be where I touch down on Potatus :D I wonder what happens when you drive inside.

Edited by Immashift
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Tank you for positive review! Have luck landing and returning from Keelon in one piece! Here's an easter egg you could find... Sand dunes that look like buried buildings...

We will shortly include another update, 2.5, that will add EVE intergration, slower particles on Potatus, memory optimisations, Biomes, bug fixing, and MI or texture changes as well as maybe some centaur clone asteroids in the Rings of Sarvin.

Nothing should happen when you drive inside the gas current, but you will certainly get an owersome view of the volcanic crater if you admire it from it's margins. Expect the new update to be released next week. KillAshley is already working on the Biomes and memory optimisations are already done. We just nead to tweak the volcano and add EVE and DistantObjectEnhancement configs. I don't thing we will get fully custom science devs trough... Stay tuned!

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  amarius1 said:
Tank you for positive review! Have luck landing and returning from Keelon in one piece! Here's an easter egg you could find... Sand dunes that look like buried buildings...

Expect the new update to be released next week. KillAshley is already working on the Biomes and memory optimisations are already done. We just nead to tweak the volcano and add EVE and DistantObjectEnhancement configs.

Cool! I look forward to it.

I assume that using the 1.0 resource mining works on all worlds added by this pack. The map does have the resource tab for all of them but i haven't been able to go out and scan them myself yet.

You know what would be really cool? If driving into that cryo-volcano on Potatus propelled you upward. I could just imagine setting up a base near the volcano's edge and using it to fling my craft into space.

Edited by Immashift
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  amarius1 said:
Yes, it is, but your system will become VERY cluttered and your computer will probably start crying for help because of killer RAM usage of the two.

No, it isn't, if you have KerbolPlus installed and try to install OuterPlanetMod with CKAN, you get this:

amedee@kerbol:~/Games/KerbalSpaceProgram$ ./ckan install OuterPlanetsMod
The following inconsistencies were found:
OuterPlanetsMod conflicts with KerbolPlus.
* KerbolPlus conflicts with OuterPlanetsMod.

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  Amedee said:
No, it isn't, if you have KerbolPlus installed and try to install OuterPlanetMod with CKAN, you get this:

amedee@kerbol:~/Games/KerbalSpaceProgram$ ./ckan install OuterPlanetsMod
The following inconsistencies were found:
OuterPlanetsMod conflicts with KerbolPlus.
* KerbolPlus conflicts with OuterPlanetsMod.

Please don't use ckan for planet mods!

This has too many bugs. You'll have to install the mod manually.

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