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[1.4.x - 1.7.x] Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science Mods (NEOS - Micha's build) (0.8.1)


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@Cheesecake I just pushed a new version; you no longer need the extra ExperimentRegister.cfg file; instead, add the additional fields directly into the Resources/Kemini_Experiments.cfg file.

You can also create new KEES experiments just using config files now.  Same deal - create a new part and add a new entry into the Resources/KEES_Experiments.cfg file (example TEST experiment to show how it's done).


I'm marginally undecided whether the extra fields should go into the PART configuration file, or in the Experiment definitions; any thoughts?

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On 6.11.2017 at 10:53 PM, micha said:

It all seems to work fine for me.

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Can you please try without mods, or remove the mods which you think may be causing issues?  If you can figure out which mod is causing the problem I can try to figure out why.

I found out that it only causes when I use the BDB Gemini. I add Experiments in VAB and when I go to the lauchpad the Experiments aren`t availabel. With Tantares Soyuz (made a config) it works. I checked the configs and found no errors.

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6 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

I found out that it only causes when I use the BDB Gemini. I add Experiments in VAB and when I go to the lauchpad the Experiments aren`t availabel. With Tantares Soyuz (made a config) it works. I checked the configs and found no errors.

Do you have a link to that capsule? I can't find it; installing BDB (via CKAN) gave me all sorts of capsules, but not a "BDB Gemini" one.

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3 hours ago, micha said:

Do you have a link to that capsule? I can't find it; installing BDB (via CKAN) gave me all sorts of capsules, but not a "BDB Gemini" one.

In BDB it's called the "Vinci" capsule rather than "Gemini"

If it's useful, here's a config that will add Kemini to all command pods with two or greater crew capacity.
That way all suitable pods have Kemini baked in no matter what mod they came from.


//---------------------------------- Kemini Configs for all Command Pods having at least 2 crew ------------------------
        name = Kemini_Module

        abbreviation = Gemini Science experiment
        minimumCrew = 1

                type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 1
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI
        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 2
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI


Edited by Foozle
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20 minutes ago, Foozle said:

In BDB it's called the "Vinci" capsule rather than "Gemini"

Thanks; that capsule worked fine when I tried it.. maybe there's another mod or config that's messing it up for @Cheesecake?



If it's useful, here's a config that will add Kemini to all command pods with two or greater crew capacity.
That way all suitable pods have Kemini baked in no matter what mod they came from.

Cheers; I had a play around with a module manager config myself earlier today as I had the same thought to try to bake Kemini into all suitable pods. The main difference is that I restricted it to 1 or 2 seats ( @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0],#CrewCapacity[<3],@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[NE_SCIENCE] ), but it ended up also adding Kemini to aeroplane cockpits, lander cans, and various other Kerballed parts.  As the aim of this mod is to replicate Gemini experiments, I'm going to stay with the per-capsule config file setup but of course, the beauty of KSP and modding is that people can personalise their experience.

In the next release I'm considering nerfing the Mk1 capsule to just have 1 experiment slot; basically 1 slot per seat. But that's because I almost always play with either Corvus or K2 pods installed so I have fairly early access to a 2-Kerbal pod. Might have to rethink that for people who play more stockish.

Edited by micha
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10 minutes ago, micha said:

Thanks; that capsule worked fine when I tried it.. maybe there's another mod or config that's messing it up for @Cheesecake?

Sounds plausible.  The Vinci has always worked fine with Kemini for me as well.

12 minutes ago, micha said:

Cheers; I had a play around with a module manager config myself earlier today as I had the same thought to try to bake Kemini into all suitable pods. The main difference is that I restricted it to 1 or 2 seats ( @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0],#CrewCapacity[<3],@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[NE_SCIENCE] ), but it ended up also adding Kemini to aeroplane cockpits, lander cans, and various other Kerballed parts.  As the aim of this mod is to replicate Gemini experiments, I'm going to stay with the per-capsule config file setup but of course, the beauty of KSP and modding is that people can personalise their experience.

For the official release, that is very sensible.
Still, going to keep my own config to personalize my experience :D

I wonder if as extras, more explicit instructions and examples would be a good idea, e.g. "README_How_to_Kemini_Your_Own_Command_Pod.txt" and "Boilerplate_Kemini_config.cfg.ZZZ"

Customizing a command pod for Kemini is very easy.  But many folks may not realize that.

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52 minutes ago, Foozle said:

I wonder if as extras, more explicit instructions and examples would be a good idea, e.g. "README_How_to_Kemini_Your_Own_Command_Pod.txt" and "Boilerplate_Kemini_config.cfg.ZZZ"

Customizing a command pod for Kemini is very easy.  But many folks may not realize that.

Adding instructions to the README (or adding a specific README as you suggested) is a good idea; as for boilerplate, but I think there's more than enough examples in Kemini to give people the hint so the boilerplate is, I think, unnecessary.. :)

I'm also more than happy to add configs for any 1-or-2-Kerbal pods to the release so contributions always welcome.

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4 minutes ago, micha said:

Adding instructions to the README (or adding a specific README as you suggested) is a good idea; as for boilerplate, but I think there's more than enough examples in Kemini to give people the hint so the boilerplate is, I think, unnecessary.. :)

I'm also more than happy to add configs for any 1-or-2-Kerbal pods to the release so contributions always welcome.

True enough, cribbing the configs was very straightforward.

I would suggest that early-game 3-Kerbal pods (Tantares, Contares Union) might be fair game too.  Early Soyuz was contemporaneous with Gemini...

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Another little issue: Make a experiment. After finishing it is in the capsule (any capsule). Now i go to an EVA with one of the 3 Kerbals. After getting back from EVA to the capsule the Memory is cleared and the Results are lost.

Could it be that Nehemia has problems with Kerbalism?

edit: OK, I found a post in the Kerbalism-Thread where someone had the same issue.

Edited by Cheesecake
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I've made a pre-release with quite a few changes.

Here is the link to the GitHub release and changelog.

Warning: This release may break save-games, and is not backwards-compatible, so take a backup of your saves before installing!

I'd love to get some feedback on the KSPedia and the ability to add new Kemini and KEES experiments just by editing configuration files.

Of course, any bug reports are very welcome as well.


EDIT: I'd especially like some help from people who have established save games with this mod to see if the changes affect their saves or not.

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The KEES contracts are not being completed when I finish them in orbit and recover the vessel with the experiment in my Kerbal's inventory or even in a KIS locker, not even in the PC container. Any help?

Edited by DrPastah
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13 hours ago, DrPastah said:

The KEES contracts are not being completed when I finish them in orbit and recover the vessel with the experiment in my Kerbal's inventory or even in a KIS locker, not even in the PC container. Any help?

Oh poo. Why didn't i see this earlier (and yes i checked the forum! )

Might have to make a hot fix for the release now - thought I'd fixed this particular bug but it seems to keep coming back. 


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@DrPastah: Did this happen with the KEES Test experiment?  Looks like I didn't port a particular commit from my dev branch to the release so any custom-built experiments won't work with contracts. Should work with the original 4 experiments though.

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9 hours ago, micha said:

@DrPastah: Did this happen with the KEES Test experiment?  Looks like I didn't port a particular commit from my dev branch to the release so any custom-built experiments won't work with contracts. Should work with the original 4 experiments though.

It was for the POS 1 experiment.

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Oh ok - that explains your bug report more too. Because you're commenting in the development thread i thought you were using the latest. 

You can download directly from the release thread linked in the op (sorry on phone so difficult to add links).

Ckan will be a few days yet - i only asked to update last night. Normally automatic but the package name changed.


EDIT: CKAN is updated now. Please note that the  mod is now simply called  "Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science".

Edited by micha
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If anybody wants to test it and provide feedback, I've pushed a new DLL which supports KAC integration.

Whenever an experiment is started, a KAC alarm will be generated which will trigger 30s before the experiment or experiment step is completed.

Simply download the DLL and replace the current one in NehemiahInc/NE_Science_Common/Plugins with the new one.

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  • 2 months later...

@micha Hi ,First of all thank you for looking after this great little mod . I am experiencing problems detaching the Kees PEC from my ship and also the exposure plates themselves . if i right click on them there is an option to release them and when i do the exposure plate floats off but there is no option to "grab" it so i can put it into my inventory . Also there is an option to release the PEC but it does not release . If i equip the wrench (like i do to fix the PEC to the craft) to detach the PEC the little tool icon stays grey where it turns green on anything that i can detach i.e. the Kees PC that i used to carry the experiments in . Any help would be much appreciated as i would love to run this along with SEP .

I tried the plugin in the post above and it worked like a charm for me with KAC so thank you for that aswell!!

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Hi @Ablelives, thanks for your kind comments.  I'm currently in the process of getting settled in Japan, so it'll still be a little while before I can resume development.  I've never experienced these issues before, nor heard of anyone else having them, but then I've never tried the "release" feature on the KEES experiments myself, I just 'G'rab them directly from the PEC.

Could you please detail what version of the mod you're using (as in, not the DLL, but the actual mod - for example, did you download from CKAN?)

I'll take a look as soon as I get some time.


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  • 1 month later...

A HUGE thank you to @micha for keeping my mods alive. I'm still very busy with my studies so I can't return to this for the foreseeable future. But my work is still partly space related. My Boss and myself are currently running a crowdfunding campaign to get some funding for our research on Ethics of Planetary Sustainability, feel free to check out the project http://www.planetarysustainability.unibe.ch/

Greetings N3h3mia

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  • 2 weeks later...

here is a config to add in the new mk1 pods for kemini. i just named it mm_pods.cfg

so adds the kemini modules to the 1-2,1-3 and the yarbough mini orion capsule.


        name = Kemini_Module

        abbreviation = Kemini Science Experiment
        minimumCrew = 1

            type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 1
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 2
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI
        name = Kemini_Module

        abbreviation = Kemini Science Experiment
        minimumCrew = 1

            type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 1
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 2
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI
        name = Kemini_Module

        abbreviation = Kemini Science Experiment
        minimumCrew = 1

            type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 1
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI

        name = ExperimentStorage
        identifier = Kemini 2
        chanceTexture = false
        type = KEMINI


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