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what is ur favorite moon


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Minmus, probably because it's easy to get to and those flats make for easy landings.

Laythe and Vall are also interesting (Vallhenge is one of the better anomalies), but I don't get out there as much as I would like due to having to deal with transfer windows. Tylo is great for rovers.

The other moons are kind of boring for me. Mun, Ike and Dres are all pretty much the same in terms of appearance, terrain and gravity, same goes for Gilly, Bop and Pol (which are also kind of annoying to land on due to the extremely low gravity).

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i like minmus and laythe the best. Minmus's close range and very low gravity make it very easy to get to even with some very unwieldy craft, not to mention the gravity is to the point i can actually LAND a 500t capital ship and take off again. Laythe is well interesting for boats+jets. Get a refinery down there, and my new amphibious flying rovers can go all over the place as needed, be it driving, flying, or boating. Laythe is also in the jool system, imo the best place in the entire kerbol system due to how many planets/things to do there are there.

Afterwards id have to say duna, it just look so epic with dust storms enabled using EVE mod, not to mention the sheer amount of battles ive had on that planet, and bases ive made. Its mostly my fav place to do combat due to the redness (red = violent color i think) and the fact that quite a few of the sci-fi RTS games ive played had mars or something very similar to mars in it.

Edited by panzer1b
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I'd also say Minmus and Laythe. Minmus's low gravity and perfectly flat terrain makes it a good place to land on, and it's in Kerbal's SoI so it's easy to get to. I've never been to Laythe, but sending a colony ship to Laythe orbit and sending down spaceplanes, rovers and a surface outpost is pretty much the item on my to do list.

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  Geschosskopf said:
When Valentina bends over

Oops, I mean Vall, the moon of Jool, without fuel from which any colony on Laythe would be cut off from Kerbin except at excessive expense.


Here come the Fan Fictions...Kraken help us..

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I like the Mun, and I prefer landing sites that are visually interesting, so as much relief as possible. I can't stand Minmus, it's too flat (all airless worlds should be heavily cratered).

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Judging by the number times I visited it my favourite should be Minmus. I like Laythe but since every Joolian expedition is a whole big event with careful planning, building, etc, I seldom visit it.

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I like all of the moons, specially Vall and Tylo (btw, every time Tylo is mentioned I get the chills, it's such a hard place to land on). But I also like the Mun because of it's craters, I usually use it as a testing ground for landers :D

The one I like the least is Ike, it's has a boring topography and always gets in the way.

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My favorite is Pol

As I don't play much nowadays, I seldom visit it anymore. But with the new resources, I might be giving it a visit soon. Obviously my terrain scatter is always on and with maximum density.

Then I'd probably say Laythe and Mun. Mun is quite interesting for a Mun Base to see kerban at all times (forgot the coordinates where, but it is possible) and is always a challenge to drive on because of the gravity and overabundance of craters.

Laythe is another Favorite of mine because of jets that works (until we 'finally' get some electric propellers)

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  Francois424 said:
My favorite is Pol

As I don't play much nowadays, I seldom visit it anymore. But with the new resources, I might be giving it a visit soon. Obviously my terrain scatter is always on and with maximum density.

I have a fleet of rcs landers and rover just for Pol. Its really a fun place to goof around at.

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