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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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30 minutes ago, JH4C said:

Perhaps you could use the stock mesh switch system,

....which does not provide fuel switching. So it's not an option. B9 Part Switch is incredibly light versus IFS. It's only the plugin and a few config files; no parts to think about deleting. About IntakeAtm, this provides for air-breathing engines that work on planets other than Kerbin and Laythe, and preventing the player being locked into using just a few specific intakes that will work on these planets. And other popular mods make use of this.

4 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

is there an argument for sticking with IFS,

My experience says no. Feel free to look at my mod, OPT Reconfig: one of its main files: OPT_B9PS.cfg and its CRP folder for insight into how things will look, and my earlier comment that shows how much easier it is (for anyone) to add tank options to meet their needs. There are some (just 1 or 2) entries for mesh switching parts too, but they are there, working just fine.

Feel free to ask me or @blowfish for help at any time if you start.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a bug with the mk2 tricoupler. the big engine mount of the tricoupler frequently loses its connection node after a save. I try to take out the big engine in the middle and replace it with another engine, but the node is gone after removing the original engine. The two smaller nodes pose no issue.


However, adding a new tricoupler works as intended, there are all the nodes you would expect.

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Nicky21: Weird. I can take a look at it, Have you seen the same behavior with the 3x 1.25m tricoupler as well?

The-Grim-Sleeper: Technically speaking no, Mk2 Expansion will work without IFS, but without it configurable parts will be usable but visually glitch out, and some fuel tanks may not have all their tank setups. That said, Mk2 Expansion will be transitioning over to B9 Part Switch come next update removing the need for IFS.

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44 minutes ago, The-Grim-Sleeper said:

But it will not be possible to use the stock texture switching and animation system, and leave the tank-editing to the tank-editing-mods?

The stock switcher does not support fuel switching. That's a major loss in my opinion.

Now that the stock mesh switcher is a thing, people who make mods like Mk2 Expansion, after this, would have prior knowledge to make their parts with skin options that aren't bound to a specific propellant or propellant mix-- that the skin options would be purely cosmetic or vaguely tied to certain sets of propellants or other resources.

If the parts were (re)made, without explicit ties to certain fuels/fuel mixes, that'd be fine I guess. But it's not worth the trouble in the end, to check and make sure your obviously LFO tank isn't actually holding Mono, and that your obviously Mono tank isn't holding LFO or Xenon. It gets worse as part count inflates when you build really fancy ships.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I've tried to keep M2X as little dependent on other mods as possible, if only to stave off some annoyance every time KSP updates and breaks a dependency. When the stock switcher came out, I looked at it as a possible replacement for IFS, but the stock texture/mesh swapper was built with one purpose in mind, allowing a stock method of painting your rocket NASA white or Soyuz green (or insulation orange, or whatever) on parts configured for it. If all the part swapping M2X did was, say, offer a similar cosmetic choice between the standard Mk2 paint scheme and a pre-KSP 1.0 style ventral HSRI tiles variant*, then the stock switcher would be fine, but using it to swap meshes/textures, and leave the tank contents to a tank manager mod? At that point, why not use a purpose built texture swap/tank manager mod from the beginning?
The point of using IFS, or soon the much more lightweight and low profile B9PS, was to originally avoid taking stock part bloat up to eleven. The Service Tank, for instance, is a quarter length tank that can hold a variety of resources that would be useful to have in a quarter length segment, and is one configurable part, whereas in stock, it would instead be a 1/4 length LF tank, a 1/4 length LF/O tank, a 1/4 length mono tank... etc. Multiply that by every other part that has variants. I acknowledge that tying M2X to IFS is inconvenient since IFS adds a whole bunch of irrelevant ancillary stuff that is a pain to deal with, hence the transition to B9PS which is a plugin .dll and nothing else, but ultimately having to rely on a part swapper mod as a dependency is a necessary evil.

*I have no plans to implement this at this time, but if enough people ask for it, I might reconsider.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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  • 5 weeks later...

Should have gotten this out sooner. M2X 1.8.3, for KSP 1.5; grab from the usual places.
-Conversion to B9 PartSwitch, IFS requirement discontinues.
-Adds optional Scaled_scramjet patch that scales the scramjet's performance down a bit to more stock scale appropriate levels.
-Part Rework: Mk2 Nosecone now has non-HRSI variants

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1 hour ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Should have gotten this out sooner. M2X 1.8.3, for KSP 1.5; grab from the usual places.
-Conversion to B9 PartSwitch, IFS requirement discontinues.
-Adds optional Scaled_scramjet patch that scales the scramjet's performance down a bit to more stock scale appropriate levels.
-Part Rework: Mk2 Nosecone now has non-HRSI variants

YAS! Can I assume your Mk3X mod will adopt B9PS as well? these are the only 2 mods I have currently that uses IFS, so I cant uninstall it until Mk3X uses it as well. Cheers!

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3 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Mk3 Expansion has already been converted to B9PS as of M3X 1.4.7.

I just noticed, sorry bout that.

Side note..Ive noticed mk2x may not indexed correctly in ckan. It will only show when I check 1.3.1 backwards compatibility. ckan is showing  v1.8.06 for ksp1.5.1

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I believe something is messed up for one of the M2X B9 Part Switch patches, considering B9PS crashes the game with a little fatal exception message when you try to place parts like the Mk2 Tri-coupler (the one with three 1.25m bits) in the editor - it could be a conflict with something else, I suppose, but I think it might be because there are no types defined for some of the switching options in the B9PS patch... possibly.

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7 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

I believe something is messed up for one of the M2X B9 Part Switch patches, considering B9PS crashes the game with a little fatal exception message when you try to place parts like the Mk2 Tri-coupler (the one with three 1.25m bits) in the editor - it could be a conflict with something else, I suppose, but I think it might be because there are no types defined for some of the switching options in the B9PS patch... possibly.

If you posted the crash message B9 gives you, we would know more. Have you also updated B9 to its newest? The stricter settings initially introduced with 1.5.0 have been eased a little.

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On 9/25/2018 at 2:45 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Nicky21: Weird. I can take a look at it, Have you seen the same behavior with the 3x 1.25m tricoupler as well?

The-Grim-Sleeper: Technically speaking no, Mk2 Expansion will work without IFS, but without it configurable parts will be usable but visually glitch out, and some fuel tanks may not have all their tank setups. That said, Mk2 Expansion will be transitioning over to B9 Part Switch come next update removing the need for IFS.

No, i haven't seen this behavious in the 1.25 tricoupler.

Also another bug report:

The integration with Near Future Electrical seems to be broken for the nuclear engine's reactor. As soon as you reach critical temperature in one of the rectors for either Pluto or Hades engine the game deletes all the PLANETS  and the sun and all the ships. very weird.

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I installed the mod via CKAN alongside Interstellar Fuel Switch, but the variants aren't working. I just end up with all of the variants placed simultaneously. There don't appear to be any compatibility issues coming from the other mods currently installed. Any suggestions as to what I should try next?


Edit: Nevermind, I should have read more closely!

Edited by Meff
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@SuicidalInsanity  I'm having an issue with CKAN. Is IFS truly no longer required for this and the Mk3 Expansion? I only had it installed for these mods and CKAN still lists it as a dependency for both. I uninstalled all three mods M2X, M3X, and IFS using CKAN and tried a reinstall of M2X & M3X, but CKAN still insists IFS is a dependency and I don't get B9 Part Switch as a dependency, but I had it installed anyway as Near Future dependency.  I have M2X 1.8.3 and M3X with B9PS 2.4.5

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note, same issue with probably a few parts in this mod as with your MK3X mod. some B9PS fatal errors. I haven't gone through the whole list of parts or anything, but I noticed it on the mk2 service bay at least.

Awesome job on getting MK3X fixed up tho, I just saw it on spacedock. Now for MK2X ;)

EDIT: I just looked through the MFT patch that comes with this mod, only the service bay seems to be affected. Seems its the only part in the patch that contains a b9ps module within the actual part cfg.


ckan doesn't list any dependencies for MK2X, the IFS dependency only appears to be for MK3X still.

im assuming B9PS should be listed as a dependency for both?

Might want to poke that netkan bot again lol. tho, not sure how long it takes for ckan to update that information. you may have already done it.

Edited by Jesusthebird
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@SuicidalInsanity Is there any chance of getting a config for an IntakeAtm version of the switchable RCS blister for atmospheric VTOLs? I'm trying out KSP once more and noticed the newness in quite a number of mods. (Especially those that have adopted B9PS *looking at Nertea's stuff*).

For some stupid reason I like trying to make MK2 VTOLs. I realized some (true) RCS parts for atmospheric VTOLs would be handy. (QuizTech has one, but it's not very practical for the design/uses I have in mind.) Decently powerful air thrusters (read: RCS) would make it easier to stabilize a VTOL into position for landing rather than relying purely on attitude control.

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M2X has been updated with an updated MFT patch that should remove any B9 fatal errors.

StahnAileron - An ACS blister is something that can be added. In the interim, throw this into a MM patch.cfg


    name = M2X_ACSBlister
    module = Part
    author = SuicidalInsanity
    mesh = RCSBlister.mu
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
    TechRequired = specializedControl
    entryCost = 14500
    cost = 1000
    category = Control
    subcategory = 0
    title = Configurable ACS Blister (4 variants)
    manufacturer = #LOC_M2X_manufacturer_IA_title
    description = A powerful directed air thruster for atmospheric maneuvering that has been fitted into a spare RCS blister housing. Like its vacuum rated cousins, this unit comes in in linear, 2-way, 4-way, and 5-way variants to allow tailoring ACS placement to mission specs.

    attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
    mass = 0.075
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.001
    minimum_drag = 0.001
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 15
    maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
    PhysicsSignificance = 1
    bulkheadProfiles = srf
    tags = #LOC_M2X_OMSCluster_tags
        model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/RCS/RCSBlister
        texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
        name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
        moduleID = Subtype
        switcherDescription = Variant
            name = #LOC_M2X_OMSCluster_V1
            transform = LinearRCS
            name = #LOC_M2X_OMSCluster_V2
            transform = 2WayRCS
            name = #LOC_M2X_OMSCluster_V3
            transform = 4WayRCS
            name = #LOC_M2X_OMSCluster_V4
            transform = 5WayRCS
                channel = Ship
                transformName = RCSThruster
                clip = sound_rocket_mini
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.1 0.0
                volume = 0.5 0.025
                volume = 1.0 0.1
                pitch = 0.0 0.75
                pitch = 1.0 1.5
                loop = true
                modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
                transformName = RCSThruster
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.1 0.0
                emission = 1.0 1.0
                speed = 0.0 0.8
                speed = 1.0 1.0
                localRotation = -90, 0, 0

        name = ModuleRCSFX
        stagingEnabled = False
        thrusterTransformName = RCSThruster
        thrusterPower = 2
        resourceName = IntakeAtm
        resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
        runningEffectName = running
            name = IntakeAtm
            ratio = 1
            DrawGauge = True
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            name = ElectricCharge
            ratio = 1
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            key = 0 200


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latest MM release brings up this error:

[ERR 14:58:15.240] [ModuleManager] Cannot parse node name as tag list: tag can't start with [
on: Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS/@PART[M2X_SmallLab]NEEDS:[USILifeSupport]FOR:[Mk2Expansion]

I do not ask why things happening but the FOR: and NEEDS: should look like :FOR and :NEEDS

config quickfix:


//Adds a life support recycler to the Mk2 Science Lab. Supports fewer kerbals and less efficient than stock lab. Credit to Merkov for the patch.

		name = ModuleLifeSupportRecycler
		CrewCapacity = 3
		RecyclePercent = .4
		ConverterName = Life Support
		tag = Life Support
		StartActionName = Start Life Support
		StopActionName = Stop Life Support

			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 1




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On 5/14/2015 at 12:32 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Why don't the nuclear engines in this pack work?

  • You're using Near Future Electrical, and the latest NFE update has changed something in its plugin code, causing the M2X NFE MM patch to no longer work. This will be officially fixed with the next update of M2X; until then, use the following compatibility patch (either save this as a .cfg named Mk2X_NFE_Functionality and overwrite the existing file in Mk2Expansion/Patches, or open up the existing patch and overwrite the contents with the code below):


Has this been fixed or will you still have to add this patch?

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