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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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Mods(M2X and M3X) demand old textures from Engine/solidBoosterRT-10, Engine/liquidEngineMainsail, Utility/dockingPort, Utility/dockingPortSr. They are now in "zdeprecated" with changed folder titles(lol). I managed to place them back manually and models are okie now, but for general user the mods may need .bat files like those that LinuxGuruGamer made in SXT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some textures are missing after some model swapt by Squad (namely: new docking ports from 1.12.2, but also a lack of update to past engine rework, as Mk2Expansion still uses the old deprecated textures)...

... but tankfully, (waiting an update) a nameless volunteer (a.k.a. "me") has prepared some fast MM patches for 1.12.2

A "basic" ModuleManager patch file is needed to be created, plus a second file in case of ReStock users, to avoid eventually Restock itself will mess with texture loading. Place them anywhere inside "GameData" folder (I made a "Mk2Expansion_MM" folder, to have them separated by the mod itself, but easy to find and be erased when it will be updated):

Create M2X_texture_fix.cfg (mandatory for everyone) for the updated models/textures

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Aerospike/Model
		texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
		texture = Mainsail2, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail_v1/model002
		texture = Mailsail_E, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail_v1/model004
		texture = Mk3CargoBay, Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/Mk3CargoBay
		texture = mk2adapters1m, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/mk2adapters1m

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/MATTOCK/Model
		texture = mk2adapters1m, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/mk2adapters1m
		texture = Mk3CargoBay, Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/Mk3CargoBay
		texture = Jet Engines, Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/Jet Engines
		texture = Mainsail2, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail_v1/model002
		texture = Mailsail_E, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail_v1/model004

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Turboprop/Model
		texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
		texture = Hammer000, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterRT-10_v1/model000
		texture = rotordisc, Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Turboprop/rotordisc

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay/ServiceBay
		texture = z-400BAttery000, Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/model000
		texture = mk2CargoBay, Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CargoBay/mk2CargoBay
		texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
		texture = ServiceBay, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay_v1/ServiceBay

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Turboprop/Model
		texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
		texture = Hammer000, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterRT-10_v1/model000
		texture = rotordisc, Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Turboprop/rotordisc

		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/DockingPort/Model
		texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
		texture = dockpitportstd, Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/Utility/dockingPort_v1/model000
		texture = light1, Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1/light1
		texture = light1_em, Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1/light1_em


Create M2X_revised.restockwhitelist (safe net for ReStock users... not needed for anyone not using it: ADD IT MANUALLY to the existing restockwhitelist or, for safety, create a new file only with these files, to complete the ones missing by M2X itself) (UPDATED for some other missing: copy it again if you have not the latest one)


Let me know if anything else is missing (I could have, eventually, overlooked something).

Enjoy and Space Safely!



At least for me, those patch are not totally working: the textures in the various parts present in "Squad/zDeprecated" folder are the needed one for make the patch work, but (at least for me) probably a combination of ReStock and some  basegame rules, does not allow them to be loaded: I moved them out in a folder of my creation, adjusted the above patches accordingly, and the problem seem resolved, but, obviously, it's a workaround that has to be done on per player basis,, each instalment of the game, manually. Sorry if you are in the same situation, with missing textures, even after my advised patches...

Edited by Araym
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  On 9/16/2021 at 9:08 PM, Hohmannson said:

Landing leg(without wheels) from M2X has white strut. Not sure which texture it demands, i tried a lot.


Are you using ResStock? (the first thing that could mess with Squad texture loading)


Yeah: a file is missing  in the "whitelist" needed, if using ReStock.
Added in the above message by me, so it still easier to find

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  On 9/16/2021 at 9:35 PM, Hohmannson said:

Aha! Yes, and thanks for the guidance, i see that restockwhitelist of M2X doesn't have Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-2/landingLeg, but the leg wants it.


You can add the list I did above to the original whitelist, eventually: I prefer to keep my edit in a separate file/directory, just in case (... a new install, in which I install from the release zip... a new release only partially resolving issues... me, being dumb, forgetting of some of my adjustment and overwriting original files...)

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Even if my MM patch, to change the model textures, are pointing to the right ones, somehow KSP is not really react to the part in "zDeprecated" folder. Dunno if its ReStock acting weird on my install, some typos made by me or the base game behaviour that avoid to load textures in those folder.

As VERY ROUGH workaround, for myself, I simply took the needed textures, copied out of Squad folder in one of my own creation, and adjusted my above patches accordingly (with the new custom folder address, rather than the "Squad/zDeprecated/..." one). Obviously, that way, no need for any restockwhitelist.

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  On 9/17/2021 at 12:35 AM, Araym said:

As VERY ROUGH workaround, for myself, I simply took the needed textures, copied out of Squad folder in one of my own creation, and adjusted my above patches accordingly (with the new custom folder address, rather than the "Squad/zDeprecated/..." one). Obviously, that way, no need for any restockwhitelist.


I know the trend is to write MM patches for everything but since you have shown you can find the needed textures, just put copies of them in each of the Mk2 Expansion folders that need them, then go in and simply comment out the texture = lines in the MODEL module. The model.mu will then use the textures that have the right names that are in the folder with it and you don't have to worry about external interference.

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  On 9/17/2021 at 5:46 AM, ColdJ said:

I know the trend is to write MM patches for everything but since you have shown you can find the needed textures, just put copies of them in each of the Mk2 Expansion folders that need them, then go in and simply comment out the texture = lines in the MODEL module. The model.mu will then use the textures that have the right names that are in the folder with it and you don't have to worry about external interference.


For "myself" I do often even "worse" than simply copy some texture (... I basically "rewrote" my entire game... ahahahahah in search of an "impossible balance" between stock and mods, nothing is safe). But even doing that, I generally make my changes thru MM just because, eventually, I can revert/change (keeping them organized) my own, not caring if in the meanwhile I eventually copy/paste/install new versions (And in this case, I needed just "one copy" for each texture, that could then be addressed for multiple parts by my MM patch... also by themself, the patch could be just temporary: once the original mod is eventually updated to "its own way" to deal with the texture problem, I just need to fiddle with MY files, not its own folders)
Put in case that I re-install a mod over my modifications, if them are done as MM patch, they are indipendent...

The problem here is that, "for myself", I actually moved the files needed, made my patches (... I have a "Squad_MM" folder where I put my personal changes to stock parts, that I'm using to store the missing textures), then thought to offer them to "everybody", just changing the paths to those available in a "stock install" (... so pointing to the "zDeprecated" folder), not knowing that the game itself DO NOT load these folders (until I tested the "to the public version" of the patches)

... I just thought to "be helpful" for other peoples, but failed.

I cannot "re-distribuite" squad owned textures, technically - even if in a lot of mods they are minimally changed and reused - so... well... I basically commented out the part related to "use my patches" (as they are actually not working as they are wrote) but basically added the comments about "what is needed to do" to make them work, they are still useful at least to actually find them with their folder addres... then is it just matter to "copy them" outside and do a little adjustment to my patches and/or place them, with minimal name changes, in the mod folder itself.
I prefer the "external folder" route + MM patch, rather than put them directly in the mod folder, because: 1. I do not need to make multiple copy of the same texture; 2. sometime they need to be renamed, accordingly to the part needs, as the blank placeholder texture, that could be eventually overwrtten by an accidental copy/paste of the mod itself in a latter moment (I'm not new to have lost my changes when, by chance, I had to reinstall/move things, as clumsy as I am :D); 3. if I find a more "elegant" way to repair things, I can eventually "share" to other people that are suffering similar problems like mine, avoiding them the time spent by myself in resolving issues (also pointing out the problem and eventually an actual solution to the mod author itself, that could then grab my patches and modify it officially)

Example unrelated:

... I found some similar "errors" in other older mods that I keep alive for myself...
Being "old", they are eventually even referring to textures not even present anymore in the game. I have no problem to take the needed textures/assets from older KSP releases (I basically have ALL the KSP versions since 0.17 in my own pc... probably I could find, not well archived, even more older ones, having bought mine since v.0.13/0.14) and add them to the latest version for myself... but I (technically) cannot redistribuite those "solutions" because they are plunging in "Squad owned textures/assets" (even if they are old... even if it's tollerated, as a lot of mods keep alive "old parts", basically copying/pasting the original Squad ones).

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  On 9/17/2021 at 9:28 AM, Araym said:

For "myself" I do often even "worse" than simply copy some texture (... I basically "rewrote" my entire game... ahahahahah in search of an "impossible balance" between stock and mods, nothing is safe). But even doing that, I generally make my changes thru MM just because, eventually, I can revert/change (keeping them organized) my own, not caring if in the meanwhile I eventually copy/paste/install new versions (And in this case, I needed just "one copy" for each texture, that could then be addressed for multiple parts by my MM patch... also by themself, the patch could be just temporary: once the original mod is eventually updated to "its own way" to deal with the texture problem, I just need to fiddle with MY files, not its own folders)
Put in case that I re-install a mod over my modifications, if them are done as MM patch, they are indipendent...

The problem here is that, "for myself", I actually moved the files needed, made my patches (... I have a "Squad_MM" folder where I put my personal changes to stock parts, that I used to store the missing textures), then thought to offer them to "everybody", just changing the paths to those available in a "stock install" (... so pointing to the "zDeprecated" folder), not knowing that the game itself DO NOT load these folders (until I tested the "to the public version" of the patches)

... I just thought to "be helpful" for other peoples, but failed.

I cannot "re-distribuite" squad owned textures, technically - even if in a lot of mods they are minimally changed and reused - so... well... I basically commented out the part related to "use my patches" (as they are actually not working as they are wrote) but basically added the comments about "what is needed to do" to make them work, they are still useful at least to actually find them with their folder adress... then is it just matter to "copy them" outside and do a little adjustment to my patches and/or place them, with minimal name changes, in the mod folder itself.
I prefer the "external folder" route + MM patch, rather than put them directly in the mod folder, because: 1. I need to make multiple copy of the same texture; 2. sometime they need to be renamed, accordingly to the part needs, as the blank placeholder texture, that could be eventually overwrtten by an accidental copy/paste of the mod itself in a latter moment (I'm not new to have lost my changes when, by chance, I had to reinstall/move things, as clumsy as I am :D); 3. if I find a more "elegant" way to repair things, I can eventually "share" to other people that are suffering similar problems like mine, avoiding them the time spent by myself in resolving issues (also pointing out the problem and eventually an actual solution to the mod author itself, that could then grab my patches and modify it officially)

Example unrelated:

... I found some similar "errors" in other older mods that I keep alive for myself...
Being "old", they are eventually even referring to textures not even present anymore in the game. I have no problem to take the needed textures/assets from older KSP releases (I basically have ALL the KSP versions since 0.17 in my own pc... probably I could find, not well archived, even more older ones, having bought mine since v.0.13/0.14) and add them to the latest version for myself... but I (technically) cannot redistribuite those "solutions" because they are plunging in "Squad owned textures/assets" (even if they are old... even if it's tollerated, as a lot of mods keep alive "old parts", basically copying/pasting the original Squad ones).


SXT includes a script that moves the textures required for SXT into another folder, maybe you could make something like that  

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  On 9/17/2021 at 9:35 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

SXT includes a script that moves the textures required for SXT into another folder, maybe you could make something like that  


Sadly, even if more than capable to "fiddle with KSP" in its own "cfg - sort of software" language, I'm not capable to write a single, real, line of coding for script alike the one made for STX. Even if it could be simple to check the STX source, make some changes to the original coding and recompile it for M2X - and M3Expansion too, as parent mod, I do not even know how to, then, recompile it to an actual, working, script....
I'm more the kind of guy just capable of "brute-force" the solution by manual copy/paste...

By the way: even SXT is not totally perfect... I found a couple of STX parts that are referring to textures not even in the game anymore (one of the mods that I needed to fix, on my end, by searching Squad assets in old KSP versions) - namely (up to now) at least 2 solid boosters that are in needs of textures present in pre-1.8 KSP versions

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Hi @Araym. I am very similar to you except for the MM patching. I got tired of waiting 10 minutes and watching 6000 patches load so I went in and fixed all the pathways in each config and moved across any needed textures. I never let a new version overwrite an old, instead I move it out first and then when I put in the new. I see what is missing and then overwrite it with my previous edits. Always keep backups of everything outside of the KSP folder structure. I also repair things I like to use when the new iterations of KSP break them. I can't code but I can see what new modules are being used and then use that information to repair older configs. I fixed some wheels this way that got borked by 1.12.1 Some really old mods require the model meshes to be stripped down and the latest colliders put in. I can do this by copying from new working meshes the bits I need to fix the old, but I don't expect the average player to be able to do that. Careful configing is just text editing so as long as you back it up first, most people should be able to look at a config and work out how things are done. That is how I learned myself, less than a year ago, and still learning new stuff all the time. :)


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I'm not an actual "super fan" of too many MM patches, to the point that, probably, I will do an extensive rework of any file I'm using in an "hardcore" mode alike yours, in the future.

I'm back to KSP after a long absence (I was basically bored to have, mostly, the need to contiously change/update mods to the latest version, as I was doing more "coding and patching" than actually playing, to the point that I'm relived that 1.12 will be the "final version": aside minimal, future, patches, the game is finally finished and mods will settle) and I'm just making a list/check of all the thing that I want in my own version.

... but on my end, the MM-patches are the last of my problems: yes... they take "some time" to load, but done it once, MM is generally going to loads the parts from its own cache...
... the problem is after then: I have so many mods installed that (even if my pc is not a super-latest pc gaming, it is not a bad one for sure: I made it for be sure to be above any KSP mod needs I will ever have) is the UNITY needs to keep EVERYTHING pre-loaded that keep my startup time infinite... and that is not so much different if the game has to read the filse from dozen of single cfg, or from the bigger, single, MM-cached list.

Just for your reference (counting not only part mods, but also visuals, planetary systems, and all the"extras" that I like) up to now, my GameData folder is 21.8 GB... that is A LOT of bytes to pre-load...
... hardcoding most of the MM patches in actual, final, cfg versions could eventually save me one minute or two, of the dozen that my KSP version need, anyway, to pre-load.:blush2:

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  On 9/17/2021 at 9:43 AM, Araym said:

Sadly, even if more than capable to "fiddle with KSP" in its own "cfg - sort of software" language, I'm not capable to write a single, real, line of coding for script alike the one made for STX. Even if it could be simple to check the STX source, make some changes to the original coding and recompile it for M2X - and M3Expansion too, as parent mod, I do not even know how to, then, recompile it to an actual, working, script....
I'm more the kind of guy just capable of "brute-force" the solution by manual copy/paste...

By the way: even SXT is not totally perfect... I found a couple of STX parts that are referring to textures not even in the game anymore (one of the mods that I needed to fix, on my end, by searching Squad assets in old KSP versions) - namely (up to now) at least 2 solid boosters that are in needs of textures present in pre-1.8 KSP versions


Lol, yea im the brute force kind of guy as well. what parts are broken? 

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  On 9/17/2021 at 10:39 AM, ColdJ said:

I have been building mods and model meshes so even though I read a few chapters of a good book while my game loads I still like to be able to test things more than once a day. :D



21.8GB is my "final" installation.

I have generally more than one, trimmed HEAVILY down, just for the "testing" that I need each time: generally I have secondary installation, for example, for "graphic visual testing"... one for pre-viewing any mods that add new parts (to check if I like them, before switch them in my "final" one)... and then one or more for troubleshooting/balancing between different mods/any needs could possibly arise, just to have some sane loading time.


  On 9/17/2021 at 10:46 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

Lol, yea im the brute force kind of guy as well. what parts are broken? 


Up to now, I just found 2 solid boosters referencing textures from KSP up only to 1.8.

I made a post about them in the SXT releas thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/16/2021 at 8:04 PM, Araym said:

is this still everything you need to whitelist in restock?

also, any known fix to the depriciated textures?

P.S. do you have a similar list for mk3 expansion?

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  On 9/25/2021 at 9:46 PM, RedRoyal25 said:

is this still everything you need to whitelist in restock?


That is what I thought was needed, IN ADDITION to the original whitelist from Mk2Expansion. It actually works only for the first (needed)


Sadly, the game DO NOT load anything from the "Squad/zDepecated" folder, so my fix about the whitelist is pointless for anything else


  On 9/25/2021 at 9:46 PM, RedRoyal25 said:

also, any known fix to the depriciated textures?


MY work around implies a bit of "work":

  1. I created a folder, in KSP's GameData, called "Squad_MM"
  2. I copied all the part in the folder "Squad/zDeprecated", in my new folder above (ending with a folder adress alike "<where is your install>.../GameData/Squad_MM/Parts")
  3. I removed ALL the .cfg files from each copied part to not have the game load the old, deprecated, Squad parts themselves, but just the texture (and eventually, if needed for future patches, also the 3D models) on demand
  4. I changed, from the big MM patch that fix the actual Mk2Expansion texture issue (above in one of my post), every texture that has "Squad/zDeprecated/Parts/.... <stuff>..." as address, with the newly created by me "Squad_MM/Parts/ <... stuff...>" (because now I have there the needed texture, available.
    You can change the final folder name, where you copy the old parts, as you like: it happens to me that I have just a folder named like "Squad_MM" where I store other ModuleManager patches related to stock parts, so it was handy for me. Just remember to adapt my big MM patch to YOUR folder address.
  On 9/25/2021 at 9:46 PM, RedRoyal25 said:

do you have a similar list for mk3 expansion?


I made, in the "Mk3Expansion" post, basically the same series of discussion: being "sibling" mods, I actually worked on a fix at the same moment, developing the very same issues at the same moment, and then comunicating the same, end result, on both threads.
You can do the same "workaround" I proposed to you, now, here for the Mk2Expansion parts also using my original patches that for sure are still in the Mk3Expansion thread.
Difference is that you do not need to copy again the texture (you have already done it) and you need just to grab the additional proposed whitelist (if it has any texture that is not in the "Squad/zDeprecated"... if not, you can skip it), and just adjust my MM patch for the Mk3Expansion in the same way I explained to you, here, at the #4 point, for the Mk2 (... my patches are build the same... )

In BOTH cases, DO NOT change/erase any original "whitelist" from any of the 2 mods: THOSE ARE NEEDED FOR EVERYTHING ELSE still working.
Add mine in separated .cfg files, wherever you like, inside "GameData"

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Just as a heads up, the patch fix that Araym put out for this has an issue of its own: it turns one of the two Mk 2 docking ports into a propeller visual-wise.  Also, it didn't fix the MATTOCK engine.

Edited by MD5Ray01
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