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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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Checked Mk2 parts and CRP only - worked OK.

Can't find  \KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt

Trying to install mods one by one to locate the conflict



found, that mod BetterBurnTime 1.8 is causing the conflict


Swap down to BBT 1.7 removed the conflict

Edited by Nik Power
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Hi, Im sure this has been mentioned before but is there a way to fix the ESTOC Engine plume from being permanently present after staging? Even after shutting the engine down it still remains. Same with the MATTOCK engine

Also..The Mule Engine used to have 2 attach points. one would attach as an mk2 dimension..but the other one would take away the mk2 and have it available for the mk1 size. Was this removed? I really liked that feature...


thanks everyone!

Edited by Jesusthebird
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Again? ESTOC/MATTOCK plume issues seem to crop up every couple of versions or so, it seems.
Are you running Realplume or something else that modifies engine FX?

Mule was changed to a Mk2 only engine a little while ago; I think my reasoning at the time was it was too powerful as a size 1 engine? Don't remember. Size 1 Mule is still present, just hidden. To re-enable, go to GameData/Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Turbofan/, then open legacy.cfg, and find and copy the ModuleJettison section into part.cfg.

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I look and can't find the solution. If any one could help me my issue is . . . .

Last time I played KSP was 6/27/2016 (KSP V1.1.3)

After a 2 year hideous I wanted to finish my Interplanetary ship so I jump back on a week ago.

When I tried to load my ships I get a warning saying that the parts are missing but I can clearly make a new ship with the MK2 parts so I know its installed correctly.

My guess is that all the parts changes as in a new format on how the part is coded and my ships are outdated. I tried looking for a old MK2 mod seeing if that helps but no luck.

Does anyone know a fix for this.


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  On 12/18/2018 at 4:26 AM, k1tty said:

I look and can't find the solution. If any one could help me my issue is . . . .

Last time I played KSP was 6/27/2016 (KSP V1.1.3)

After a 2 year hideous I wanted to finish my Interplanetary ship so I jump back on a week ago.

When I tried to load my ships I get a warning saying that the parts are missing but I can clearly make a new ship with the MK2 parts so I know its installed correctly.

My guess is that all the parts changes as in a new format on how the part is coded and my ships are outdated. I tried looking for a old MK2 mod seeing if that helps but no luck.

Does anyone know a fix for this.



Yeah, it's gonna be pretty hard to recover a craft file that old. Several changes have been made to the stock parts since then, as well as the mods that you may have used. I'm not one to let people down, but it would be easier to try and start from scratch, rather than try and figure out and try to fix whatever is going on with your craft file.

If you don't want to do that, you could try and revert back to 1.1.3 and then try and get that old Mk2 mod you couldn't find, but there's not much more that can be done, unless you're a wizard at editing cfg files.

PS: Welcome back!

Edited by RedBee92
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  On 12/18/2018 at 4:26 AM, k1tty said:

I look and can't find the solution. If any one could help me my issue is . . . .

Last time I played KSP was 6/27/2016 (KSP V1.1.3)

After a 2 year hideous I wanted to finish my Interplanetary ship so I jump back on a week ago.

When I tried to load my ships I get a warning saying that the parts are missing but I can clearly make a new ship with the MK2 parts so I know its installed correctly.

My guess is that all the parts changes as in a new format on how the part is coded and my ships are outdated. I tried looking for a old MK2 mod seeing if that helps but no luck.

Does anyone know a fix for this.


Some M2X parts underwent name changes at some point, it's possible some of your missing parts are due to that. If you have a list of parts it says are missing I can tell you if any are from Mk2Expansion, and how to re-enable them.

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  On 12/18/2018 at 9:30 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Some M2X parts underwent name changes at some point, it's possible some of your missing parts are due to that. If you have a list of parts it says are missing I can tell you if any are from Mk2Expansion, and how to re-enable them.



These are the missing parts.

  On 12/18/2018 at 4:38 PM, RedBee92 said:

Yeah, it's gonna be pretty hard to recover a craft file that old. Several changes have been made to the stock parts since then, as well as the mods that you may have used. I'm not one to let people down, but it would be easier to try and start from scratch, rather than try and figure out and try to fix whatever is going on with your craft file.

If you don't want to do that, you could try and revert back to 1.1.3 and then try and get that old Mk2 mod you couldn't find, but there's not much more that can be done, unless you're a wizard at editing cfg files.

PS: Welcome back! 


I guessed right. I do want to keep this ship so my plan was to get the old ksp version and get the old MK2 mod and rebuild/copy it it in the current versions of the mod and game, but I can't find the previous MK2 mod.

And thanks

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Looks like all Mk2Expansion parts, except for the Mk2.ShieldedNosePort, which I don't recognize. If you were in 1.1.3, and still had the old prefixes, M2X v. 1.7.01-pre should be the version you need.

Alternatively, if you feel confident in your text-editing skills, you can get the vessel working again by editing the save file. If you go to Kerbal Space Program/saves/[name of your save]/ you'll see a file named persistent.sfs. Open it in a text editor, and use a find & replace tool to find the names of the old parts and replace them with the following:
mk2.HypersonicNose   -->  M2X.HypersonicNose
mk2FF5WayRCS            -->  M2X.FF5WayRCS
ChineCap                        -->  M2X.ChineCap
RootChineLong              -->  M2X.RootChineLong
MATTOCK                       -->  M2X.MATTOCK
RootChineAdapter         -->  M2X.RootChineAdapter
RootChineShort              -->  M2X.RootChineShort
ChineShort                      -->  M2X.ChineShort
ChineLong                       -->  M2X.ChineLong
Mk2.InlineIntake             -->  M2X.InlineIntake
Mk2.ShieldedNosePort  - I don't know what this is from, QuizTech would be my guess, but you could try replacing it with -->  M2X.ShieldedDockingPort   which would at least get the vessel working again.
Save the changes, and the vessel should load. Remember to make a backup of persistent.sfs before making any changes!

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While testing my game in 1.5.1, I got a MM error in one of your file:

1 error related to GameData/Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS.cfg

Looking at the file I see the error is in the first line:


Actually, the error is for an unnecessary part.  The FOR has the colon on the wrong side.  However,  since this is part of the Mk2Expansion, you don't need the FOR, FOR is actually  used to tell MM that something is there (ie:  if it said FOR[xyz], then MM would process patches as if xyz was actually there).

This error occurred with ModuleManager 3.1.2

Edit:  I just noticed the same error was done on the NEEDS, the line should be:



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I've encountered a bug where if you lock a tank in the SPH/VAB, various engines from this mod will instantly drain the contents if you unlock them in-flight.  It's happened on most of the engines I've tested so far (MATTOCK, ESTOC, and the Aerospike, and presumably others).  I tested it in an otherwise stock install of KSP 1.5 (except for the dependencies) to confirm that it's an issue with this mod.  I'm using the latest release,

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  On 12/25/2018 at 3:09 AM, Flightologist said:

Alright Everybody, I'm new to the forum and I had downloaded the latest version for KSP 1.5.1, but it does not crash yet I can still not see any of the parts. What is happening?


Go to your mods folder, and open the Mk2 folder. Take the files OUT of that folder, and post them direct to the mods folder. If that doesn't fix your issue, then go ahead and post the logs.

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  On 12/24/2018 at 7:53 AM, CarlBrutanandilewski said:

I've encountered a bug where if you lock a tank in the SPH/VAB, various engines from this mod will instantly drain the contents if you unlock them in-flight.  It's happened on most of the engines I've tested so far (MATTOCK, ESTOC, and the Aerospike, and presumably others).  I tested it in an otherwise stock install of KSP 1.5 (except for the dependencies) to confirm that it's an issue with this mod.  I'm using the latest release,


It could be a stock bug - I just replicated it with the stock KS-25 Vector SSME-alike. It also occurs with tanks that are locked after launch that are unlocked after an engine has fired. It also appears to be annoyingly inconsistent - I've had it drain both fuel and Oxidizer, just Oxidizer, drain nothing, continuing residual drain after the initial fueldump, drain after deactivating an engine...
Not sure what i can do about it, all the m2x engines use the stock engine code.

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Banshee fans use their own intake to prevent wonkiness that might arise by using standard intakes - this way the fans don't get supplied from standard intakes, and standard jets can't get their intake air from the lift fan.
At present the fans are fixed, I've experimented with implementing rotating fans a few times but current KSP mirroring results in paired fans having thrust and/or rotation in opposite directions. For now, you'll need Infernal Robotics for fan rotation.

I haven't updated M2X or messed about with its NETKAN config, so I don't know why CKAN has chosen to update to an older version.

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Hello everybody. I'm getting this error in the log. 

[ModuleManager] Cannot parse node name as tag list: tag can't start with [
on: Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS/@PART[M2X_SmallLab]NEEDS:[USILifeSupport]FOR:[Mk2Expansion]

Any idea?

Thank you in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@SuicidalInsanityThere is a bug in 1.6.0 & 1.6.1 that can lock up the parts menu in the VAB if a bulkheadProfiles isn't defined for each part. The following thread discusses it. The following parts in this mod are missing the bulkheadProfiles definition


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Because of course Squad didn't include any sanity checks with the bulkhead profile filter.
M2X : SpaceDock - GitHub
Because the only change from the previous version is updating a few parts bulkhead profiles, I've also put together a MM patch for those of you who don't want to download a whole new update:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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The 5-way ACS Blister is throwing warnings about missing transforms and it does not change variants correctly in the VAB

LOG 19:14:10.415] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/RCS/ACSBlister/M2X_ACSBlister'
[WRN 19:14:10.422] Warning on PartSubtype Ullage on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister: No transforms named LinearRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.448] Warning on PartSubtype Quad on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister: No transforms named 4WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.472] Warning on PartSubtype Omni on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister: No transforms named 5WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.492] Warning on PartSubtype Ullage on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named LinearRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.509] Warning on PartSubtype Quad on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named 4WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.525] Warning on PartSubtype Omni on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named 5WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.543] Warning on PartSubtype Ullage on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named LinearRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.560] Warning on PartSubtype Quad on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named 4WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.576] Warning on PartSubtype Omni on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone): No transforms named 5WayRCS found
[LOG 19:14:10.595] PartLoader: Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/RCS/ACSBlister/M2X_ACSBlister' has no database record. Creating.
[WRN 19:14:10.597] Warning on PartSubtype Ullage on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone) Drag Rendering Clone: No transforms named LinearRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.603] Warning on PartSubtype Quad on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone) Drag Rendering Clone: No transforms named 4WayRCS found
[WRN 19:14:10.618] Warning on PartSubtype Omni on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Subtype') on part M2X.ACSBlister(Clone) Drag Rendering Clone: No transforms named 5WayRCS found
[LOG 19:14:10.636] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'M2X.ACSBlister'


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