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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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To all that are concerned about a full version. I have a few more bugs to fix like landing gear and aerodynamics. These should be fixed by this weekend hohopefully.

I released these adons for people to use until the next full release is out If they want. Mainly for testing And so I dont do full releases every day or 2

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Do you have launch clamps? the external tank itself will make the launchpad explode, add launch clamps to the SRBs and the bottom side of the orbiter

i thought that the shuttle is ready for launch without any further modifications.But even with clamps still explodes. too bad. i'll use it again when the bugs will be fixed. thanks anyway for your advice.

Edited by mitsos
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Not ready. It does say on both this site and kerbalstuff its a work in progress. Its a complex mod.

- - - Updated - - -

Tail fin now has built in drogue chute.

Still working on the other bits and pieces...

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  hieywiey said:
It is absolutely uncontrollable during launch, even MechJeb can't handle it. It will just spin...

Do you have all the dependencies installed because it's not uncontrollable. It easily takes off. It's the reebtry and landing bit that needs to be tweaked.

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If you have all the dependencies especially the KM gimbal , I recommend turning SAS on prograde after the prograde marker is vertical then until you hit 30 KM, after that then manually fly the shuttle.

Come to think about it, the launch of the shuttle was entirely automated until MECO and the SSME were not allow to completely burn out because it would have destroyed the engines.

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  halovet125 said:
I haven't been here in a while is anybody wiling to catch me up on what happened during the last week or so.

Basically, there has been two aerodynamic updates, the booster got revamped, a new model of the orbiter is in the works, the aerodynamics are being sorted out by Jeast, landing gear tweaks in the works to make them more in the line with the shuttles, break chutes are being added to the orbiter, and I am figuring out to best integrate the parts into career mode.

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I have been talking with jeast and he is working hard on the aerodynamics and doing a increadible job.

almost ready for release.

also im redoing the wheels so 12 hours or so for next quick update

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I managed to reenter the Orbiter and land it, it didn't follow shuttle reentry profile to the T, but it is manageable. For any of you struggling to reentry,

1 Do not deviate from prograde, seriously, horrible things happen, tell sas to lock it to prograde, keep watching it, and make sure it is surface mode.

2. Use the RCS during reentry, the reaction wheels aren't enough, so that means keep a reserve of OMS, and who knows, you might need to boost

3. Once you pass the sound barrier you can take control of the orbiter, don't do anything to fancy with it or featherdynamics will take over. Simply line up with the runway and land at about 80-90 m/s and apply breaks.

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Also, the fuel cells should use a separate resource from the monopropellant, and it should be less efficient to limit the Shuttle's flight time. The control surfaces should also use electricity, as in IRL they were powered by the three fuel cells. It would be nice to make it behave more like in F-Sim (an iOS/Android app, $5); as it is REALLY hard to get a safe (as in the shuttle sustained minimal damage; but didn't make a great landing) landing. Also I wonder if we could steal borrow F-Sim's shuttle model.

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  hieywiey said:
Also, the fuel cells should use a separate resource from the monopropellant, and it should be less efficient to limit the Shuttle's flight time. The control surfaces should also use electricity, as in IRL they were powered by the three fuel cells. It would be nice to make it behave more like in F-Sim (an iOS/Android app, $5); as it is REALLY hard to get a safe (as in the shuttle sustained minimal damage; but didn't make a great landing) landing. Also I wonder if we could steal borrow F-Sim's shuttle model.

We already have two people working on the model of the shuttle, borrowing the model would is redudant. With the one right now the works, I will thinkthat it is pretty hard to stick a safe landing, let alone lining up with the KSC with a 55 degree inclination (approx. ISS inclination). The Shuttle will land at its ~88m/s which is by far faster than any jet plane I landed...properly.

Edited by TheRag
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Sorry all for not releasing the update last night. We DO have a much better araero dynamics fix here and ill upload ot when I get to a computer.

Also I made my own new landing gear thats more detailed and animates better. It folds up ect. And this time it wont stop in 1 second.

And also the one piece orbiter just needs its texture applied and will upload.

As for fuel cells I will look into and apply that and also see if I can make parts use electricity

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  Mike-NZ said:
Sorry all for not releasing the update last night. We DO have a much better araero dynamics fix here and ill upload ot when I get to a computer.

Also I made my own new landing gear thats more detailed and animates better. It folds up ect. And this time it wont stop in 1 second.

And also the one piece orbiter just needs its texture applied and will upload.

As for fuel cells I will look into and apply that and also see if I can make parts use electricity

A one piece orbiter will be incredible for memory. Especially if and when the ISS pack gets updated. Less pieces equals less lag.

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I gave it a spin now, well...it is pretty easy to get into orbit (even a 250km orbit to my EPL Spacedock) to deliver goods. The big backdraw(s) is/are:

Deorbiting from that mentioned orbit gives you about 2,5km/s speed in the upper atmosphere, with FAR even accelerating...the frontal gear blows up at about 35-30 km due to overheating, because it seems to be not shielded by the nosecone, and finally without RCS there is no responding of the craft to atmospherical steering attempts.^^ It feels like its dropping down on rails rendering the control surfaces useless...dunno how to solve that, though.

But please keep it up, it is imho a really good US SS "replica" with low memory and player skill requirements...except for that brutal landing failures i had. :D

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Thanks for the review. I have now reinstalled the generator that requires fuel to make electric charge and the control surfaces require charge to work.

Also cargobay door staging works...

lowered the amount of oms fuel.

Just working on unretractable landing gear

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  Mike-NZ said:
Thanks for the review. I have now reinstalled the generator that requires fuel to make electric charge and the control surfaces require charge to work.

Also cargobay door staging works...

lowered the amount of oms fuel.

Just working on unretractable landing gear

I don't know anything about coding. However a new feature is that some solar panels don't retract. Maybe look to see how that works.

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I spend all day testing & tweaking the aerodynamics. Reëntry is full stable. You should be able to glide on a 20 degree glideslope from reentry to the runway (if you aim your reentry well ofc). Landing speed around 87m/s. Stall speed around 55 m/s.

Please test this and let me know the results. The more testers the better.



Edited by Jeast
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Working great, reentry is nearly perfect, just some problems doing the S-curves (Tail generates a large amount of lateral lift, making the shuttle flip upside down.) Now it is just solving that weird "auto" roll during launch, I would guess it would have something to do withe gimbal and SAS freaking out on how much control it has (Ala Mammoth engines).

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I found that the previous update only worked with some juice left in the OMS tanks. I have updated the aero configs to give you the same landing performance (87m/s TD + 55m/s stall) with an empty tank.


Now we need a mod to dump fuel, because this only works with empty tanks.

- - - Updated - - -

  TheRag said:
Working great, reentry is nearly perfect, just some problems doing the S-curves (Tail generates a large amount of lateral lift, making the shuttle flip upside down.) Now it is just solving that weird "auto" roll during launch, I would guess it would have something to do withe gimbal and SAS freaking out on how much control it has (Ala Mammoth engines).

Did you test this with FAR or stock? Please try the new version (1.5).

About the roll on launch, yeah I had it fixed previously on a version with the CoL on the backside of the wing. So I guess it is the reaction wheel or SAS indeed. Have a suggestion on fixing this?

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TAC Fuel balancer

I think this is the mod you are looking for dumping stuff overboard. Recommend trying it out

Off to crashing more shuttles


I tested it with stock, as for the roll on launch, maybe removing the reaction wheel in the back (I pretty certain that shuttle had no reaction wheels) locking the gimbal on the solid rocket boosters (Solids never had gimbal) and possible maunal flying might fix the roll problem.

Edited by TheRag
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  TheRag said:

TAC Fuel balancer

I think this is the mod you are looking for dumping stuff overboard. Recommend trying it out

Off to crashing more shuttles


I tested it with stock, as for the roll on launch, maybe removing the reaction wheel in the back (I pretty certain that shuttle had no reaction wheels) locking the gimbal on the solid rocket boosters (Solids never had gimbal) and possible maunal flying might fix the roll problem.

Ok Ill look into that! Thanks.

How did 1.5 fly in stock?

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It flew pretty good in stock, I tested it at 5000 15000 and 129000 meters, still controllable even at 15+ G turns. Turning the gimbals off and disabling the reaction wheels tends to roll problem worse, I guessing there something that is asymmetric. Primarly the A and D controls trigger this roll problem, turing off SAS makes the problem go away from my testing.

Also, when the wheels hit the ground it triggers the shuttle to go on a climb, landing at 88m/s is difficult as the shuttle generates lift when the wheels it and the lift from the shuttle itself, stall speed is around 34m/s from what I experienced. I suspect raising the drag will counteract the lift.

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