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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!


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wanted to ask a question.

I can create a general page to my profile ?, then link on the signature of my post, it is to get organized a little, and if so, where is the best place for this page?

The reason for this question is that soon I may want all my creations and ideas grouped on one page, which has a link to the corresponding thread of the creation/idea.

i do this to let the people find what they want,without having to search a lot...

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Well, it's four of us now, but I see no problems on your account or recent posts. :D I suspect we are just being alert and friendly, monitoring forum activity, and TOTALLY not stalking you.
Its also possible you posted something so awesome all the mods just had to check it out ;)

Errmm.. okay then.

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At what point, in your days as moderator, did it really hit home to you that you were a moderator? (I apologize if that made no sense...)

One day someone got mad because of some moderation that was done (can't remember the details). They proceeded to spam the forums with very ungainly images. Unfortunately, I was one of the moderators with the stronger stomach so I had to go through the whole forum along with others deleting the images. The person kept making other accounts for that night. I think it was like 3 hours dealing with some jerk. I work, go to school, go to church, and generally have responsibilities outside of the forums. That night I realized the magnitude of the responsibilities.

(Note, many forum goers helped a lot; I can't remember their names)

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...They proceeded to spam the forums with very ungainly images...

Yes, that was a particularly sad day. You'd also be surprised at the types of PMs we get, in response to reminding people about the rules. That's what did it for me...

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At what point, in your days as moderator, did it really hit home to you that you were a moderator? (I apologize if that made no sense...)

Very quickly when I went about tidying up some Moderator only forums and got to read the comments about what other mods though of me possibly becoming a mod ;)

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If I were to send a joke PM (not offensive of course) to a moderator, would that be frowned upon?

Remember, Offence can be taken regardless of whether it was given.

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Very quickly when I went about tidying up some Moderator only forums and got to read the comments about what other mods though of me possibly becoming a mod ;)

I certainly understand that feeling. Just had similar experience in another location off the forums only with different results (not even moderator related but group related) worst feeling i can think of.

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So, have moderators ever played a practical joke on another? What was the funniest one you remember being played on you?

Yes we have, in the mod chat.

The funniest I can think of was when we managed to make duodex think that the experimental was out(well, I wasn't in the chat when this was pulled so I can't really know what happened).

The funniest they pulled on me was when I was still a rookie. They somehow managed to make me think that Red Iron Crown became a moderator because of a bug: they convinced me of sending a PM to him asking to stop backseat moderating, then they revealed the truth ^^

EDIT: the joke on Duodex about the experimental is a practical joke not because it mean that we're a step further to the release,but because moderators can access the experimental versions.

(So basically, it's like making someone think that a new version is out)

yes, it was a sadistic joke, but still a funny one :P

Edited by goldenpeach
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The funniest they pulled on me was when I was still a rookie. They somehow managed to make me think that Red Iron Crown became a moderator because of a bug: they convinced me of sending a PM to him asking to stop backseat moderating, then they revealed the truth ^^

That Red5 guy is such a jerk.

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I think i , was around during the tail end of that. I THOUGHT the crowns looked familiar!

Back on topic:

Besides the april fools joke(s), do moderators occassionally play practical jokes on individual, non-moderator users?

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And any,particularly funny ones that you remember doing?

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it was a test account created for experimentation with the reputation system, then used for some forum silliness. A one time deal.

4.3 You should hold yourself up to the same standards that you expect the rest of the forum users to abide by, or you have no business being a mod.

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