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[1.9.x] Better Science Labs Continued


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On 6/9/2018 at 7:50 PM, JoE Smash said:

Can you add hatches to these labs when you get a chance, m8?

Yes, please.

I just had a mission to go rescue a Kerbal in low Minmus Orbit. She happened to be in the lab that looks like the Materials Bay. No hatch. Can't get her out without a claw, which I didn't have equipped on the vessel I sent to pick her up. ;.;

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48 minutes ago, Sidereus said:

Yes, please.

I just had a mission to go rescue a Kerbal in low Minmus Orbit. She happened to be in the lab that looks like the Materials Bay. No hatch. Can't get her out without a claw, which I didn't have equipped on the vessel I sent to pick her up. ;.;

After messing around with things (I'm new to the game) it seems that particular lab is the only one that doesn't have a hatch. It's frustrating because it's the smallest, lightest, and earliest to unlock tech wise.....which makes it easiest to get to the Mun or Minmus early in your career.

That being said, I learned the hard way by leaving the next size up lab on the Mun (which does have a hatch), that the lab's right click menu disappears when you remove the lab from the command pod. If it is no longer attached to a command pod, or at least have a probe core with command functions attached as well as an atenna with sufficient range to phone home and receive commands....then the lab becomes pretty useless. 

So now I have a lab on the Mun with solar panels, batteries, experiments, an experiment data holder, direct and relay antennas, and a hatch with a kerbal inside and no way to use the lab because I'm a noob.

I'm about to launch a new mission with a mechanic and the hopes of welding a probe core to the lab (using the kerbal attachment and inventory mods), hoping that doing so will restore the right click menu options. With my luck it won't though....lol.

So basically what I'm saying is, it's almost worth leaving a MK1 command pod with a hatch attached to the smallest lab for the sake of it functioning....

If you want to go REALLY small and light, the Umbra Space Industries "USI Exploration Pack" adds the smallest command pods with hatches I have seen in the game (so far). Both the AES and HERP pods weigh 0.15 kilos and have a hatch and command functions included with them. They are basically considered emergency rescue or escape pods....but whatever works right? So I'd slap one of those on the lab and drop it off and that may solve the issue. I'd add the "Connected Living Space" mod just to be on the safe side.....


JoE Smash

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8 hours ago, Sidereus said:

Yes, please.

I just had a mission to go rescue a Kerbal in low Minmus Orbit. She happened to be in the lab that looks like the Materials Bay. No hatch. Can't get her out without a claw, which I didn't have equipped on the vessel I sent to pick her up. ;.;



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  • 3 months later...
On 2/13/2017 at 8:03 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Check that you have enough power, and that you have the required number of scientists on board.

If you still have problems, send me a log file , and if possible, your save files.


First let me say I am a fan of your work sir. Thank you for what you do for the KSP community.

I too was having the same problem and just ham fisted my way through the issue with the configs. The issue of 'locked' was I feel the issue, but again. I just kind of toyed around hoping to land myself in the right spot. These are the changes I made and suddenly it was working.

Before (i should say i dont know how to comment out paragraphs, nor have i looked it up yet)


	      name = FlagDecal
	      textureQuadName = flagTransform
		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		allowManualControl = false
		animationName = Deploy
		//startEventGUIName = Deploy
		//endEventGUIName = Close
		//actionGUIName = Toggle Doors



	      name = FlagDecal
	      textureQuadName = flagTransform
	//	name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
	//	allowManualControl = false
	//	animationName = Deploy
		//startEventGUIName = Deploy
		//endEventGUIName = Close
		//actionGUIName = Toggle Doors

This seems to have fixed the issue with the locked (again, i ham fisted and guessed). I will say with the process times being exponential, to turn 45 data around in over 100k years seems... excessive. I feel the time to produce the data is penalty enough, but the multiplier I feel is where the sweet spot lies. Of course YMMV in what you find 'fun'

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

I have a feeling this is a dumb question but I've forgotten how this works and Google is not helping.  I've just deployed a brand new MPL-CC-2 on Minmus.  However, every piece of science data I have is larger than the 250 max of the lab.  Are there any mods that will allow partial transfer of data, or allow data to be split up so that I can get some into this lab?  Even my miniscule amount of data from my 3rd thermometer run, which is the smallest I can grab, is 322.  It makes this lab basically useless.  I think all the labs work like that so I'm not complaining about this particular lab, just want it to work.

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This mod in particular I would think the better approach would be to conditionally switch models it's using instead of just whitelisting the Squad models.

I'll probably work on a patch at some point - but I'm waiting a bit on ReStock as my main career has ~200 mods and I'd like others to shake the bugs out first...

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  • 4 weeks later...


On 3/8/2019 at 2:14 AM, DStaal said:

This mod in particular I would think the better approach would be to conditionally switch models it's using instead of just whitelisting the Squad models.

I'll probably work on a patch at some point - but I'm waiting a bit on ReStock as my main career has ~200 mods and I'd like others to shake the bugs out first...

Actually, I prefer that it uses stock instead of ReStock, so it avoids duplicate, identical models.

Btw, the SNACK retrieval probe needs an update. I made this patch for myself, but @linuxgurugamer might want to incorporate directly.

		%antennaType = INTERNAL
		%packetInterval = 1.0
		%packetSize = 2
		%packetResourceCost = 12.0
		%requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		%antennaPower = 5000
		%optimumRange = 2500
		%packetFloor = .1
		%packetCeiling = 5
        %hasHibernation = True
        %hibernationMultiplier = 0.001
		%defaultControlPointDisplayName = #autoLOC_6011003 //#autoLOC_6011003 = Default
			%displayName = #autoLOC_6011004 //#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed
			%orientation = 0,0,180


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On 3/7/2019 at 12:14 PM, DStaal said:

This mod in particular I would think the better approach would be to conditionally switch models it's using instead of just whitelisting the Squad models.

I'll probably work on a patch at some point - but I'm waiting a bit on ReStock as my main career has ~200 mods and I'd like others to shake the bugs out first...

@DStaal  I have no ego invested in this mod, if you would like to take it over, let me know.

2 hours ago, aat said:

Actually, I prefer that it uses stock instead of ReStock, so it avoids duplicate, identical models.

Btw, the SNACK retrieval probe needs an update. I made this patch for myself, but @linuxgurugamer might want to incorporate directly.


I'm adding it now, thanks

New release,

  • Updated snacks probe
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2 hours ago, aat said:


Actually, I prefer that it uses stock instead of ReStock, so it avoids duplicate, identical models.

Btw, the SNACK retrieval probe needs an update. I made this patch for myself, but @linuxgurugamer might want to incorporate directly.

		%antennaType = INTERNAL
		%packetInterval = 1.0
		%packetSize = 2
		%packetResourceCost = 12.0
		%requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		%antennaPower = 5000
		%optimumRange = 2500
		%packetFloor = .1
		%packetCeiling = 5
        %hasHibernation = True
        %hibernationMultiplier = 0.001
		%defaultControlPointDisplayName = #autoLOC_6011003 //#autoLOC_6011003 = Default
			%displayName = #autoLOC_6011004 //#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed
			%orientation = 0,0,180


Please check the latest release to be sure I incorporated your changes correctly.


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

@DStaal  I have no ego invested in this mod, if you would like to take it over, let me know.

I'm horrible at long-term maintenance on these things.  It's why I support your Patreon.  ;)  But if I get a chance to write that patch I'll send a PR.

@aat - this mod has always used duplicate identical models.  Why should installing ReStock change that?

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6 minutes ago, DStaal said:

'm horrible at long-term maintenance on these things.  It's why I support your Patreon.  ;)  But if I get a chance to write that patch I'll send a PR.


6 minutes ago, DStaal said:

@aat - this mod has always used duplicate identical models.  Why should installing ReStock change that?

I think he wants to keep the original textures, so they are visually different than the new ones

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11 hours ago, DStaal said:


@aat - this mod has always used duplicate identical models.  Why should installing ReStock change that?

Because BLS would keep using the original models, while the stock parts (from which they are copied) get the new models from ReStock -- ta-dah, no more same looking parts

12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Please check the latest release to be sure I incorporated your changes correctly.


Looks fine! I will download tonight and test ingame. Now the SNACK probe is in line with other probes - it was missing the internal antenna, the hibernation mode and the reverse control point thing.

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11 hours ago, aat said:

Because BLS would keep using the original models, while the stock parts (from which they are copied) get the new models from ReStock -- ta-dah, no more same looking parts

Are you confusing what a model is vs a texture?  Because the same model can have different textures.  A "model" in this instance is a very specific think, referring the the internal setup of the part, the textures is what you see on the outside

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  • 1 month later...

i have a weird texture bug, my cc-1 and cc-2 Mobile Processing Labs are both both texureless, showing up as gray in the parts list or white in the editor. i checked the files but didnt see anything odd (doe i must admit, barely understood what was in there :D ) and did a reinstall, but no change. I have ReStock installed aswell, might that be the issue?





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