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KSP 2.0 - What would you expect (or wish) for a sequel?


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I was speculating today with a friend about what KSP could achieve, and a possible future release of KSP 2.0.

We ended up wishing for more base constructions on distant planets. Being able to seeing your colonies growing and expanding. Of course this might take years or decades of in-game time (for Kerbals, not for the player :-D ).

An other addition I would like to have is some sort of automation. Being able to assign tasks to Kerbals that they can accomplish while you're away, or by Artificial Intelligence. Or being able to install a powerful AI on a rover and command it to go exploring the neighborhood.

Also, Kerbin is a bit desolate for being the base of an intelligent life form that reaches the frontier of Space Travels. And other planets are a bit dull and empty, beside the biomes. So it would be sweet to have some more geological variety. Something worthing spending hours (years of in-game play) on planets.

Duna could even offer some biological samples, like primordial bacteriae.

Of course there is also the multiplayer frontier, where players compete against each other for reaching goals.

And you? Would would you like to see coming in a future KSP 2.0?

Edit: This post is not a critic at the actual state of the game. KSP is one of the most amazing games I've ever played (and I've played since the Commodore 64). It's simply a speculation of what could be possible in future for a video game about space science. Yes, KSP could be improved, and it will be with time. Rome hasn't been built in a day, we like to say in Italy :)

Edited by carlorizzante
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I think, the only thing i'd like of KSP 2 would be to be more "futuristic", or at least to be able to move into time to more advanced stuff.

more than one planet system to travel to

planet/moon base, obviously.


Mega vessel (think, Galactica).

Maybe more interration with the kerbals.

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Interstellar travel, no 32-bit memory limits, and perhaps some actual Kerbals on Kerbin?

Seems odd having the entire population consist of KSC staff.

maybe they live underground!:sealed:

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I would like to see actual kerbal towns or cities be on kerbin. I think it would be cool to have to avoid dropping debris or something within a certain area around a population center. I think this could be added in if they add in colonization, because they seem kind of similar, except the town/cities are already there.

Another cool thing would be more complex geography on kerbin and duna. Like real big canyons that split and that are fun to explore... And fly through at the speed of sound with that new super sonic jet you just designed.

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Dogs as pilots. So we can do Sputnik II missions.

They would have to be green dogs obviously. The space suits (for EVA) would be adorable.

The badS flag would have to be set by default for all doggy kerbonauts, just like in real life.

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KSP 2.0 DoTa - every few months aliens sends their minions to conquer planet, your mission is to place defences near KSC and cities to have funds income and winning condition is to find alien bases and upload them deadly virus

Kerbals vs Asteroids - aliens are redirecting asteroids to destroy KSC your mission is to put in orbit enough lasers or other weapons to be able to defend Kerbals. Each Kerbal city is providing you additions funds, tech and other resources if you let too many cities get destroyed your progress will be too slow and you will lose.

KSP Exploration MMO - multiplayer hosted on Squads servers with interstellar capability, each solar system is different and is hosted physically on different server, but we can travel between them after we boost our boosters with real money ;)

KSP RPG MMO - PC players can play as corporation owners and make plans, build ships to conquer space, PS4 players can be only pilots, getting quests and funds they are able to upgrade and buy new ships to travel to new planets.

KSP Space Sim - You have corporation building space crafts, your job is to find, gather, transport and sell resources around solar system. Kerbals having enough resources are going to build new bases, outposts, cities and terraform new planets.

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I don't think KSP is sequel-able.

I mean, really, anything that you would put in a sequel could be either updated or modded into the game, so what's the point? (besides making more money for SQUAD.)

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Some kind of kerbal Cows around KSP, and the possibilty to get some funds or reputation by mowing the lawn when the Space program is getting stressfull, kind of relaxing maybe. Parts like Lawnmowerblades and effective propulsion themfore...

The Cows should have the opportunity to get to other planets too, and see what they can do there if there is maybe some grass growing. Having a Snack of alien grass or so...

The cows provide Milk and icecream is important for the Kerbal Space program, or isnt?

There could be some BADass Cows, wich have to be avoided while mowing the Lawn...

Thats all. And some other good Things other Fans posted before.

Okay, MUUH :wink:

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No KSP 2 probably for the same reason there is no Minecraft 2. KSP has no story line, the player just does whatever they want...


But if there was to be a remake of KSP, Lagrange Points would be neat, and maybe real sized planets.

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Welding of parts, realistic flexing can happen through soft body physics.

This would make size not matter much anymore, and no "joints" stuff.

But what I really want is a game called Jebediah's backyard.

On this game you use handmade materials to put together rockets, and develop everything to them, yes they are toys.

Instead of modular building, you shape stuff however you like, and the game approximates the proprieties of the engine for instance.

On this game you don't really go anywhere but you can launch on competitions or to bring scientific instruments to high places, the game has a storyline and you are not totally free to do whatever you want.

With time you move from backyard to the school, then uni and finally you open jeb's junkyard (can also be the name of the game).

At a point you would start to drive them with RCs, and avoid falling on important stuff, as well as countering wind.

You could even go as far as developing liquid fuel engines, but then that would be very hard to simmulate properly unless modular.

Since there is no "best rocket" and this is a very simplified environment, it would be easy to have some kind of multiplayer competitions.

If possible this could extend to RC planes as well.

That is what I would like to see.

*from mobile, sorry for typos, etc.

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I'd like to see KSP 2.0 do the following:

1) Provide more immersive and interesting POIs, worlds, celestial bodies, and even make empty space more interesting with additional space-only biomes where deep-space solar-wind analysis, quantum particle scans, ambient gamma- and cosmic-ray observations, etc. could be useful projects to accomplish. Maybe some on-the-fly procedural generation code that increases the elaboration of a world's POIs the more time the player spends there...

2) Tie into software like Astrosynthesis 3.0 to allow fast procedural space sector, star system and world generation (though beefed up with more realistic geological and atmospheric chemistry modeling) to come closer to a randomizable, replayable interstellar-level game...

3) Leverage some features found in other sandbox games like Minecraft and Space Engineers, to give players the ability to tunnel into the various worlds and build even more elaborate above- and below-ground constructions...

4) Bump up the astrophysics modeling to allow n-body physics and the ability to leave craters on celestial bodies when they get hit by asteroids, up to knocking their orbits out of whack / total conversion to asteroid debris (so that Space: 1999-style catastrophe scenarios could be possible)...

5) System variables to track the total Kerbal population of Kerbin, and other habitable systems; variables to track the effective quality-of-life and technological standards of these settlements; and a game feature that determines the current level of relative success of your space program as a function of whether or not a greater number of Kerbals are living at higher standards of living compared to how well they were living at the start of the game. If my solar system has a late-stage population of only 1,000 Kerbals with all techs unlocked (because I spent my money on research missions instead of a couple of crucial asteroid-divert missions), that might not be as great of an outcome as having a billion Kerbals at late-stage, with only half the techs unlocked...

Probably 2.0 will require everyone to have evolved toward 128-bit computers based on super-conducting processors manufactured at the Earth-Moon Lagrange points, meaning that 2.0 will risk becoming 'historical fantasy' as opposed to 'speculative aerospace simulation', but it's still fun to spitball away at this stuff.

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