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So, I found this...


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Since nice footprints can form in regolith, I don't see why a small regolithcastle shouldn't be possible. This is why we need to send people back to the moon, to answer proper science questions like this.

EDIT: NASA disagrees with me:

"Lunar dust has some interesting qualities, but it’s clearly not play material for children or adults. Building a sandcastle on the moon would be dangerous and impossible. No liquid water puts a stop to sandcastle creations. On Earth, water sticks to the sand, and causes sand particles to stick to each other. On the moon, because there is no water, lunar dust cannot stick to itself. You could never build a sandcastle on the moon.

Source: http://education.jsc.nasa.gov/explorers/p10.html"

I don't know that I would believe that without tests. It's true that you don't have water to hold the grains together...but you also have grains that are much more jagged and have rougher surfaces than Earth sand, which should help the grains hold together, AND you could get vacuum welding effects to also help if you squeeze the regolith sand together with enough force for enough time. So I also feel we should send return missions to test this important subject.

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...but you also have grains that are much more jagged and have rougher surfaces than Earth sand, which should help the grains hold together, AND you could get vacuum welding effects to also help if you squeeze the regolith sand together with enough force for enough time. So I also feel we should send return missions to test this important subject.

Agree with you on all counts. Maybe we need to crowdfund it.

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Back in .90 I saw it about once every ten times I would be at that screen. Thought they had done away with it in 1.x but one day when exiting I noticed the sandcastle on my eye. Would of screen shotted, but my hands were working too fast exiting the game

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It doesn't work 1/40 for me. I played KSP for nearly 2 years, racking up over 1000 hours and nearly as many game starts, and never once saw it. Then suddenly one day the castle appeared. And it continued to appear every single time I started the game for about a week, like 20 or 30 times in a row. And it hasn't appeared since, with hundreds more game starts.

I think scatterer makes it appear.

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I never once noticed this until the first thread about it. Now I see it at least twice a week.

I think that's more a comment on how I need to be enrolled in Kerbal Addiction Program than anything else.

Edited by Randazzo
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I've seen it too many times.

The scene-switch/revert memory leak + mods (most of the USI catalog) = I can play for about an hour at a time before I have to restart. I've played over 1000 hours.

I've seen it a lot too because of the exact same problem. It seems to show up if I play a lot of sandbox games; not sure that has anything to do with it.

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  • 1 month later...
I've always wanted there to be a 'build sandcastle' action on the right-click menu

yeah me too. hopefully that button will come up in KSP 1.1.

make the sandcastle during EVA on the Mun and near the shores right?(plz tell me im right)

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inb4 thread gets locked for being the 93452945739th duplicate thread about this:

Perhaps SQUAD should have a big sticky at the top of General Discussion saying "If you found an Easter egg, check that nobody else has made a thread before starting your own," because we probably already know about it >.<

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inb4 thread gets locked for being the 93452945739th duplicate thread about this:

Perhaps SQUAD should have a big sticky at the top of General Discussion saying "If you found an Easter egg, check that nobody else has made a thread before starting your own," because we probably already know about it >.<

I would edit that, mods gave me a warning my early on in my time here back in '13 for an inb4 joke they thought was "backseat modderation". Just a friendly heads up mate.

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But is it realy possible to make a sandcastle on the mun ?

Depends on where you are on the Mun.

If you end up around the equator where there is no constantly shadowed area, it is very likely to end up with soil that is very much like dry sand.

To build a Sandcastle like it is displayed in the Picture you Need at least some moisture to hold things together.

There are no beaches on the moon, but hey! There are some craters on the Polar regions that are never exposed to direct sunlight and it is known that there is at least some ice.

This is just my theory. There is only one way to find out if i am right or wrong ;)

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Well you could soften up the ice and make an ice castle? Then put moon dust over it, it might stick if it was from there.

Well i would guess that the ice you will find on the moon is more like frozen dirt anyways.

Geez Alshain... stahp printing Sandcastles... It isnt that hard :D

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