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[0.15, PARTS] Mk2 Stock Parts (Alpha 0.2 "Released")

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hé hé hé

good work , i\'m impatient to see the final version

but your alpha/beta ? version work fine ?

I can test without problems ??

Big love for Ion engine :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

So how\'s the pack coming on Thobewill? :) It looks like the 0.2 is seriously out of date, none of the new descriptions are in there.

Sorry, I\'ve been busy organising a party, as my friend is moving to australia. When I get time next week, I\'ll get around to updating everything. Sorry about that.

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I downloaded the pack from page 1 and placed all files where they should go - everything seems to work except that the solar panels indicate that they are not compatible with my version of KSP. 15.2.

This pack is absolutely perfect - if I could get the solar panels to work in 15.2 and actually charge the battery, I\'ll be elated.

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I downloaded the pack from page 1 and placed all files where they should go - everything seems to work except that the solar panels indicate that they are not compatible with my version of KSP. 15.2.

This pack is absolutely perfect - if I could get the solar panels to work in 15.2 and actually charge the battery, I\'ll be elated.

The problem might be because you have the incompatible versions of the plugins (or even lack one of them).

Update all 3 plugins:

MuMechLib.dll - can be found here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14009

PowerTech.dll 0.2.5 http://www./?pho6nx1k28gpdi9

PowerTech_MuMech.dll (compatibility plugin for these) http://www./?m78tmg6vsxdsrld

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

I\'ve been using your mod for a while and I really love the look of the parts - I think you nailed the 'stock' look! I have a question though - is there a way to make it so a fully depleted battery will recharge again? I\'ve tried this with your battery and the battery from the Deep Space Mission mod (perhaps I\'m doing it wrong, but I have tried them attached radially and all in the main stack). I appreciate your hard work :)

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Hi there,

I\'ve been using your mod for a while and I really love the look of the parts - I think you nailed the 'stock' look! I have a question though - is there a way to make it so a fully depleted battery will recharge again? I\'ve tried this with your battery and the battery from the Deep Space Mission mod (perhaps I\'m doing it wrong, but I have tried them attached radially and all in the main stack). I appreciate your hard work :)

No. The way the game currently handles fuel tanks, as wells as all derivatives of them, (i.e. batteries, RCS, bla bla) will completely disable themselves once dry. Clearly they were never meant to be re-filled. But come 0.16, I think that will be fixed, because refuelling an empty ship would be a necessity. (if they come up with docking in time)

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In the newest version of my plugin, batteries are not based on MuMech fuel tanks anymore, and they work a lot better. The only problem is that this mod doesn\'t use my plugin and that I didn\'t make a new config for the Deep Space Mission pack until now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So we can either have an ion engine that runs on electricity only, with a battery that can recharge when it\'s empty


an ion engine that runs on both electricity and reaction mass, with a battery that can not recharge when it\'s empty?

Or can we have the best of both just by editing a cfg?

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