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Runway Drag Race!

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  1. 1. Do you like these types of challenges?

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Put your creativity to the test by build a Non-Flying craft and see how fast you can go on the Runway!

The Challenge: Get your vehicle to the end of the Runway as fast as you can.

Start at point A and go to/pass point B!


The Rules: (Applies to both leagues)

- No Cheating! (Please don't ruin the fun for others)

- No Mods/Plugins allowed (Except for display, visual, or informative mods i.e. Kerbal Engineer, MechJeb etc.) and Stock parts must be used.

- All parts must not decouple (Exceptions are: Launch Clamps and Fairings)

- The Vehicle must remain under 75m above sea level (The Altitude should remain constant at all times, however if your vehicle is over 75m, then a maximum of 5m increase in altitude is allowed).

- No parts can break until it passes the Runway (Any debris will not count as part of the ship)

- The Crew/Command Pod/Probe Core must survive and be able to recover (Pack a parachute!)

- To provide evidence of completion, either record it with a video or add series of screenshots which show the time it took and the craft passing the runway.

- Do not exploit any glitches or bugs to your advantage

- Please state whether you are in the Precision or Sprint League (Sorry for not adding this in earlier!)

These are the 8 lines:


Precision League:

How to time:

Start: As soon as the engine fires

End: When your vehicles comes to a complete stop and is on the 8 lines

Precision League is all about timing, throttle and skill! The main objective is to blast your way to the finish but to brake at the last minute at the end of the runway and STOP at the end of the runway without going over it (The 8 vertical lines at the end is the point required for stopping).

Precision League Rules:

- Do not go off the runway at anytime and don't fly off at the end

- Your vehicle must stop at 0.0m/s and touch the 8 vertical lines at the end of the runway

- Your vehicle cannot go pass the 8 vertical lines, (the vehicle has to be at least above one of them) but your vehicle can be half on and off the lines.

Sprint League:

How to time:

Start: As soon as the engine starts

End: When you pass the Runway (The 8 lines)

Sprint League is all about power, velocity and aerodynamics! The goal is to PASS the runway at a high speed to race against time, however you still need to be able to recover the vehicle once you have finished.

Sprint League Rules:

- The vehicle needs to pass the entire runway, then brake to slow down

- The vehicle must not be destroyed, and it must be able to recover (Some parts are allowed to break but not until after it passes the indicated lines)

- Go to F3 as soon as you pass the 8 lines to show your time


Precision League:




Most creative vehicle:

Sprint League:




Most creative vehicle:


- Triop

- t3hJimmer

- Xannari Ferrows

- Vanamonde

Good luck and have fun building! Also feel free to share your .craft file on this thread.

Edited by AXCN_K.S.P
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Nice flying...er, i mean driving Triop! But may i ask how did you deploy parachutes (second image) at T+ 25 secs, but at T+ 29 secs (first image) you were still driving without activating your second stage of parachutes?

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The Challenge: Get your vehicle to the end of the Runway as fast as you can.

What counts as the end of the runway?


The Vehicle must NEVER leave the ground (The Altitude must remain constant at all times)

Its really hard to roll off the end of the runway without the front wheels leaving the ground a little. I can get a 6 second run if I 'fly' off the end of the runway, and about a 12 second run if I stop right at the end up the runway.

Maybe edit the rules so that instead of "Never leave the ground" (which is really hard to judge) your max altitude must stay below 73 meters (easy to check on the F3 pop-up).

Edited by t3hJimmer
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I'm not sure if this counts. You should really upload a video of your own attempt at this so we can see where we're supposed to be measuring our time.

I was able to get to the end of the runway in 9 seconds, but the front wheels look like they came off the ground at the end of the ramp.

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What counts as the end of the runway?


Its really hard to roll off the end of the runway without the front wheels leaving the ground a little. I can get a 6 second run if I 'fly' off the end of the runway, and about a 12 second run if I stop right at the end up the runway.

Maybe edit the rules so that instead of "Never leave the ground" (which is really hard to judge) your max altitude must stay below 73 meters (easy to check on the F3 pop-up).

I've now edited the rules so i hope this makes it more clear now. And thanks for the suggestions!

Edited by AXCN_K.S.P
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Nice flying...er, i mean driving Triop! But may i ask how did you deploy parachutes (second image) at T+ 25 secs, but at T+ 29 secs (first image) you were still driving without activating your second stage of parachutes?

Must be a screenshot from a former run lol, keep ramming the f1 key...

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Ok, thanks to everyone who has entered the competition, I'll start filling out the Leader-boards once I've got around 5 people in each league. Also, since 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 have released, feel free to re-submit however you must state which versions you were using to prevent dis-advantages for those who use different versions than others. Thanks!

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I'm not a competitive person, but since I'm in charge of this section of the forum now, I figured I should try a challenge or two to see what it's like and get into the spirit of things. :D

Rules question: Does the sprint craft have to end up on land? Because trying to brake while going down that beach slope would be, like, impossible. My entry meets your other requirements.


Does not lose touch with the ground before crossing the finish line.


Note that the flight timer on upper left starts counting at engine ignition, and speed is indicated on the navball.

Stays under 75m while decelerating in air over the ocean.


Splashes down intact.


Edit: dang it. Just noticed I lost an engine. But only after crossing the line, so still counts, right?

Time: 10 seconds. Speed: 377.7m/s.

Edited by Vanamonde
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I'm not a competitive person, but since I'm in charge of this section of the forum now, I figured I should try a challenge or two to see what it's like and get into the spirit of things. :D

Glad to see you're on board! If you have the time, you should try a circumnavigation. The Velocity badge is in high demand right now.

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Hi Vanamonde, thanks for entering my competition, to answer your questions:

Rules question: Does the sprint craft have to end up on land? Because trying to brake while going down that beach slope would be, like, impossible. My entry meets your other requirements.

No, in sprint league it can land in anywhere as long as the crew/probe/command pod survives.

Edit: dang it. Just noticed I lost an engine. But only after crossing the line, so still counts, right?

Yep, you are still qualified for the Leaderboards as it didn't break during the runway and it wasn't from decoupling.

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