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What do you HATE about KSP?


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My pet peeves of ksp our a bit different to most I'd guess usually. when I play ksp I make up story lines for my kerbals so in the descriptions of the rockets I put a little snipit of something eg Jeb found scrap parts and assembled this monster in the night he conviced it was safe. But their isn't a spell checker and my spelling is terrible! :D please squad for me add it! :D

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I don't hate anything about it, I do have a few pet peeves but they're aren't so much things that are wrong than they are things that are missing.

A good example is the ability to set way points, paint creations and resize stock parts as needed. While I am fully aware there are mods for this, I do feel that the way points and resizing are things that should be in as default.

One day I would also like to see a redesigned or second career mode. What we have right now is very good, I'm not criticizing it by any means. But after using Kerbal Aircraft Expansion, it makes me think it could be more. Sure it's Kerbal Space Program, but space flight came after air flight. So why not have the option of starting from wooden, barely flyable contraptions, to prop air craft and jet air craft. A long natural progression to space craft and space exploration.

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Plenty of potential, never fully implanted.

Ex about Career :

- Contract are idiotically random, impossible to fail and follow no logic

- Administration building don't give any advantage whatsoever and is best avoided entirely

- The Tech-tree is built as to make user choice as inconsequential as possible, you can't fail, but you can't win either, just grind.

And that's baring what would count as suggestion (like what my signature hint at).

As a sandbox it's fine, but if you got over the whole "I'm flying a spacecraft I built with a non-ridiculous physic" aspect of KSP the career mode is disappointing in comparison.

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I hate loading, launching, and maneuvering a rescue ship for 45 minutes only to find out that the game auto-inserted a pilot into your saved craft.

PRO TIP: When designing a rescue pod, start with your probe core, not the capsule. The game will register the ship as a probe, and will not auto assign any crew. Or, if you attach a capsule to another capsule, one of them will always be empty.

That there is no thumbnail of the parts I am supposed to test in the contract description. I can't remember which decoupler is called what if my life depended on it.

You can open the contracts window while in the VAB or SPH to verify the name of the part you are testing. What you hate is the fact you have to read words instead of look at pictures.

I politely disagree. It was 4 months between .90 and 1.0. Yes the hotfixes can be a bother to some(cant really call 1.0.3 a hotfix when it took a month and a half), but the meaty updates(.24,.25,.90, ect...) generally have a 3-5 month gap.

Consider the fact SQUAD is still making changes to the basic structure of the game, with changes to part configuration and temperature system even in the most recent patch update, one can easily say the game is still in a testing phase, and is indeed updated far too quickly.

Speaking of this, I hate the fact we still haven't gotten to the final setup for the aerodynamics, temperature, physics, and parts configuration. Not to mention, the U.I. being a patchwork collection of post-it notes doesn't help things either. What I would really like to see is SQUAD halting these incremental updates, and just take the time necessary to finish the damn game.

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I hate having to wait for mods to be updated for new patches. But there is not much Squad could do about that.

Oh yeah, and I hate not having a 64 bit version yet and thus beeing limited in my mod choices.

Other than that, this game is a piece of art! :)

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I hate how the devs seem to be randomly plugging in a succession of off-the-shelf Unity heat and aero systems that weren't developed for the unique properties of the KSP universe, and expecting them to work in KSP. Stop the madness. Develop something in-house that works for KSP, taking all its physical limitations into account.

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Here's my philosophy:

If KSP were to change for your wants, it would no longer be the KSP we have now, therefore ceasing to be perfect the way it is.

KSP is perfect the way it is now, because this is as far as it has gotten. I wish for nothing to be changed.

This is a perfect example of flawed logic.

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Hate? Nothing. And I certainly don't HATE anything enough to require capital letters.

I am embarrassed for Squad at the sloppiness of the SAS system, and very frustrated by the continued existence of many venerable bugs (especially the fact that I can't play for a long time before the game freezes), and disgusted by the Bad Rocket Science of hot nuclear engines, and disappointed in the number of bugs that make it through testing, and unmotivated to do complex missions because the parameters of the game won't settle down... things like that.

But I have gotten lots of things I've wanted for a long time in recent updates, so I'm not unhappy. Now if only they'd do something 'brilliant' like give me surface refueling hoses.

I have confidence that Squad will get all this figured out by the time they are ready to release version 1.0.

Edited by Brotoro
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This is a perfect example of flawed logic.

The statement you said? I think that makes a paradox...

- - - Updated - - -

So you're not going to update it anymore?

I never said that. When KSP is updated, that will be as far as it has gotten, therefore the definition of perfect will have changed.

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The one thing I really "hate" is the non-commitment to quality.

What do I mean by that? Well, this causes multiple issues (one leading to the next):

  • No real QA. Don’t get me wrong, Ted and the volunteers are trying hard, but it’s no full-fledged QA due to a lack of resources.
  • No intention to fix even all of the (major) bugs which turned up in the half-hearted QA.
  • Release of a product which is broken in essential parts.
  • Moving on the new stuff (PS4 etc.) while the basics are still not in working order.

Really, I’m so fed up with all the glitches and bugs (phantom forces anyone?) I don’t feel any joy playing KSP anymore.

I could forgive them a lot, but the release of 1.0 – a stable and (specified) feature complete version by all standards I follow myself – really did it for me.

My attitude changed from “You are awesome, go on and do your best!†to “Yeah, I see, money constraints, right? At least don’t pretend it’s not rushed, feel ashamed and fix your stuff with crunch times until it’s finally done.â€Â

They don’t do that and it makes me really sad and angry. Sure, a game is no business application, but there should be some standards at least.

Sorry for the rant, I’m getting more and more frustrated with every release ;.;

tl;dr: I hate the very much lacking quality.

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Whatever issues I may have had with KSP, I've learned to adapt to them over time. I won't call it faultless (because nothing is), but I will call it the game I have most adapted to. It helps that it has completely consistent rules and almost nothing being thrown to the fun-killer that is the randomizer.

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Hm-m-m... I had a list of six items, but I deleted it on overlook. Five of those six annoying things were deeply rooted in "science" system: stupid contracts lacking sane progression, ability to open 90% of tech tree with Mun+Minmus only, useless stations and bases, almost useless rovers, infinite science farming in 1.0+ labs...

The only one not rooted in "science" system is lack of realistic resources for Life Support, craft design (hypergolics and cryogenics are DIFFERENT fuels, they serve different purposes and must be treated differently) and ISRU operations. Though it's moddable, that's why I'm participating in RealISRU project.

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You keep using that word "perfect". I don't think it means what you think it means.

Let's see here...

My stone of Hematite is perfect, because it is the most perfect it can ever be by itself. That doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer other stones, but the stone I have now will always be the best at being itself, therefore it is perfect at being itself, which means it is as perfect as it will be right now, therefore perfect.

Good god that was hard to explain...

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Let's see here...

My stone of Hematite is perfect, because it is the most perfect it can ever be by itself. That doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer other stones, but the stone I have now will always be the best at being itself, therefore it is perfect at being itself, which means it is as perfect as it will be right now, therefore perfect.

Good god that was hard to explain...

Everything is perfect by that definition.

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