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What do you HATE about KSP?


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[...] therefore the definition of perfect will have changed.

sry,... sir, u made my day....

so everything in the world is perfect, cause its the way it has gotten until now... and if it changes and we all get nuked, its still perfect, cause that would be the new definition of "perfect" :D

u, sir, u nailed it!

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sry,... sir, u made my day....

so everything in the world is perfect, cause its the way it has gotten until now... and if it changes and we all get nuked, its still perfect, cause that would be the new definition of "perfect" :D

u, sir, u nailed it!

Exactly, although the world had no bearing on becoming how it is now, so we made it as perfect as it is today. The world, however, may think otherwise, but I'd have to ask.

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Waste of memory. Tanks should be procedural, and placed like fairings with option to set radius like for example size in blender (press "s" then write down number)

Agreed. Though procedural parts + a prune list fixes this.

I mostly just hate that every resource is loaded into memory at the start and never unloaded. 64-bit wouldn't be needed nearly as much if that hadn't been done so utterly wrong.

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I 'hate' that I have all these things that I really want to do in-game, such as setting up a Laythe colony, but I severely lack the motivation to do any of them because I've burned out from playing it too much.

That's more me, though, not KSP. I can barely fault the game, really.

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My most hated aspect? Well that's easy.

The terribly awful, underwhelming, anti climactic engine exhaust and sound. Seriously it's by far the worst part of this game for me.

I've heard hair dryers that sounded more powerful.

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The lack of performance I can get. To be fair, I'm on a FX 4100. Once I get a i5 and multicore comes, if it's good *squee*

That, and there's this annoying bug where I revert and all the parts in the list are gone. Going out and back in fixes it, but I can't figure out which mod causes it. Previously, it was Roverdudes explo pack, now with 40 mods I don't know :(

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What do I hate about KSP? Nothing. Certainly nothing worth putting in capital letters. There are things I would change, there are things it would be nice to have fixed. But I refuse to get worked up enough about a video game to hate it.

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so everything in the world is perfect, cause its the way it has gotten until now... and if it changes and we all get nuked, its still perfect, cause that would be the new definition of "perfect" :D

]Voltaire had a lot of fun ridiculing this mentality.

EDIT: Fixed link.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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By far the plain surfaces.

I'd like to see more procedurally generated geology to explore. Layered mounds, dry lakes, gullies, sublimation scalloped terrains, calderas, dunes...

Also varied scatter, with some rare scatter features (e.g. small fresh craters, hydrothermal vents, layered rocks...), being worth science.

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I hate that it suffers no competitors for my gaming time. I have other games to play!

More seriously, my biggest pet peeve is the twitchy SAS when using modes other than stability assist. I know you can tweak gimbal range down or other tricks to compensate, but that shouldn't be necessary IMO.

Yeah, the big thing that gets me is how far the SAS overshoots when rotating to a new node, especially on big craft with just a reaction wheel. I can do it manually, hold down A until you're halfway there, then hold down D for the second half, but I don't want to have to.

But I wouldn't call it hate by any means. Just a little niggling thing.

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Actually, yeah, there is something that I really HATE about KSP, that there is no direct, fully realistic competitor game. Orbiter lacks the multi-platform support and the VAB/SPH, which is a real shame.

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No hate from me. I hate very little in life, and no video game could reach that level before I just stopped playing it.

My biggest peeve though is that the game released (i.e., 1.0 came out) about a year too early. When 1.5 (or whatever) comes out next year sometime, I think right about then I'll consider the game worthy of a 1.0 label.

- - - Updated - - -

You can open the contracts window while in the VAB or SPH to verify the name of the part you are testing. What you hate is the fact you have to read words instead of look at pictures.

Please show a screenshot of the place in the VAB where you can see contracts you have not yet accepted, so you can compare those words to the words on the pictures in the VAB.

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Consider the fact SQUAD is still making changes to the basic structure of the game, with changes to part configuration and temperature system even in the most recent patch update, one can easily say the game is still in a testing phase, and is indeed updated far too quickly.

Well I call the current version .27.0.4, so theres that. The game is in no way finished.

Edit: seems I echoed the sentiments above. Great minds think alike and all that jazz.

Edited by r4pt0r
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PRO TIP: When designing a rescue pod, start with your probe core, not the capsule. The game will register the ship as a probe, and will not auto assign any crew. Or, if you attach a capsule to another capsule, one of them will always be empty.

Until to load a saved one and it puts a guy in it. This is probably the only single major headache I have with the game.

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I hate loading, launching, and maneuvering a rescue ship for 45 minutes only to find out that the game auto-inserted a pilot into your saved craft. Grrrr... makes me want to strangle the developers. :huh:

Also, the targeting reticule on the nav-globe (or whatever it's called) sometimes jitters so badly that it can't be used since the last update. Has anyone else had this problem?

This entire post.

Today I designed and sent a rescue ship to retrieve a pod in roughly minmus distance orbit around Kerbin. (Close enough to it's orbit that I only had a couple in game days before it would get slingshot out of Kerbin's SOI, so my rescue had a strict time limit.

I reiterated my design enough times to become complacent about launches. Did the entire mission (Wherein I learned that I guess the claw is glitched if you free the pivot. It becomes incredibly wild and unpredictable and makes lining up with the center of you target's mass almost impossible. I couldn't even locate it's CoM.) I returned to Kerbin. Once landed I realized I hadn't brought any of the 4 tourists. Just a smiling Jeb and the Kerbal I rescued.

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Actually, yeah, there is something that I really HATE about KSP, that there is no direct, fully realistic competitor game. Orbiter lacks the multi-platform support and the VAB/SPH, which is a real shame.

Considering how well KSP has done (and it really has), we can only hope it proves that there is a huge customer base hungry for more games like it.

We'll probably get some cheap, crappy clones soon. Watered down to reach a so-called 'broader audience', which will flop. That or a PS4 port of KSP. Oh wait...

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Agreed. Though procedural parts + a prune list fixes this.

I mostly just hate that every resource is loaded into memory at the start and never unloaded. 64-bit wouldn't be needed nearly as much if that hadn't been done so utterly wrong.

I see a lot of people making this argument. However... What exactly doesn't need to be loaded? At any second, any part in the game might need to be referenced as it has come into physics range, and frankly the packing/unpacking lag is bad enough. For example, you might say that Moho doesn't need to be loaded in Jool's SOI, but then BAM-thanks to some OP fusion drive or something from a mod, you're on a 2-day trajectory towards Eve at high time warp, and there's exactly two seconds before Eve comes into view and you need those assets. Even if you dynamically load and unload assets based on trajectory (if your trajectory is going towards an ore base, load up the drill assets), then if you turn out to not be going there (say, a mistaken thruster firing knocked you out of orbit, then you just went through several seconds of loading for nothing), and the forum gets flooded with people going "hurr my gme frze when i was ovr minmus dis gam sux i h8 u squad." 64bit is probably coming in the U5 update anyways. (Not to mention a sound overhaul, which was something that some people in this thread were complaining about.)

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We'll probably get some cheap, crappy clones soon. Watered down to reach a so-called 'broader audience', which will flop. That or a PS4 port of KSP. Oh wait...
I'm hoping the real gem, the game that melds the awesome sandbox of KSP with the realism of Orbiter, will reveal itself in all the crappy clones.
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