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What's With The Hate?


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1 hour ago, JohnnyPanzer said:

If anything, I'd say that the big question is "how the hell did this game manage to avoid haters for so long". Gamers are, as a collective, probably the single most spoiled and entitled group of people on the planet.

<snip> lots of other good stuff </snip>

I only regret that I have but one like that I can award this post. Well said.

Edited by KSK
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Besides constructive criticism there is some negativity trolling (which there always has been), but it does not amount to "a lot of hate", certainly not a general "KSP fans turning against the devs". Suggesting such is just drama seeking.



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You don´t achieve much in this game, when you don´t really like to use your brain, have patience, be creative, like to explore, build and plan. When i look at other forums, i see lots of gamers, who want to stand out, show their clicked together achievements and amount of gathered points. Some want to beat a game, not play it, and then show their so called superiority to others... all this does not work in KSP...

KSP attracts people who are by a natural mean much more focused and self confident. They try, they fail, they learn, they go again and they succeed. And this is reflected in this forum by a large degree... take a look at the Star Citizens or Elite Dangerous forums... Players rant against players... Players rant against the product... Players rant against the Devs, the website, the updates... rant rant rant... 

This forum here has one, if not the nicest fanbase i have ever encountered - and it is like this for many years now. All are helping out, giving hints and tips, all playing in a somewhat large team, including the Devs, Players become Devs, help developing Mods and and... Probably there are so many of these team players here, because it is one of the prime psychological requirements to be an astronaut, scientist, engineer or what else.

There is no hate in this forum... really.

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I agree with the post above me. It's more of a criticism (sometimes harsh, sometimes constructive) rather than hate. People here are actually one of the nicest most inteligent and communities I've encountered. You will never get called names for not knowing something basic.

The game development though... It's not that bad actually, but it's been more than 4 years and we still need that dV and TWR readouts to be stock.

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This game requires...and rewards patience and long-term planning. Players who come here for explosions and cheap thrills of slamming planes and missiles into buildings, tend to leave sooner rather than later. I imagine someone with mental fortitude to painstakingly grind science and money to completely explore the system will be able to forgive much :)

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Didn't really see hate in the recent past. Very few people being annoyed about the steam prerelease thingy, but mostly just so excited they spent their time creating conspyracy theories. Currently mostly excitment. ~

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4 minutes ago, Temeter said:

Didn't really see hate in the recent past. 

I agree. The hate was more evident back in July when this topic was started.

There is still some venting, but the love is more evident now. 

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23 minutes ago, SorryDave said:

I agree. The hate was more evident back in July when this topic was started.

There is still some venting, but the love is more evident now. 

I think that the sudden quick hate of the whole prerelease fiasco kinda got all the hate out of everyone and it's a lot more mellow now, but the chance of another eruption will still be here until the official 1.1 release.

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The release of the really not so complete and little buggy 1.0 was a bit hasted by Squad, but honestly, i had more than a year of fun for just 20 bucks. I dropped my criticism here on the forums and continued to enjoy KSP. But hate? No. And rant? Noone deserved it here.

Pay 500 bucks for a buggy smart phone - no problem... 3.50 per day for energy drinks - yay... But 20.00 for months and months of fun - no way... those ignorant devs ruined it all... 

Some people should really start to learn to control themselves. Giving constructive criticism and jlook at things with open eyes is good, but no need to explode out of the trousers like the Hulk on a bad day... 

Edited by Frank_G
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I feel like people have been pampered for so long that they always expect game devs to make everything super duper perfect and get mad when things aren't that way. We all probably have felt like that at some point. But we just need to calm down and just enjoy an imperfect game, made by imperfect people, and played by imperfect people.

offtopic edit: Why is it that our avatars are bigger here than in other threads?

Edited by Legendary Emu
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Sadly, in the real world, when anyone voices an opinion which is opposite of another, said other creates hyperbolic language focused on intimating that the opponents position is just "hate". This polarises the messages, distracts from the topic, and focuses on the opponents behaviour (As being hateful) rather than the topic.  This is occurring in politics all the time.

Unfortunately, bits of this have filtered into the community at various times.  However, throwing out straw man statements like "Why so much hate!?!" only fuel the behaviour.

Typing "Hate" is admittedly easier than typing "I sense we are not in agreement, perhaps we can discuss our differences, understand each other more clearly, and together draw conclusions that may improve our mutual points of view or even address an underlying issue."

In advance of anyone replying in a negative manner to this response, I say to you.. "WHY U HATE ON ME?!?!?"     ;-)

(Cracked myself up on that one)

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*winces and opens one eye to read responses to this thread*

Im just going to say I absolutely love this game and couldn't be more impressed by what a small company has been able to produce. Resources and 1.0.5 Aero are really fantastic and I can't wait to see whats possible in Unity 5. All things can be improved, but Im having a blast and have very rarely found gameplay longevity like I have with Kerbal. I've spent a lot of time in the suggestions section because there are so many cool things to think about in Kerbal's future, and totally, legit gameplay issues that could be tightened up. There's just zero reason people can't express those things positively and politely. 

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As the player base grows, the absolute number of haters will grow as well. It may even grow out of proportion, as the later arrivals were not innately interested in a realistic spaceflight sim, but rather they had just heard about KSP a lot.

If there were a million players, and 0.1% were vile trolls, that would still be a thousand vile trolls on this forum.

I wouldn't worry about it... there were some things that squad did that annoyed me, but nothing unforgivable.


Some may hate now that its post 1.0 and they realize the game will not be like their individual fantasy in their head.

Others... the one's I can't stand... hate the new aerodynamics and want the old soup-o-sphere back because it was "more fun" for them and now its too hard to get outsized payloads to orbit.

The new aero is a huge improvement, and I applaud squad for the changes (still the fairing drag bug needs to be fixed asap, and I think fairing placement in general is too finicky... I basically regard making interstage fairings in the SPH to be impossible)

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Like most things, hate goes in cycles. The method of hate depends on the system being employed. Look at the election process in the USA to see that...

However, as far as KSP is concerned, its sadly par for the course and inevitable.

The longer an update take to be released.... and the more hype its gotten before its release... the more hate is generated...

HATE is such a strong word... I suggest.... IMPATIENCE would be a better word... sure, there are a few actual haters each time, but impatience is a far better word.

AFTER the release, when its found that some bugs are still there, or new ones found, or something the person wanted wasn't added to the update... people complain....

a few haters still exist, but the better word to use, as I already said... is "complainers"....

This community is such that there are very few haters actually here, and that is a good thing.

I can live with the impatient people as they are the ones that hype the devs into making the game better... and then hype us to really wanting the update...

I can also live with the complainers... otherwise, I'd find the bugs the hard way!

The few haters can and ARE kept in line by the community.

This is such an awesome community, don't you think.

Rather than have an impatient person or a complainer post.... we should have the hippies make some posts...

You see.... Hippies would post messages of love.... LOL.... post away my cyber hippy friends... :)


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Off topic I know, but nice signature @kiwi1960

As many have said here already, this community is awesome.  We all have our moments, things we like and dislike, want and don't care about and some choose to express it more forcefully than others.  But the overriding atmosphere on these forums is one of friendship, helpfulness and a common and genuine affection for KSP with an appreciation of the effort the relatively small team at Squad have, and continue to, put into the game.

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11 hours ago, JohnnyPanzer said:

I can't think of another industry held to such ridiculous standards by it's customers. Many gamers will routinely not only whine about a game they've gotten hundreds of hours of fun out of, but downright demand some sort of compensation for the fact that the game is not a perfect match with the idealized version the gamer has in his or her head. Perfectly playable games with a small number of cosmetic bugs will be called out as "utterly unplayable" and "completely broken" by the same people who spend hour after hour playing the game, having fun most of the time. Any release less than 100% free from flaws will be labeled "alpha". Lack of betas will be cause of great vitrol, but when they do happen the same people will enter the betas and treat them as a "play for free" experiment, filling the testing forums with post about their broken saves, demanding financial compensation.

As someone who actually worked on a game where people regularly make Facebook comments on its page to the effect of "I've been playing this game for hundreds of hours ever since launch, bought all the expansions, and it is completely **** and should never have been released!" this post is resonant to me.  

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14 minutes ago, kiwi1960 said:

One man's hate is another's compliment. :)

True that. ^^^

Can someone (the community?) define "hate" in the context of KSP forum discussions? Or at least let us discuss it and come to a reasonable definition.

 I think it would be helpful. 

Disagreeing with a post in a civil manner should not be classified as "hate".

 Immediatly slapping a "hate lable" on any post that is unpalatable to some, seems over the top. 

For example: I personslly don't subscribe to military mods being acknowledged by squad. I can post my opinion, in as inflective a manner as I choose. This is not hateful. It just clearly communicates my displeasure. It is my option to shout out my opinion as loud as I choose

Opinions are not (and should never be structured as) necessarily always hateful. 

My perspective is that this forum is essentially un-hateful. The vast majority of folks are kind, empathetic, and helpful.

there should be no need for a positive forum movement. IT ALREADY EXISTS.

PS: OK, I reserve the right to declare myself delusional. :) Still, I believe the community is highly positive... And it will likely stay that way for a long time. 

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Hate : to totally hate something or someone

This is why I prefer my definition of those unhappy..... impatient and complainers....

They love the game, just they are fed up with it.... hardly haters.



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Yeah, I haven't seen any outright 'Haters'. Just some healthy (albeit somewhat vocal) critics. If there are any legitimate haters, please show me where they reside.

A little criticism is good, it helps the Devs stay on track and know what people like. In fact they even respond to most of it. Everyone was complaining about the confetti fairings, so a mod was made to make clamshell fairings, and now, we're getting them stock.

Think about it, Before KSP, a game I played was SPORE. EA never responded to ANY criticism, never fixed any bugs, even ones that should have been very easy to fix such as the infamous: "You are missing the following parts packs to view this creature: Core Spore Game" In KSP, you don't need to pre-order from gamestop to get the asteroid day mod. You don't have to pay $30 for a 2.5M nerva, just download MRS for free. There's no micro-transactions, no exclusive content, no paid DLC. So if people want to hate, complain, criticize, or whatever term you find appropriate, just realize how much worse it could be.

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7 hours ago, spink00 said:

I haven't noticed a whole lot of hate.

Sure, some criticism at how Squad runs things, but in my two or three years, never hate.

Agreed. We moan sometimes, often too much but there is no hate here. The real question should be, what's with all the love?

 This game, this community is filled with love and it is awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread kinda reminded me of this:


(Yes, I used to play WWIIOL...and WillyTee cartoons rock!)

Seriously though I haven't seen anything like true hate on these forums.... Much poodleing about things, but not hate. It's actually a pleasure to talk on here.... Speaking for myself, I have found this community to be the best I've found online.  The game isn't perfect but I'm glad that Squad has handled it the way it has.


Upon reading the title to this thread I was expecting a rant hating on something.... But I was pleasantly disappointed in that expectation. Kudos!

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