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FAR via CKAN Support Thread

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This thread is for all support questions relating to FAR for those users who have installed it via CKAN. If you have installed FAR through CKAN, post here, not the regular FAR thread.

Note: moderators will move support requests posted in the FAR thread into this thread if they are from CKAN users.

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Subscribed too.

If someone wonder what could possible go wrong with CKAN installs, I already reported it in CKAN thread or in original post in SETIctt thread.

For those who don't want to read whole story:

Whenever you remove some mod trough CKAN, double check that whole folder from that mod is deleted too, otherwise you will be chasing ghost bug for days.

Similar things happen with FAR too.

So, if someone encounter bug with FAR and also use CKAN, first thing to check is to make another instance of KSP game where you should manualy delete FAR folder and dependencies - MFI and MM.

Then manualy install again and try to repeat bug. It is tedious, but needed to do such thing to detect if there is problem with CKAN or FAR itself.

I'm not involved in development of either, FAR or CKAN, but since I'm using both, I will try to help anyone as much as ordinary user with some expirience can.

Edited by kcs123
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Thank you, subscribed.

Using CKAN with FAR and about a hundred other mods, a handful or two of home-grown personal configs, plus legacy mods that aren't updated on CKAN, or even updated for 1.x at all, I'm not experiencing game breaking issues that could be blamed on CKAN specifically.

It's not an approach I'd recommend for casual use though - I'm fully expecting to break things in the process, but then I know who's to blame and how to fix it too ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, Thanks for starting this thread. I got an error today after watching Scott Manly's video about RSS. I followed his suggestions about installing the RSS packs through CKAN to a copy of KSP and I got the following error:

From CKAN 1.10.0

About to install...

* ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic 5-0 (cached)

* RealismOverhaul v10.1.0 (cached)

* RealSolarSystem v10.1 (cached)

* RSSTextures4096 v10.0 (cached)

* B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40 (cached)

* BetterBuoyancy v1.3 (cached)

* ConnectedLivingSpace (cached)

* FilterExtensions 2.3.0 (cached)

* KSP-AVC (cached)

* MechJeb2 2.5.3 (cached)

* ProceduralFairings v3.15 (cached)

* ProceduralFairings-ForEverything v0.0.3 (cached)

* ProceduralParts v1.1.6 (cached)

* RemoteTech v1.6.7 (cached)

* SemiSaturatableRW 1.10.1 (cached)

* TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul v10.1.0 (cached)

* TextureReplacer 2.4.7 (cached)

* Toolbar 1.7.9 (cached)

* FASA 5.35 (cached)

* KAS 0.5.2 (cached)

* UniversalStorage (cached)

* AdvancedJetEngine 2.2.1 (cached)

* FerramAerospaceResearch 1:v0.15.3.1 (cached)

* ModuleManager 2.6.6 (cached)

* ModularFlightIntegrator 1.1.1 (cached)

* SolverEngines v1.6 (cached)

* ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.6 (cached)

* CrossFeedEnabler v3.3 (cached)

* KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4 (cached)

* ModuleRCSFX v4.1 (cached)

* RealChute (cached)

* RealFuels rf-v10.4.5 (cached)

* CommunityResourcePack 0.4.3 (cached)

* RealHeat v1.0 (cached)

* RealPlume v0.0 (cached)

* SmokeScreen 2.6.5 (cached)

* Kopernicus 1:beta-02 (cached)

* FirespitterCore v7.1.4 (cached)

* TACLS v0.11.1.20 (cached)

* ReflectionPlugin 1.2 (cached)

* KIS 1.1.5 (cached)

Module "Active Texture Management - X86 - Basic" successfully installed

Module "Realism Overhaul" successfully installed

Module "Real Solar System" successfully installed

Module "Real Solar System Textures - 4096 x 2048" successfully installed

Module "B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts" successfully installed

Module "Better Buoyancy" successfully installed

Module "Connected Living Space" successfully installed

Module "Filter Extensions - Plugin" successfully installed

Module "KSP AVC" successfully installed

Module "MechJeb 2" successfully installed

Module "Procedural Fairings" successfully installed

Module "Procedural Fairings - For Everything!" successfully installed

Module "Procedural Parts" successfully installed

Module "RemoteTech" successfully installed

Module "(Semi)Saturatable Reaction Wheels" successfully installed

Module "TAC Life Support (TACLS) - Realism Overhaul Config" successfully installed

Module "TextureReplacer" successfully installed

Module "Toolbar" successfully installed

Module "FASA" successfully installed

Module "Kerbal Attachment System" successfully installed

Module "Universal Storage" successfully installed

Module "Advanced Jet Engine" successfully installed

Oh no!

It looks like you're trying to install a mod which is already installed,

or which conflicts with another mod which is already installed.

As a safety feature, the CKAN will *never* overwrite or alter a file

that it did not install itself.

If you wish to install FerramAerospaceResearch 1:v0.15.3.1 via the CKAN,

then please manually uninstall the mod which owns:

Ships/SPH/FAR Colibri.craft

and try again.

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.

What other information can I give you to assist?

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Remove all the FAR example craft (Ships/*/FAR*) and any other old files, then try again. CKAN doesn't do a very good job cleaning up cruft on uninstall, or you had FAR installed manually at some point.

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  steve_v said:
Remove all the FAR example craft (Ships/*/FAR*) and any other old files, then try again. CKAN doesn't do a very good job cleaning up cruft on uninstall, or you had FAR installed manually at some point.

Thanks. That did it. I must have had some left over craft from a previous version of FAR when I was using it back in 0.90. It all installed fine this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have my entire KSP directory in Git, so it is *extremely* easy for me to compare different versions of files.

I had FAR installed with CKAN, version 0.15.4. I uninstalled that and then made sure that the directories FerramAerospaceResearch and ModularFlightIntegrator were gone. Then I installed FAR 0.15.4 manually, from a zip file I downloaded from kerbalstuff. Finally I did a git status, to see if there were any changes. Result:

amedee@kerbol:~/Games/KerbalSpaceProgram$ git status
On branch develop
nothing to commit, working directory clean

This means that, at least for FAR 0.15.4 and at least on my machine, CKAN FAR and manual FAR are identical.

I understand that this may have been different in the past and that it may be different again in the future, but as far as current evidence tells me, the two ways of installing FAR are byte-per-byte identical.

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Most of times CKAN wil linstall FAR and any other mod just fine. Problem occurs when there is leftovers in your gamedata folder from previous install, like custom config files and similar.

CKAN does not delete those files on it's own and there is where all trouble starts. Because people will assume that CKAN have installed everything properly with all needed dependencies, but unfortunately it is not always true.

Besides file leftovers there was also situation when CKAN bot picked up wrong version info and downloaded wrong version of MFI, as much as I can recall from various posts what was reason for trouble.

It was not always CKAN fault, some responsibility also have mod developers by puting wrong version info that CAKN bot ckeck.

You can't blaim mod developers either because of all that fuss they just does not provide CKAN support at all. For some modders taking care of additional info is too much time consuming and they can use that time for additional coding and their mod development instead.


@Amedee, bug you have reported in FAR thread looks same as I encountered with faulty install of universal storage mod and DMagic orbital science mod. Check links in third post of this thread.

Bug was entirely my fault, not to blame CKAN or any other mod, I was ignoring CKAN messages about not removing all files after uninstalling some of mods.

Edited by kcs123
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, has anyone else experienced problems in the editor with FAR and pwings or adjustable landing gear? Whenever I open a right click menu for either the game slows down drastically. When i look in the logs in the alt-F12 menu it shows that FAR is constantly re-voxelising the craft, sometimes taking up to 1.5 seconds each time. There are no errors showing when it does this.Has anyone else experienced this or have I borked something? :pI'm on mobile at the moment but I can give further details and log/craft files later if needed.Cheers, Dave.

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  DaveMcC said:
Hello, has anyone else experienced problems in the editor with FAR and pwings or adjustable landing gear? Whenever I open a right click menu for either the game slows down drastically. When i look in the logs in the alt-F12 menu it shows that FAR is constantly re-voxelising the craft, sometimes taking up to 1.5 seconds each time. There are no errors showing when it does this.Has anyone else experienced this or have I borked something? :pI'm on mobile at the moment but I can give further details and log/craft files later if needed.Cheers, Dave.

What are the values (min, max and current) of any sliders in the tweakables? Some combinations of values have problems (e.g. set a light RGB slider to 0.45, 0.65 or 0.9) that result in the OnEditorShipModified event being fired every frame (or even multiple times per frame). It is a stock issue that will hopefully be fixed by the Unity5 UI overhaul.

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  DaveMcC said:
Hello, has anyone else experienced problems in the editor with FAR and pwings or adjustable landing gear? Whenever I open a right click menu for either the game slows down drastically. When i look in the logs in the alt-F12 menu it shows that FAR is constantly re-voxelising the craft, sometimes taking up to 1.5 seconds each time. There are no errors showing when it does this.Has anyone else experienced this or have I borked something? :pI'm on mobile at the moment but I can give further details and log/craft files later if needed.Cheers, Dave.

I experience this too, as of right now I don't believe there is any workaround.

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Using FAR installed via CKAN either standalone or as part of RP-0, I've been experiencing issues in relation to lift. Including after a completely clean reinstall of KSP.

Any craft I build and most stock craft will not show a center of lift as it usually does with the arrows, and when taking off the craft either won't lift off and eventually turns and flips over, or will finally start lifting off after its reached 130m/s and the craft's controls don't respond well or the craft spins out of control.

I've attempted both with my own designs and vanilla and FAR provided craft with similar results.

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FAR tweaks mass/strength of wings. Craft made with vanilla aerodynamics are lighter than the same craft in FAR, without adjusting wing mass.

This is reason why CoM does not behave as expected.

Center of lift is not always good indicator to show how craft will behave. FAR aims for more realistic aerodynamics that is much more complicated than just CoL. You should use provided FAR graphs that reveals more info what is wrong, if you know how to read them. I created small tutorial that may help with beginner problem with understanding FAR graphs. You may also check FAR craft exchange thread, that thread is for both: show off and asking for help with design problems. Check my signature for links to those threads.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had no love in the procedural wings thread, so maybe someone here can help me. I'm having an issue while using procedural wings with far. The aircraft all fly crooked in level flight, all banked a few degrees to the left. When I turn on aerodynamic forces, there's a distinct and strong diagonal lift force from the root of the left wing only. It angles up and to the right of the aircraft at a 45 degree angle. Upwards lift on both wings is as it should be. This is a fairly fresh install of kerbal with rss, rp-0, far, etc and this only happens with procedural wings. There aren't any hidden surfaces causing this lift component as it happens even with a very basic, fresh design and few parts. Both FAR and procedural wings are completely up to date. Help is appreciated!

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  CaptainMoustache said:
I've had no love in the procedural wings thread, so maybe someone here can help me. I'm having an issue while using procedural wings with far. The aircraft all fly crooked in level flight, all banked a few degrees to the left. When I turn on aerodynamic forces, there's a distinct and strong diagonal lift force from the root of the left wing only. It angles up and to the right of the aircraft at a 45 degree angle. Upwards lift on both wings is as it should be. This is a fairly fresh install of kerbal with rss, rp-0, far, etc and this only happens with procedural wings. There aren't any hidden surfaces causing this lift component as it happens even with a very basic, fresh design and few parts. Both FAR and procedural wings are completely up to date. Help is appreciated!

Craft file? List of mods (a .ckan, since we use the Evil mod manager?) Picture of the problem? With those I will gladly try to reproduce it. I've test-flown FAR craft before. (Also, pwings or B9 pwings?)

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  damerell said:
Craft file? List of mods (a .ckan, since we use the Evil mod manager?) Picture of the problem? With those I will gladly try to reproduce it. I've test-flown FAR craft before. (Also, pwings or B9 pwings?)

Im unable to do any of those due to being away from laptop internet access for the next several days but the mods are all required and most recommended by rss and rp-0. The wings are pwings, not b9. I'll upload more when I can.

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Using FAR as part of RSS+RO+RP-0 and having major issues with reentry. In the DRE thread this has been discussed and it was found that reverting to an older version of FAR fixed the problem. It seems like it could be a convection issue. Could you point me to where to get an older build like so I can attempt to verify what other players have claimed to work for them (and keep flying!)?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've installed FAR as part of the CKAN Realism Overhaul instalation, and I seem to have a problem, in the SPH and VAB, the derivatives are always zero, updating them does nothing. The Static Analysis screen works just fine, and the planes fly ok but I'm clueless without the derivatives. Any idea why they aren't working?

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  karamazovnew said:
I've installed FAR as part of the CKAN Realism Overhaul instalation, and I seem to have a problem, in the SPH and VAB, the derivatives are always zero, updating them does nothing. The Static Analysis screen works just fine, and the planes fly ok but I'm clueless without the derivatives. Any idea why they aren't working?

Your post was moved to the CKAN support thread.

Please avoid posting CKAN issues on the official FAR thread, thanks.

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  karamazovnew said:
I've installed FAR as part of the CKAN Realism Overhaul instalation, and I seem to have a problem, in the SPH and VAB, the derivatives are always zero, updating them does nothing. The Static Analysis screen works just fine, and the planes fly ok but I'm clueless without the derivatives. Any idea why they aren't working?

I would try first with FAR alone.

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