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[1.11.x] AmpYear Main & Reserve Power Manager (v1.5.9.0) 22nd Feb 2021


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  On 1/24/2016 at 9:07 AM, JPLRepo said:

@wadena - If you want to give me a list of the Interstellar Extended parts you want supported that would be good. There are just so many parts in that mod.
Also, Unlikely I can support any parts in that mod that use MegaJoules instead of ElectricCharge (AmpYear only supports ElectricCharge and ReservePower resources).
Megajoules just makes it way more complicated.

Also for the Dark-Side calcs - I'm working on something like this:

So now in the Dark-Side calcs window it shows EC required for Dark-Side Transit = Power Consumer Parts that you have selected in the Parts List
EC produced for Dark-Side Transit = Power Production Parts you have selected in the Parts List (will also include solar panels unless you de-select them, I'm thinking I could automatically de-select Solar Panels if you have the Dark-Side Window Open, or you have to do it manually :- Looking for people's thoughts here
The Last line will show Surplus or Deficit EC required for the Dark-Side Transit depending on the difference between your producer parts and consumer parts you have selected.

@speedwaystar - Is your RLA stockalike fuel cell working? Seems to work for me?


@JPLRepo Thanks again for having a look at this.

I`m using a wide range of engines, and I don`t want to complicate things for you so I`ve selected just the one that I use the most and the Fusion Reactor I`m using:

  • "Closed Cycle Gas Core Engine".
  • "WB-MF Micro Fusion Reactor".

I`d be happy if you could add those two, and, of course, thrilled if you decide to add any more from that mod (or any mod with nuclear that provides EC). I`m still building relatively small rockets and I`m only planning a mission to Duna, but I was hoping I could use nuclear engines for that journey and beyond .

I`ve tried to go trough my inventory in the VAB and most of the nuclear engines I use has an EC output only, but I guess the problem is that they are always on/producing EC?


The dark-Side calculations look great! Definitely include solar panels by default. I don`t know about other players but I`m most likely to forget to tick that box and get my EC Calculations wrong ;-)

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  On 1/24/2016 at 9:07 AM, JPLRepo said:

Is your RLA stockalike fuel cell working? Seems to work for me?


found the problem.

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

		@name = ModuleFuelCell

one of my 50 billion and counting addons renames ModuleResourceConverter to ModuleFuelCell so that it can add a handler which allows them to be toggled with an action group.. which is quite convenient.

from memory (i'll check, though) the nuclear part which was presenting problems was one of the Atomic Age engines, which has:

	name = ModuleAlternator	
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = -0.3		//less output while burning, Energy goes into propellant

	name = ModuleGenerator
	isAlwaysActive = true
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 0.7

the negative alternator values might be an edge case for AmpYear.

Edited by speedwaystar
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@wadena I've completed coding update for the Dark-Side calcs. It automatically excludes Solar Panels when you have the Dark-Side window open and remembers/restores which parts you have selected for the EC calcs when you close the Dark-Side Window.
I'm now working on re-adding Interstellar Extended support - This will take a bit of time.

@speedwaystar I've added support for ToggleFuelCell mod you are using and I am looking at your Atomic Age Engines.

Once I have Interstellar and Atomic Age Engines covered I'll release a new version.



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  On 1/25/2016 at 7:12 PM, JPLRepo said:

@wadena I've completed coding update for the Dark-Side calcs. It automatically excludes Solar Panels when you have the Dark-Side window open and remembers/restores which parts you have selected for the EC calcs when you close the Dark-Side Window.
I'm now working on re-adding Interstellar Extended support - This will take a bit of time.

@speedwaystar I've added support for ToggleFuelCell mod you are using and I am looking at your Atomic Age Engines.

Once I have Interstellar and Atomic Age Engines covered I'll release a new version.




Fantastic! Thank you for adding the parts, no need to stress with it :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stopping by to give support for a seriously great mod (I seem to be in all your threads lately, heh) and to drop off another bug report, sorry.:(

This has happened a number of times now with a couple of mods (CTN's Cube Sat mod, and now Shadow Works Capsule), where AMPYear reports wildly inflated consumption values in the editor, but the accurate values when you get to the launch pad.

Pictures are resized, but if you open in a new tab (or just take my word for it), you'll see AMPYear saying the capsule Drains 24.999 for a Total Drain of 25.35.



Here we have the actual value, on the launch pad, from the capsule: 0.050 drain, for a total of 0.066. Which, come to think of it, for a 6 man capsule, is seriously low. Dang.


I don't know if there is some weird way these two mods are reporting power usage or what, but I thought you'd want to know. Either way, the work around is easy enough, it just makes things a little difficult in the VAB (not sure how things are in the SPH, probably the same).

As mentioned previously, I have lots of other mods installed, so a conflict is definitely possible. Only other one that I can think of that similar functionality, maybe, is Ship Manifest? There is also a MegaJoule Manager (which you can see the icon of in the 2nd picture next to the AMPYear icon); not sure where that's from honestly, but it just measures power output versus theoretical supply and seems harmless, but maybe not.

I'll be glad to provide my player.log if you're curious and you think it'll help (I didn't see anything relevant to AMP Year on a cursory examination). This isn't particularly a support request, just a bug report.


(linux x64 bit, etc etc)

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  On 2/23/2016 at 5:00 PM, Deimos Rast said:

Stopping by to give support for a seriously great mod (I seem to be in all your threads lately, heh) and to drop off another bug report, sorry.:(

This has happened a number of times now with a couple of mods (CTN's Cube Sat mod, and now Shadow Works Capsule), where AMPYear reports wildly inflated consumption values in the editor, but the accurate values when you get to the launch pad.

Pictures are resized, but if you open in a new tab (or just take my word for it), you'll see AMPYear saying the capsule Drains 24.999 for a Total Drain of 25.35.



Here we have the actual value, on the launch pad, from the capsule: 0.050 drain, for a total of 0.066. Which, come to think of it, for a 6 man capsule, is seriously low. Dang.


I don't know if there is some weird way these two mods are reporting power usage or what, but I thought you'd want to know. Either way, the work around is easy enough, it just makes things a little difficult in the VAB (not sure how things are in the SPH, probably the same).

As mentioned previously, I have lots of other mods installed, so a conflict is definitely possible. Only other one that I can think of that similar functionality, maybe, is Ship Manifest? There is also a MegaJoule Manager (which you can see the icon of in the 2nd picture next to the AMPYear icon); not sure where that's from honestly, but it just measures power output versus theoretical supply and seems harmless, but maybe not.

I'll be glad to provide my player.log if you're curious and you think it'll help (I didn't see anything relevant to AMP Year on a cursory examination). This isn't particularly a support request, just a bug report.


(linux x64 bit, etc etc)


Without knowing the part(command pod) you are using (as I've never seen it before) I would say sounds about right. AmpYear can only guess the power usage in the editor (VAB/SPH) so it guesses the MAXimum amount. The part list was added to assist people in seeing what each part is being reported at.

The main problem with command pods is reaction wheels. And life support mods etc that add variable power consumption to a command pod. I'm guessing in this case your command pod has large reaction wheels and they are heavy EC user. I might look at splitting command pod modules up to show every power consumer within them as this has been asked a few times now.

oh, and Megajoules - that is from KSP Interstellar and Ampyear does not support that mod right now. See posts above, it's something I'm working on re-adding but it's taking time as KSPIE has so many parts.

Edited by JPLRepo
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The Orion Capsule from the Shadow Works mod, here.

Link to OrionPod.cfg or the relevant Reaction Wheel info below:

    name = ModuleReactionWheel
    PitchTorgue = 18
    YawTorque = 18
    RollTorque = 18
        name = ElectricCharge
        rate = 1.4

I mentioned another mod, CTN's Cube Sat, which also have Reaction Wheels, so it might be a similar situation, but they're tiny probes and AMPYear comes back with numbers of 25 and 40 for drainage. They also have built in data transmitters, as do these pods, so maybe it's like you said, when everything is running at full blast (i.e. data fully transmitting, wheels a'spinnin') then AMP's numbers are accurate. That would make sense, as in those situations, my energy supply definitely can't keep up if I've built for the numbers I found on the launch pad.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 7:24 PM, Deimos Rast said:

The Orion Capsule from the Shadow Works mod, here.

Link to OrionPod.cfg or the relevant Reaction Wheel info below:

    name = ModuleReactionWheel
    PitchTorgue = 18
    YawTorque = 18
    RollTorque = 18
        name = ElectricCharge
        rate = 1.4

I mentioned another mod, CTN's Cube Sat, which also have Reaction Wheels, so it might be a similar situation, but they're tiny probes and AMPYear comes back with numbers of 25 and 40 for drainage. They also have built in data transmitters, as do these pods, so maybe it's like you said, when everything is running at full blast (i.e. data fully transmitting, wheels a'spinnin') then AMP's numbers are accurate. That would make sense, as in those situations, my energy supply definitely can't keep up if I've built for the numbers I found on the launch pad.


Yes so in the VAB AmpYear would be using the 18 EC for roll, yaw, pitch (ie. x3) plus data transmitter at max, etc. So it is working correctly. I think the issue here is not understanding that or having the breakdown of that information. So I think I will look at providing that breakdown of the  pods EC usage he parts list screen. That way you can see the info in the VAB and plan appropriately.

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Oh, it's 18ec times 3? I thought the wheel as a whole used 18, not per axis. I should probably mention I'm pretty new, and am lucky to know which way is up (which is why I need AMPYear, obviously:D).

Glad, we got that sorted.

By the way, what's the 'booster' function?

Oh, and an idea that might a nice feature: the power savings feature you have - let the player customize what actions to take. It could be as simple as choosing from a predefined list (turn off lights, antenna, deploy solar panels, etc) or action key/groups compatible (maybe even tie in with the Action Group Extended Mod). I have no idea how feasible it would be, or how much work it'd take, but it'd be nice.

Also, I forget which mod does it, but I have the ability to lock electricity (by hotkey/actiongroup), to prevent the automatic draining of my reserve battery packs, which is a nice feature, since sometimes I want to save my reserve power for the right moment. Giving the player a little more control over the usage of the reserve power packs instead of "automatic drain" would also be nice.

Just a couple ideas, take 'em or leave 'em.

Thanks again.

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  On 2/25/2016 at 5:03 AM, Brigadier said:

I don't understand the buttons on the Power Manager/Reserve Power section which have 3 values for each of "Reserve to Main" and "Main to Reserve".  Are these power levels of the first part at which power is transferred from the first to the second?


Clicking on the buttons will transfer the specific amount (as a percentage) of Reserve power to Main EC or vice versa.

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Work continues on the next version....
Current (Proposed) ChangeLog:

V1.2.0.0 Added EC Producer parts to Dark-Side Calculation window. Solar Panels are automatically excluded for power calculations while you have the Dark-Side Calculation window open. When you close the Dark-Side Calculation window Solar Panels are reset to their previous selection state (it remembers if you had them selected or not).
Added support for ToggleFuelCell mod, which is a tiny mod that changes the Fuel Cells from ModuleResourceConverter to it's own ModuleFuelCell (which is just a wrapped ModuleResourceConverter). When using this mod Fuel Cells are now handled.
Fixed bug with Alternators and updated to handle negative power alternators (ie. Atomic Age Rockets).
Changed PartsList to provide a break-up of parts that contain multiple modules that consume or produce EC.
Corrected EC usage for AmpYears own ION and PPT RCS parts in the editor.

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  On 2/27/2016 at 3:56 PM, Brigadier said:

If you have the time, I would like to see the AmpYear toolbar icon change colour to reflect the in-flight EC charge/discharge status.  Just a thought.


Done... Version Released. See the OP for download links.
NB: The in-game AY icon has changed to a Battery Icon that is Red, Yellow, Green. Works with Stock Icons and Blizzy's ToolBar icons.
I'll update the Imgur Library later.
Full Changelog for this version:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by JPLRepo
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  On 2/28/2016 at 5:39 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Good work and glad to see some of what we talked about made it into this update.

Downloading now.




  On 2/24/2016 at 1:24 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Oh, and an idea that might a nice feature: the power savings feature you have - let the player customize what actions to take. It could be as simple as choosing from a predefined list (turn off lights, antenna, deploy solar panels, etc) or action key/groups compatible (maybe even tie in with the Action Group Extended Mod). I have no idea how feasible it would be, or how much work it'd take, but it'd be nice.

Also, I forget which mod does it, but I have the ability to lock electricity (by hotkey/actiongroup), to prevent the automatic draining of my reserve battery packs, which is a nice feature, since sometimes I want to save my reserve power for the right moment. Giving the player a little more control over the usage of the reserve power packs instead of "automatic drain" would also be nice.


I have these ideas on the list. Just long overdue for an update. I'll look to put them into the next version.

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Here's a possible idea to expand upon your AmpYear Linear PPT RCS Port (the one that uses Teflon). It took me a while to realize it (only when I looked at it's config), that the RCS thruster itself was the source of the Teflon resource, which I had never realized. Now, I don't know how long 5 Teflon is supposed to last (config says a ratio of 0.01, I'm guessing that's per burst? Which seems pretty good, but I've never tested it in game), but what about adding it to your bigger reserve batteries? Or better yet, make a hybrid one specifically for that role, so as not to add unnecessary cost/function to the main Reserve batteries. Obviously, this is something that can easily be done via a config edit (or MM rather), and I probably will, but I think you've created a cool idea and some battery diversity might be an interesting change of pace.

Just a thought, take it or leave it.


(I really like the changes you made in the new version of AMP btw, the parts break down is much easier to understand)

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  On 3/2/2016 at 1:56 PM, Deimos Rast said:

Here's a possible idea to expand upon your AmpYear Linear PPT RCS Port (the one that uses Teflon). It took me a while to realize it (only when I looked at it's config), that the RCS thruster itself was the source of the Teflon resource, which I had never realized. Now, I don't know how long 5 Teflon is supposed to last (config says a ratio of 0.01, I'm guessing that's per burst? Which seems pretty good, but I've never tested it in game), but what about adding it to your bigger reserve batteries? Or better yet, make a hybrid one specifically for that role, so as not to add unnecessary cost/function to the main Reserve batteries. Obviously, this is something that can easily be done via a config edit (or MM rather), and I probably will, but I think you've created a cool idea and some battery diversity might be an interesting change of pace.

Just a thought, take it or leave it.


(I really like the changes you made in the new version of AMP btw, the parts break down is much easier to understand)


In the OP it says this about the PPT RCS thrusters:
Each thruster contains a fixed amount of Teflon and uses this along with Electric Charge for incredibly efficient propulsion for small craft or maneuvering.
I have no plans to make Teflon a resource that the thrusters can use from anywhere on the ship.. because it's not a liquid or gas. If you refer to the link the OP you can read about this type of thruster. It's meant to be an efficient thruster but it has a finite life. In fact thanks for that, because I think I will just change the partmodule for this part to ensure it can ONLY use the teflon that is contained within the part.

Thanks for the input and glad you like the latest version.

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So I'm noticing that my command pods are getting duplicate Reserve Power stocks, but they aren't even amounts:


The command pod above has 100RP, and 80RP units. Any idea why? Have removed the mod and done a complete re-install and the problem persists.

EDIT: ignore this, the Abreviations for Reserve Power and Replacement Parts {added by a different mod} are the same and I missed this. could have saved myself 2 hours of testing and reloading had I noticed this sooner. :(

Edited by vardicd
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