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War Of Insanity!

Dark Junior

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The venator loads the nearby bacon farm along with colonists onboard. What else is required of me?

Also, Sampa, how about an official treaty? and I give you my insta-warp tech for some of your quantum research.

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The venator loads the nearby bacon farm along with colonists onboard. What else is required of me?

Also, Sampa, how about an official treaty? and I give you my insta-warp tech for some of your quantum research.

Good idea, given our recent moves to work together. Also vesper faction's main facility has been evacuated save for a skeleton crew of volunteers to control the black hole quantum shield grid.

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I take The Venator to Space Hotels for temporary relocation. Please find a new colony, as I'm running out of money!

There are still 1,000,000,000 colonists! I warp there at top speed, but the black hole will break down at post 106. The VEnator has taken too much hull damage, and the quantum shield tech you gave us is still being developed for the Venator. It's too much of a risk. I could kill all the colonists onboard if I stay.

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I'm leaving it in your hands. I'm going offline. I'll be back tomorrow

Edited by Dark Junior
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*The battleship's beam seems to be sucking up the blackhole itself. The black hole has already decreased in size by 10%. Ripples in the fabric of space will soon form. Although all of these events seemed to have delayed the explosion until post #108

The battleship's capacity is at full, and it starts heading off.

Edited by vinster7
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Lag posting sorry

Back at Alpha Centauri AB-C, scientists install the newly developed hydrogen-fueled uberchargers and helium-powered supercoolers to 3 intergalactic cruisers. They will allow the Verterons to travel much faster and generate less of a heat signature.

EDIT: Offline now

Edited by TrainEngie
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I finish repairs and evacuate more. I rub some bacon on the black hole to stabilize it until post 115. My special modified quantum shield based off of the design you made, will be ready by 112.

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FYI, the bacon is specially harvested from cyborg pigs. They have an unknown piece of tech that distorts time in a small area, slowing down the collapse. the colonists will have to wait for my Neutron Shield, the modified version of the quantum. Although, for them it'll be a single post. In out rime, it'll be another 4 posts.

ALSO: Posts is our official time measurement now.

It can also be used for past dates:

EX: post 108 delayed the collapse.

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Wow, that took way too long. Okay, the work at my station has been completed, and the engineers are okay, aside from one, who got a minor case of 011 poisoning. I've treated him, but he'll not be able to work for the next 2 weeks or so. He'll also feel very weak, and need a steady supply of healthy nutrition, preferably the Endurance Elixir.

The report on the shield installation is nominal, and the upgrades were exemplary. We've completely removed all traces of useless elements, and have replaced them with highly purified laces of Particle 011. I'm assuming you know what that is? In other words, we've built the strongest shield known to exist, and it regenerates on it's own output of insurmountable power. We're talking Yottajoules of the stuff!

It appears there is some sort of catastrophe occurring here... What's going on? The missiles have set up a safety perimeter; something they have never done until now. This must mean great powers. It is a threat to the Great Attractor!

I need to protect you. I will not let anyone destroy you! I will take my new shields with me to stop whatever is going on. Jump to isotunneling velocity in 3, 2, 1, ...

Oh, wow! Computer, erect a spatial isolation field around myself!

What's going on here?

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Vinster's black hole colony is collapsing. I slowed down the reaction with time-slowing bacon. My particle shield is finally ready. I send it to the bl;ack hole. Due there in one post. The bacon will only last until 115

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Just an update Xannari

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Suddenly, the black hole colony forms a shield just strong enough to keep the particle shield from entering, but a fart could probably collaspe the colonies shield because all the energy is diverted to keep the shield from entering.

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I'm here to help! I wedge the black hole open with my nearly invincible particle shield (Which will remain classified) and arrange a final evac operation. We have until 120 to evacuate! The black hole may be unstoppable sooner than that! worst-case, we have until 116!

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This is no black hole! This is a supermassive black hole! It does not threaten the Great Attractor, but I will help with the repulsion of this.

Takes out some paper

Let's see... nuh nunuh, nuhnu, I could put this here... And... Brilliant!

If I drop a few 011s into the gravity well, then follow them with an equal amount of Veterons, in theory, the gravitational pull of the singularity should collapse them both under their own energy, causing the 011s to destabilize. The Verterons will act as a spatial isolation grid, and the reaction will not damage normal space. Instead, the Verterons will collapse under the intense energy, and compress the space around them until each string is removed from existence.

The other possible outcome is that they will react outside the gravity well, and destroy everything BUT the black hole. Which one should I do?

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We need to make sure everyone is safe.

Also, I apolagive for threatening you with incapacitation before, Vinster

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Sorry errors

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Okay. I gotta go get some sleep. Be back in 12 hours.

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ALWAYS have a backup plan...

Unveils the mass relay network and sending in ships which activate quantum shields to once again begin to compress the black hole restabilizing it. Xanarri? It's now or never!

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(I could nuke the attempt to stop the black hole..... hmmm....)

This looks like a job for Russian-American Superman! (Me :P )

*proceeds to move black hole into another galaxy*

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That's impossible. With no spatial bias to allow the illusion of FTL speeds, it cannot happen.

It doesn't even matter because I surrounded the entire phenomenon with Verterons, which act as a spatial isolation. No matter can enter or exit.

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