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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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:D The Bob/Tedus banter is so fun I find myself hoping they don't get rescued too soon...

Even if they do, I think I can contrive to have them share a Mk2 cockpit again in the future :)

Someone really should smack Mort in the head with a hard drive, while shouting "FOR SCIENCE!".
Aww...I like Mort better as a plucky over-worked stressed-out money manager barely trying to hold the space program together with duct tape and underhanded contracts dealings.

Yeah, me too, but sometimes you need somebody to 'turn heel' for a while...hm, maybe I could borrow a page from Parkaboy and SaturnianBlue and make the Mort in E:O0 some kind of Mirror Mirror version, complete with mustache! But then I'd have to explain where Mort Prime went, and there'd be portals and wibbly wobbly stuff and well those guys are better at that than I am so I guess I'll just go with what I've got.

I thought the Prime Directive was noninterference with other cultures and civilizations.

I think you must have us confused with some other space program. We never installed the "other cultures" mod. :)

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So, you're making a new variable G.O. #1 and its value is NEEDS_MANYKERBS (probably a constant) bitshifted by NEEDS_FEWKERBS?


This actually came to me before I managed to figure out the real message. :D

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Well, I can see Jeb getting fired from a mile away. His track record isn't exactly shiny.

As for his jump, I've had Kerbals jump out of a doomed plane from 1,000 metres up, hit the water limp, and survive.

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Hmm... Jeb's "jump" could be part of Bill's plan...

How much time it takes to get a vehicle on the pad (or just out of wherever it is in since it doesn't really need pad) and fuel it?

Year, right, now I can imagine simultaneous liftoff of both vehicles.

Another question: even if M7 can SSTO from Kerbin, it'll probably need refueling in LKO to get to EVE... Kranefly? or does "Mortingale? have extra?

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Another question: even if M7 can SSTO from Kerbin, it'll probably need refueling in LKO to get to EVE... Kranefly? or does "Mortingale? have extra?
Correct, it can just drag itself to LKO. Then it would need to be either towed or refueled. Love that you guys know what I have available up there to help almost as well as I do.
I've had survive dropping from orbit, before 1.0.

Yeesh, so much for dramatic tension. You guys are tough! :P Oh well, may as well hang a lampshade on it...

Can't wait to see what happens!

Wait no more!



Hmm... Jeb's "jump" could be part of Bill's plan...
Good call! Unfortunately it's rather hard to hide Size 3 parts, even with Jeb soliloquizing. Tune in next time!
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