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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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My question is; can you use vodka as hypergolic fuel?

If the oxidizer is fluorine, you can even use water :)

But with oxygen-based oxidizers alcohol does not self-ignite. And vodka is a bad choice of fuel because it has 60% water and barely produces the heat to evaporate it (take a piece of paper money, soak it with vodka and light up - the temperature doesn't go high enough for the paper to get damaged)

And as one general said about ethanol/H2O2 fueled mid-range ballistic missile: How many tons of alcohol? Give that to my men and they'll take any city, while your rocket isn't guaranteed to even reach it!

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If the oxidizer is fluorine, you can even use water :)

But with oxygen-based oxidizers alcohol does not self-ignite. And vodka is a bad choice of fuel because it has 60% water and barely produces the heat to evaporate it (take a piece of paper money, soak it with vodka and light up - the temperature doesn't go high enough for the paper to get damaged)

And as one general said about ethanol/H2O2 fueled mid-range ballistic missile: How many tons of alcohol? Give that to my men and they'll take any city, while your rocket isn't guaranteed to even reach it!

Fluorine seems to react with anything. I did a bit of research, and I found a list of applications for fluorine, which includes air conditioning. No thanks on the fluorine AC.

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I remember a friend told me that the Nazis experimented with fluorine flamethrowers but decided they were "too inhumane to use", remember these people gassed and burned thousands of Jewish families. Really tells you something about the stuff doesn't it?

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All right folks, whatever the so-called 'topic' of this thread is, I'm pretty sure it's not the effects of flourine on the human body...encouraging everyone to engage their personal SAS and steer in the general direction of the prograde marker. :)

In tonight's Kerbfleet gameplay: Driving! Ore! Yay! Update tomorrow.

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Back on topic: Should we discuss drunk-driving instead? At least it's not Jeb who's drunk in Billmobile, but Tedus is Air Service, too.

Kerbfleet officers might (allegedly) steal spaceships, commit mutiny, arson, jaywalking etc--but nobody drives drunk.

Also, you should install atmosphere trajectories for future landings.:wink:

That certainly would have gotten me closer--that, or F9 and a second try. What can I say, I like to live dangerously manually.

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The way rovers tend to behave if you are not verycareful, one does not need any hydrazine to mess things up *grumblegrumble* I created more mayhem and devastation driving rovers than flying rockets.

As someone that have gone by rover to the South Pole from the KSC ( going to the North one is somewhat easier :P ), I can confirm that this is 100% accurate :D Atleast you're using landing gear and not the actual wheels ( that sometimes get glued to the ground and have some very glitchy behaviour as soon as you get to a jagged terrain area ). Just remember to not pass 50 m/s and to not brake with the front wheels :D

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Hello Mr.Kuzzter and congrats for your safe landing!

I really did not expect any surprise here for me, but winning your little "Missionbingo" is way more than a great honour for me! It was a blunt, wild, spontanous guess in the dark...:confused:

I am quiet busy at the moment at work (Weather turning colder) so i guess i will give my (very) small contribute idea until this Saturday 1800pm CET, somehow 1200 noon in Eastcoast U.S., i hope it is sufficient, just don`t have the time to figure out something, too surprised!

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Kerbfleet officers might (allegedly) steal spaceships, commit mutiny, arson, jaywalking etc--but nobody drives drunk.

- How could you even think of driving a car when being this drunk?!

- Because I was drunk! If I were sober I would never drive drunk.

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This should help get things back on track somewhat.





So you all remember that super-secret feature HarvestR was putting into 1.0, people thought it was going to be n-body physics or multiplayer or some other implausibly complicated thing and it turned out to be...rocket exhaust bouncing off the ground? I didn't really appreciate what an awesome addition that was until this Eve landing. Whoo, M7 down in a cloud of purple smoke! Wish i could have gotten a cleaner shot with F2, but I was a bit busy at the time. :)

Next up--who, if anyone, is sober enough to drive the Billmobile? How long will it take? What traveling music will I use? Just how hard is it to perform a surface dock with a rocket car in 1.7g? And what will Mikki--who won the contest by having the least faith in my atmospheric landing ability--decide to do with her prize? Tune in for Chapter 8, coming soonish!

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Great work!

And have fun on that trip.

Also, you can mine whilst roving, remember that, ok?

- - - Updated - - -

Great work!

And have fun on that trip.

Also, you can mine whilst roving, remember that, ok?

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75 klicks as pretty close for Eve anyway, Kuzzter.

There's lots of great songs to sing on the road. 99 Bottles of Diluted Hydrazine Attached to the Bulkhead, The Wheels on the Rover Go Round and Round, and She'll Be Comin' Round the Crater are a few that come to mind. Maybe they should save the one about the bottles until later. :)

That was a particularly..

Happy landing!

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This is requiring much more mining than Duna, Ore Bust!

You're not kidding! M7 is about half full of oxididant and not-full-at-all of LF, and it all has to come through one drill and one ISRU, powered by one fuel cell bank, 2 RTGs, and a couple of OX-STAT panels. ETA: assuming everything works as planned and I manage to dock the two ships together.

The way rovers tend to behave if you are not verycareful, one does not need any hydrazine to mess things up *grumblegrumble* I created more mayhem and devastation driving rovers than flying rockets.

Aye aye, quite true! This is why I designed the Billmobile the way I did; those aircraft wheels are quite robust up to about 40 m/s on Eve. Very rarely have I driven anywhere without a lot of F5/F9, and this one did the 25km from its landing site to Dipperkraft in one go.

I am quiet busy at the moment at work (Weather turning colder) so i guess i will give my (very) small contribute idea until this Saturday 1800pm CET, somehow 1200 noon in Eastcoast U.S., i hope it is sufficient, just don`t have the time to figure out something, too surprised!

I'm as surprised as you are--I really thought I could get it closer than I got the Billmobile! Oh well. No hurry, this offer is good any time :)

Also, you can mine whilst roving, remember that, ok?

Seriously? I think I tried that once and it ripped the drill off.

There's lots of great songs to sing on the road. 99 Bottles of Diluted Hydrazine Attached to the Bulkhead, The Wheels on the Rover Go Round and Round, and She'll Be Comin' Round the Crater are a few that come to mind. Maybe they should save the one about the bottles until later. :)

Already have one picked out! Just need to finalize the lyrics and Kerbalize yet another musical artist. :D Edited by Kuzzter
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Something to consider:

If you have a bit of ore when you start, then leave focus while both driling and refinement are going on, the catch-up will usually give you all of the ore+ all of the refinement product during the catch-up calculations, and it will not even take electric charge.

I use this for quick refills when I landed on the dark side of a planet. Start mining then leave until I have some ore built up, then start refining and come back after I have calculated my tanks should be mostly full.

When I come back ore and tanks both get increased by the catch-up even though ore should have been long since depleted.

I generally refine LFO+LF+O when I do this and even if the tanks are not yet full, the ore is much higher when it should have dropped like a stone.

Note: not sure what the fuel cell will do to this, I recommend deactivating it

Edited by Terwin
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Let's get rolling with Chapter 8 and a Kerbfleet PSA for the weekend: enjoy that hydrazine responsibly!




Something to consider:

If you have a bit of ore when you start, then leave focus while both driling and refinement are going on, the catch-up will usually give you all of the ore+ all of the refinement product during the catch-up calculations, and it will not even take electric charge.

1000x time warp is effective for this as well--electric charge goes to full, fuel cell shuts off, and tanks get heavy!

Yay! Road trip through the haze of hydrazine fumes :D Hope guys still have enough barf bags left LOL. Also, is it too late to request "Highwayman" by Johnny Cash?
Yes it is I'm afraid, I already have a song picked out by another... Artist.
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So, do you run the engines continuously, or just in boosts?

Also, can you let us know where everyone is, again? I've forgotten.

Boost and coast, boost and coast, refuel (repeat)

Good call--here's the current roster as of this moment in the comic:


M7 Lander-- Lt Kernel Jebediah Kerman (Pilot), Lt Dilsby Kerman (Command)

Billmobile-- Looty Bob Kerman (Science/Designated Driver) Lt Comder Bill Kerman (Engineer) 1st Looty Tedus Kerman (Pilot)


Mortingale-- Comder Valentina Kerman (Command)

Kranefly-- Enzin Gregmore Kerman (Pilot)


Evestation-- Looty Lisa Kerman, Jr Looty Melbe Kerman (Science), Enzin Clauselle Kerman (Engineer)

Alouette-- Abandoned

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