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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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  Scotius said:
"Oh HELL yes!" Epic :D In yo face, Mortie! :cool: I can't wait to learn, how the konspirators managed to transport entire spaceship off-site without someone noticing.

You will next update :)

  The Error said:

Y'know, I consistently forget about KSC2. And I've even got KerbinSide installed. :rolleyes:

And I am SO glad that anyone who guessed that's where the M7 was did not say so on the thread. It's nice to be able to surprise you guys :)

  Deddly said:
Three cheers for Bobak!

Hip hip! And don't forget the guy who licks the markers! I was thinking at some point that Jeb's and Bill's passengers would be Bobak and his team in disguise, but ended up having too much fun with actual idiot airline passengers. Let's just assume the KSC2 team went on a different commercial airline.

  Parkaboy said:
Grand Theft Rocket yeah!
  SourMonkey said:
This is so good! Can't wait to see this op go down on Eve. Mort may not be on board but I imagine the PR Kerb will love this, minus the whole leaving passengers on the other side of the world thing.

The trick will be whether he gets more rep for the hilarity than he gets warnings and infractions from the KAA (Kerbal Aviation Administration)

  Scotius said:
Are you kidding? If kerbal tourists behave similiar to human ones, they would later brag all over the interwebz about "being part of the daring rescue mission".

True! If this actually works, a couple of dozen tourists might end up claiming to have been in that four seat crew module.

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  Deddly said:
It was also interesting how it is still only Jeb and Bill who are implicated

Remember, you've had this information for several hours and a couple pages (OMG!) of post comments. Mort just found out about the M7 a few seconds ago in comix time. The other space boot will drop... soon :D

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  Kuzzter said:
Tourists can't EVA. They're stuck there until either I recover the Fundstar Two, or somebody shows up to fly it back to KSC1. I can only imagine the flight reviews they'll post to kexpedia.kom. :D

"Pilots mutinied and flew to Eve, leaving us trapped inside a plane for weeks. 0/10 Would not mutiny again"

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Let's freaking do this.
  Dman979 said:

How about... now.





Ahh--I have been waiting to post that panel since, oh, 16th July 2015 ;) Some of you have already guessed it, and of course it's been staring at us from Scotius's signature this whole time. It's always been rule #1 for me since I first stranded a Kerbal on Mun, playing the demo.

So happy weekend, all--Eve: Order Zero will return soon with Chapter Five: The Search for Bob! (and Tedus!)

  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
"Pilots mutinied and flew to Eve, leaving us trapped inside a plane for weeks. 0/10 Would not mutiny again"

Well, thanks to Jeb you now know what it REALLY was :P

Edited by Kuzzter
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  Kuzzter said:
Tourists can't EVA. They're stuck there until either I recover the Fundstar Two, or somebody shows up to fly it back to KSC1. I can only imagine the flight reviews they'll post to kexpedia.kom. :D

"Was put on plane incapable of suborbital, with pilots incapable of following orders, leaving me incapable to escape. 0/10. Would recommend."

EDIT: Ninja'd by a new page!

Ohh, barratry! I heard that the Hunt for Red Oktober is on!

Edited by Dman979
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  Starhawk said:
Beautifully done!

Barratry? Another new word!

Thank you! Regarding that word, I think I heard it in a TV show or movie about 30 years ago. Somebody got accused of mutiny and responded, "Actually we're all officers, so it's barratry." I wonder if it was M*A*S*H*? Anyway it has remained stuck in my head all this time. If anyone happens to remember where that line appeared I'd be curious to know.

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  Kuzzter said:
Thank you! Regarding that word, I think I heard it in a TV show or movie about 30 years ago. Somebody got accused of mutiny and responded, "Actually we're all officers, so it's barratry." I wonder if it was M*A*S*H*? Anyway it has remained stuck in my head all this time. If anyone happens to remember where that line appeared I'd be curious to know.

Perhaps it was the Hunt for Red October?

  Wikipedia said:
in Tom Clancy's 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October, the character Admiral Foster remarks that the apparent theft of the eponymous Soviet submarine Red October by her Captain Marko Ramius and his officers, with the intention to defect with the submarine to the United States, constitutes barratry and not mutiny.

Ah, it should have been obvious that they were going to send the other rocket.

  Lisa Kerman said:
I guess we'll see you... when we see you.
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  Dman979 said:
Perhaps it was the Hunt for Red October?

Quite possibly, I read the book and saw the movie back then. But I searched the shooting script for "barratry" just now and did not find it, and I was pretty sure it was something I heard spoken out loud. Is in the film for sure?

ETA: and regarding my M*A*S*H* theory, in The Novocaine Mutiny Hawkeye gets accused of same and someone could have said it there, but I can't find a script. Arrgghh!!

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  Dman979 said:
Ah, it should have been obvious that they were going to send the other rocket.

*phew* once again, Kuzzter is juuuuust oblique enough.

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Silently, I recited the astronaut’s prayer, “Dear Lord, please don’t let me screw up.â€Â

Actually if one were to nitpick regulations, none of the Kerbonauts are in violation of General Order 3, since leaving survivors of a crash, no matter where, doomed to a slow lingering death would be considered unlawful, and synonymous to manslaughter or murder, which is a unlawful act.

So 'da homies be innocent, yo!

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  GDJ said:
Actually if one were to nitpick regulations, none of the Kerbonauts are in violation of General Order 3, since leaving survivors of a crash, no matter where, doomed to a slow lingering death would be considered unlawful, and synonymous to manslaughter or murder, which is a unlawful act.
  Atticus Kerman, Esq. said:
That would be true in human law--perhaps even in Canada! But since stock Kerbals can hibernate indefinitely and have never been observed to die by a cause other than rapid unplanned disassembly, being marooned is nowhere near fatal--just darned boring.
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And to extend the logic I posted earlier, Mort would be guilty of violating a subsection of General Order 3 by issuing a unlawful command (not rescuing our desperate duo on Eve nor attempting to try) therefore he could be relieved of his post and subject to arrest, either by KSP security or by Military Police, which ever the mission would fall under (military or civilian).

Also the insurrection by our intrepid Kerbonauts would show to the stockholders (yes, there are stockholders in KSP) that Mort is incapable of running the KSP centre as a working organization, therefore he would be subject to be voted out as CEO, and replaced by another.

Basically, Mort's days as CEO should be rather limited.

Just my 2¢.....

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  GDJ said:
Basically, Mort's days as CEO should be rather limited.

Oh, definitely--whether he violated any Orders or not, he does not have the confidence of any of the senior staff, or the four most experienced and famous officers in the Fleet. The Board would essentially have to choose between firing the entire company or firing Mort. Hopefully he's written a golden Mk16 parachute into his contract. In fact, I bet he has.

As to whether he himself issued an unlawful command to strand Bob and Tedus, if so accused he could always present a defense saying he was just establishing a base. I've had scientists hanging out on Mun and Minmus since basically the beginning of the save, so there's precedent :)

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  The Error said:
Ha, yes! One of these days we'll have to compile a list of successfully played with/lampshaded/averted tropes. Or maybe when we hit the big time, someone will do it for us. After all, there's no such thing as notability.
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