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[1.0.4] - RealPlume - Stock Configs v0.8.1 - 2015/281


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I am sure that this has been brought, but the volume level - with the exception of lowering the engine volume. It there a way to get a balance? What I mean, is that when I have the engine volume at a level for say, 'mainsail', then it is hard to hear the 'poodle'

Thanks and I am sorry of there was addressed already.

The phrase you are looking for is 'Volume Normalization', and I would like this as well. The rockets sound cool and all but I live in an apartment, I can't be blasting my neighbors with that level of noise.

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Is support for near future spacecraft/propulsion planned?

Also the Mammoth engine seems to have an odd plume, it gives off 4 very linear and long plumes with no smoke effects, also (i dont actually know) should the exhaust of this type of engine be blue?

I would really like to know this as well

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here's what I used for the SLS-125 Bearcat:

@PART[NP_lfe_125m_BearcatSingle]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] //H-1/RS-27
name = Kerolox-Lower //pre-fabbed plume you want
transformName = thrustTransform //which transform to attach the plume
localRotation = 0,0,0 //Optional - Any rotation needed
localPosition = 0,0,1.3 //Any offset needed
fixedScale = .7 //Size adjustment to resize to engine
energy = .5 //Adjust length of plume
speed = 1 //Adjust speed to fit resize,
//generally close to 1:1 with scale.
@name = ModuleEnginesFX
%powerEffectName = Kerolox-Lower

wasn't sure how to do a full config so I just tweaked some additional values via the smokescreen editor

3tNZ7Nsm.png hMPSarkm.png Jvcg7TGm.png

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The 2.5m USI alcubierre drive has two engines on either side of the ring; these engines could have beautiful blue-green plumes. That'd be cool :D

There could be only one plume for KPBS; the landing engine ;)

EDIT: here's the link to the mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100798-1-0-4-Alcubierre-Warp-Drive-(Stand-alone)-v0-3-0-0-2015-10-16

Edited by AJTheMighty
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ok I worked up some plume effects for two Sounding Rockets engines, the 0.35m SRBs:

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These are fully-tweaked effects meant to be run at 100% thrust. There is launch smoke for the lower SRB but it still needs tweaking. I'm using values recently supplied by lextacy but they aren't quite what I'm looking for and until I better understand the parameters I'm not going to be able to fix it.

//Get the inputs from the other config.
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.05
fixedScale = 0.25
name = flare
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster
emission = 0.0 0
emission = 0.01 0.2
emission = 1.0 2
speed = 0.0 1
speed = 1.0 1.5
offset = 0
energy = 0.0 0.1
energy = 1.0 0.1
size = 0.0 0.6
size = 1.0 0.6
fixedEmissions = false
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
//Get the inputs from the other config.
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-.05
fixedScale = .2
energy = 0.65
speed = 1.25
name = plume
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster
fixedEmissions = false
sizeClamp = 50
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
density = 1 0.1
density = 0 1
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.1 3
density = 0.0 2
density = 1.0 0.0
density = 0.8 0.5
density = 0.46 0.75
density = 0.2 1
density = 0.1 2
density = 0.0 3
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.46 1
density = 0.2 3
density = 0.05 7
density = 0.0 7
density = 1.0 2
density = 0.46 2.5
density = 0.2 2.5
density = 0.05 3
density = 0.0 3
density = 1 0.95
density = 0.24 0.9
density = 0.0 1
density = 1.0 4.0
density = 0.8 3.5
density = 0.2 3.5
density = 0.1 2.9
density = 0.05 2.3
density = 0.0 2.25
power = 1 1
power = 0.01 0.2
power = 0 0
density = 1.0 2
density = 0.3 2
density = 0.05 0.5
density = 0.0 0.5
density = 1.0 0.8
density = 0.8 0.65
density = 0.2 0.55
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.05
fixedScale = 0.25
name = smoke
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokelaunch
speed = 0.0 3
speed = 1.0 1
grow = 0.0 0
grow = 1.0 0.01
renderMode = "Billboard"
collide = false
collideRatio = 0
stickiness = 0
sizeClamp = 100
angle = 0.0 1.0
angle = 45.0 1.0
angle = 50.0 1.0
distance = 0.0 1.0
distance = 100.0 1.0
distance = 110.0 1.0
density = 1.0 15
density = 0.1 20
density = 0.0 2
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.8 1.5
density = 0.46 2
density = 0.2 2
density = 0.1 2
density = 0.0 5
density = 1.0 0
density = 0.46 0
density = 0.2 0
density = 0.05 5
density = 0.0 10
density = 1.0 5.0
density = 0.05 4
density = 0.0 0
power = 1 1
power = 0.01 0.2
power = 0 0
density = 1.0 5
density = 0.3 5
density = 0.05 0.1
density = 0.0 0.0
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.8 1.2
density = 0.6 2
density = 0.2 3
density = 0.0 7
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.5
fixedScale = 0.1
name = slag
modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large
emission = 0.0 0
emission = 0.01 0.05
emission = 1.0 0.2
speed = 0.0 1
speed = 1.0 1
offset = 1
size = 0.0 0.2
size = 1.0 0.2
fixedEmissions = false
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
density = 1 0.4
density = 0.5 0.8
density = 0.1 1
density = 0 1
density = 1 0.9
density = 0.35 0.93
density = 0.0 1
density = 1.0 6
density = 0.3 5
density = 0.05 2
density = 0.0 1.5

@name = ModuleEnginesFX
%powerEffectName = Solid-Lower

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 50
maxDistance = 500
falloff = 12
thrustTransformName = ThrustTransform

transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.05
fixedScale = 0.23
name = flare
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster
emission = 0.0 0
emission = 0.01 0.2
emission = 1.0 2
speed = 0.0 1
speed = 1.0 1
offset = 0
energy = 0.0 0.1
energy = 1.0 0.1
size = 0.0 0.6
size = 1.0 0.6
fixedEmissions = false
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,0
fixedScale = 0.2
energy = 0.35
speed = 1.25
name = plume
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster
fixedEmissions = false
sizeClamp = 50
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
density = 1 0.4
density = 0 1
density = 1.0 2
density = 0.1 3
density = 0.0 2
density = 1.0 0.0
density = 0.8 1.5
density = 0.46 2
density = 0.2 2
density = 0.1 2
density = 0.0 5
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.46 1
density = 0.2 3
density = 0.05 7
density = 0.0 7
density = 1.0 2
density = 0.46 2.5
density = 0.2 2.5
density = 0.05 3
density = 0.0 3
density = 1 0.95
density = 0.24 0.9
density = 0.0 1
density = 1.0 4.0
density = 0.8 3.5
density = 0.2 3.5
density = 0.1 2.9
density = 0.05 2.3
density = 0.0 2.25
power = 1 1
power = 0.01 0.2
power = 0 0
density = 1.0 2
density = 0.3 2
density = 0.05 0.5
density = 0.0 0.5
density = 1.0 0.8
density = 0.8 0.65
density = 0.2 0.55
//Get the inputs from the other config.
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-3
fixedScale = 0.13
name = smoke
modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokelaunch
speed = 0.0 0
speed = 1.0 1
grow = 0.0 0
grow = 1.0 0.01
renderMode = "Billboard"
collide = false
collideRatio = 0
sizeClamp = 1000
angle = 0.0 1.0
angle = 45.0 1.0
angle = 50.0 1.0
distance = 0.0 1.0
distance = 100.0 1.0
distance = 110.0 1.0
density = 1.0 15
density = 0.1 20
density = 0.0 2
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.8 1.5
density = 0.46 2
density = 0.2 2
density = 0.1 2
density = 0.0 5
density = 1.0 0
density = 0.46 0
density = 0.2 0
density = 0.05 5
density = 0.0 10
density = 1.0 5.0
density = 0.05 4
density = 0.0 0
power = 1 1
power = 0.01 0.2
power = 0 0
density = 1.0 5
density = 0.3 5
density = 0.05 0.1
density = 0.0 0.0
density = 1.0 1
density = 0.8 1.2
density = 0.6 2
density = 0.2 3
density = 0.0 7
//Get the inputs from the other config.
transformName = ThrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.1
fixedScale = 0.1
name = slag
modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large
emission = 0.0 0
emission = 0.01 0.05
emission = 1.0 0.2
speed = 0.0 1
speed = 1.0 1
offset = 1
size = 0.0 0.2
size = 1.0 0.2
fixedEmissions = false
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2
density = 1 0.4
density = 0.5 0.8
density = 0.1 1
density = 0 1
density = 1 0.9
density = 0.35 0.93
density = 0.0 1
density = 1.0 6
density = 0.3 5
density = 0.05 2
density = 0.0 1.5

@name = ModuleEnginesFX
%powerEffectName = Solid-Upper

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;2290244']Hate to be the one who asks' date=' but is the mod working in 1.0.5?[/quote']

Yep, it does. You'll have to make new configs for the fighter, mk0 and mk2 jets, aswell as the SSME. But since I'm a good guy imma just let you have mine. Enjoy.


Just put them in ''...\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Squad'' and you're good to go.

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Yep, it does. You'll have to make new configs for the fighter, mk0 and mk2 jets, aswell as the SSME. But since I'm a good guy imma just let you have mine. Enjoy.


Just put them in ''...\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Squad'' and you're good to go.

Not 100% working. For some reason it is causing the Whiplash to be rescaled.


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  • 3 weeks later...

New engines have no plume tho, which is easy to fix. Here's a config for Goliath:

		%powerEffectName = Turbofan
		%spoolEffectName = Turbofan-Spool
        name = Turbofan
        transformName = thrustTransform
		// smokePoint
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        localPosition = 0,0,-1.5
        fixedScale = 0.9
        energy = 0.9
        speed = 1

On a side note, LH2 engines shouldn't have that long laminar flame in atmosphere - it should become turbulent and turn into smoke much, much earlier.

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I'm sure this is the wrong place to ask, but it might not be because it pertains to realplume. Now, I love it to death and cant play without it, but the one thing I wish it did was make the flame cone much smaller once you enter the vacuum of space, like in Scott Manley's videos on RSS. How do I get the effects to replicate his?

Spaceships are serious business part 10

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