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[1.0.4] - RealPlume - Stock Configs v0.8.1 - 2015/281


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Awesome! Can you submit it as a pull request to the Github Repository? That's the easiest, and gives you full credit for your work on the repo. Steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your account
  2. Download Github for Windows
  3. Use Github for Windows to clone the repository locally
  4. Make and Commit your changes
  5. Sync them to the website and submit a pull request

Well I don't have a Github account and wasn't planning on starting one... and I also don't care if I'm accredited to this or not... so if you want to download it and add it yourself as your own I would be happy with that :D. I didn't post it with a licence either so I couldn't possibly do anything about credit if I wanted. :P

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Well I don't have a Github account and wasn't planning on starting one... and I also don't care if I'm accredited to this or not... so if you want to download it and add it yourself as your own I would be happy with that :D. I didn't post it with a licence either so I couldn't possibly do anything about credit if I wanted. :P


Done :P

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Fair enough, and at the very least my stock configs should be good, under the assumption that the user isn't using Ven's, so I'll get that fixed this weekend, I think.

Well, I'm mucking about in the SmokeScreen plugin, I'll see if there are any optimizations to be done. No promises, but I'll give it a shot!

- - - Updated - - -

As an aside, are you on the very latest graphics drivers for your card for windows 10?

Drivers are all up to date. Have to force AA through nvidia control panel now as AA does not work in opengl for me any more either. Pain in the butt.

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Drivers are all up to date. Have to force AA through nvidia control panel now as AA does not work in opengl for me any more either. Pain in the butt.

Oh, one thing I almost forgot, did you try reducing the max particles in SmokeScreen? (You'll need Blizzy's toolbar)

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Hey Felger for some reason the newest release of the configs doesn't include Avera9eJoe's BTSM support.

:o Yeah my... er... Nhawk's configs aren't included! LOL

I'm enjoying myself way too much over this...

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RealPlume is now on my list of essentials. Really neat stuff.

I'm a big TweakScale user, and I've discovered that RealPlume and TweakScale don't really work too well.


Before I try messing around with configs and MM patches, could someone tell me if it's even feasible for a TweakScale config to adjust flare and plume sizes of rescaled engines? Thanks in advance. :)

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RealPlume is now on my list of essentials. Really neat stuff.

I'm a big TweakScale user, and I've discovered that RealPlume and TweakScale don't really work too well.


Before I try messing around with configs and MM patches, could someone tell me if it's even feasible for a TweakScale config to adjust flare and plume sizes of rescaled engines? Thanks in advance. :)

This has been an issue even with HotRockets, Felger could give a better answer but from what I've experienced with HotRockets, I don't think it is but I'm not 100% on that.

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Has anyone made config for Baha's thrust vectoring turbojet? While the flame from it looks nice the stock Squad smoke effect reminds me of cotton. TUrbojet flame lacks those nice shock rings.

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RealPlume is now on my list of essentials. Really neat stuff.

I'm a big TweakScale user, and I've discovered that RealPlume and TweakScale don't really work too well.


Before I try messing around with configs and MM patches, could someone tell me if it's even feasible for a TweakScale config to adjust flare and plume sizes of rescaled engines? Thanks in advance. :)

This would have to be a change in SmokeScreen or TweakScale itself, but it'll never look quite right. Relatively low on my priority list at this point.

Did anything ever get figured out about the rare circumstance where an engine didn't want to ever show particles because of how it was made or something?

Nope, still mystified.

I would say that because the flare and plume have set positions tweakscale moves the object around these set positions making the visual look out of place if that makes sense

Pretty much. The plume parameters aren't adjusted by TweakScale at all.

Has anyone made config for Baha's thrust vectoring turbojet? While the flame from it looks nice the stock Squad smoke effect reminds me of cotton. TUrbojet flame lacks those nice shock rings.

I have not, but it'd be pretty easy to do so, have a look at the guide:


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Hey Felger for some reason the newest release of the configs doesn't include Avera9eJoe's BTSM support.
:o Yeah my... er... Nhawk's configs aren't included! LOL

I'm enjoying myself way too much over this...

Oops, they're in the release package now.

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I'm on it!

FYI the fx spawn points for the three aerospikes are all inside the model, and the linear aerospike has three in a row along its length. All engines bar the tiny LFO+MP ones use ModuleEnginesFX, those tiny ones still use stock FX and thus still use ModuleEngines. Everything else should (hopefully!) be easy to work with.

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FYI the fx spawn points for the three aerospikes are all inside the model, and the linear aerospike has three in a row along its length. All engines bar the tiny LFO+MP ones use ModuleEnginesFX, those tiny ones still use stock FX and thus still use ModuleEngines. Everything else should (hopefully!) be easy to work with.

Yep, it was! Might go back and refine them as I go along, plan on using the parts in my game (when I get a chance to play >_>) The only engine that gave me any funny business was the high-thrust engine, had a different thrust transform name.

On a related note, your particles are awesome, do you mind if I use them? I'll give you credit.

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On a related note, your particles are awesome, do you mind if I use them? I'll give you credit.

Unfortunately, according to this the RLA license (CC BY-SA) isn't compatible with the one used here (CC BY-NC-SA).

Which one(s) did you want in particular though? We can easily work around that.

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Is there an easy way to decrease the engine smoke trail life (AKA lower energy)? In each config there is an energy level for the flames but I don't think it effects the smoke. Making the trails despawn in half the time (Or another method of cutting down on the number of particles) would greatly improve performance. An 88 part rocket lags the h*** out of my game. And I have a fairly nice computer too (GTX 660 + 3.5GHz 8 core CPU). :P

Update: I just manually went through and decreased the smoke persistence by half. (from curves of 2, 2, 1, 0 to 1, 1, 0.5, 0 when increasing in height left to right). Lag has dropped considerably. :P

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Unfortunately, according to this the RLA license (CC BY-SA) isn't compatible with the one used here (CC BY-NC-SA).

Which one(s) did you want in particular though? We can easily work around that.

You know, I really only have that set due to the history of the project, it's what I inherited, I'll have to take a look at what I actually want the license to be.

In any case, I took a bunch of screenshots of your particles and put them on the RealPlume repo, I'll have to look them over and figure out which. Probably one or two of the monoprop effect, and a couple others.

Is there an easy way to decrease the engine smoke trail life (AKA lower energy)? In each config there is an energy level for the flames but I don't think it effects the smoke. Making the trails despawn in half the time (Or another method of cutting down on the number of particles) would greatly improve performance. An 88 part rocket lags the h*** out of my game. And I have a fairly nice computer too (GTX 660 + 3.5GHz 8 core CPU). :P

Update: I just manually went through and decreased the smoke persistence by half. (from curves of 2, 2, 1, 0 to 1, 1, 0.5, 0 when increasing in height left to right). Lag has dropped considerably. :P

In the OP I list a better way, just adjust the max particle count in smokescreen.

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Have you or the community created a set of RealPlume configs for CMES that you are aware of? I use that addon a lot so I would love to see your plumes on those engines. The way they are configured now...the engines with the exception of the SRBs burn too "cleanly" so there isn't much in the way of smoke/condensation trails. Also, the CMES rockets do not vent exhaust from the launchpad's exhaust trenches but I noticed that when I use engines that do have RealPlume configs like FASA, SpaceY, etc, they do show the trench plumes.

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Hey Felger you couldn't get in touch with Nertea to see if you could adapt the particles that come with the Cryogenic engines to realplume-ify them could you? Those particles are amazing and I'd love to see them available to use here.

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Hey Felger you couldn't get in touch with Nertea to see if you could adapt the particles that come with the Cryogenic engines to realplume-ify them could you? Those particles are amazing and I'd love to see them available to use here.

You know, i thought i recognized your forum name, your the chap from sphax aren't you! Here have some rep :).

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