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[1.0.4] Chute Safety Indicator [v1.0.2 - August 6, 2015]


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Chute Safety Indicator v1.0.2 - August 6, 2015

This mod will change the background color of each parachute's staging icon to let you know whether or not it's safe to deploy - no more fiddling with right click menus!

NOTE: this mod is only compatible with stock parachutes, and will not work with RealChute.

viruk67 was nice enough to make a video of this mod in action, which he featured

on his excellent YouTube channel. Check it out!

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  • icon turns green for "Safe"
  • yellow for "Risky"
  • red for "Unsafe"
  • advanced users can change the colors via a config file (see below)


GitHub: https://github.com/seanmcdougall/ChuteSafetyIndicator/releases

KerbalStuff: http://www.kerbalstuff.com/mod/1012/Chute%20Safety%20Indicator

CKAN: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067

Curse: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/232908-chute-safety-indicator


License: GPL-3.0

GitHub: https://github.com/seanmcdougall/ChuteSafetyIndicator

Advanced Configuration

These default colors can be modified by editing the ChuteSafetyIndicator.cfg file inside GameData/ChuteSafetyIndicator/. This file will be automatically created after installing this mod

and running KSP with it for the first time.

The default looks like this:

safeColor = 0,1,0,1
riskyColor = 1,0.9215686,0.01568628,1
unSafeColor = 1,0,0,1
clearBackground = False

The three colors are stored in Unity's color format. Each component is a floating point number between 0 and 1. In order, they denote the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) channels.

Setting "clearBackground" to "True" will remove the default grey gradient background that's present on the staging icons. Doing this will make it easier for color blind users to find a workable set of colors, since the background texture will no longer interfere.


1.0.2 - 2015/08/06
- added a new "clearBackground" setting to the config file which will completely remove the grey gradient texture from the stack icon background. Setting this to "true" should make it easier for color blind users to find a workable color combination.

1.0.1 - 2015/07/31
- stack icons will now only change colour when the vessel is actually in the atmosphere.

1.0.0 - 2015/07/19
- initial release

Edited by seanmcdougall
Added YouTube video.
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I use real chutes myself, would be awesome if this was compatible with RCs, unless it already is? I don't know, that's why I'm asking. :)

This mod works by reading the "safe to deploy" state from the parachute's right-click action menu, then sets the color of the associated staging icon appropriately. RealChute appears to completely replace the stock parachute module with its own version, and its menu doesn't contain the "safe to deploy" feature. So unfortunately this will only work with stock chutes.

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Just an FYI, I'm not sure if it's real chutes interfering or not... I have real chutes, but I'm using the stock parachutes and I never see the icon change colors. Earlier you said that it would not work with real chute parachutes, but had assumed that stock would still work. I think it's probable that it won't work if real chute is installed because RC has a mod manager patch that alters the stock chutes.?

I'd be really cool if Nathen could chime in and see if there's anyway this could be supported.

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Just an FYI, I'm not sure if it's real chutes interfering or not... I have real chutes, but I'm using the stock parachutes and I never see the icon change colors. Earlier you said that it would not work with real chute parachutes, but had assumed that stock would still work. I think it's probable that it won't work if real chute is installed because RC has a mod manager patch that alters the stock chutes.?

Correct, RealChute replaces the stock parachute behaviour with its own version (this applies to the original stock chutes as well as any new chutes it adds). If you have RealChute installed and right-click on any chute (even a stock one) it will only display the RealChute options and you no longer have the "safe to deploy" status field that I rely on.

From my (admittedly limited) experience with RealChute I haven't seen a similar "safety" flag I could check instead. If someone out there has any suggestions on how to make this work with RealChute, please let me know :)

- - - Updated - - -

I've made this quick image to illustrate your mod on an other forum, you can use it if you want:

Thanks! I've added it to the gallery in the first post.

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