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[1.1.3] Orbital Decay v1.5.2 (17/07/2016) - Total Overhaul


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1 hour ago, funk said:

Same here, 50km per day... Hurry!

But It's nearly impossible, cause the target orbit isn't updated. When you enter physics range the target is suddenly 15km away scratching the atmosphere.

General question: Is the orbit updated for unfocused vessels, or do I have to switch to the target before planning for example for a rendevouz?

Ahh I see the problem here, are you only having issues with contract spawned vessel rendezvous or general vessel rendezvous? The contract vessel may not be being simulated correctly, added to the 1.4.2 list! 


As for Nan per day, could you tell me the following: Rss or Stock? Moon or Kerbin/earth? And at what altitude was/is your vessel orbiting? Maybe a problem with formatting or a more serious issue involving the actual decay rate. 


Thanks, hopefully these will both be quick fixes! 


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2 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

As for Nan per day, could you tell me the following: Rss or Stock? Moon or Kerbin/earth? And at what altitude was/is your vessel orbiting? Maybe a problem with formatting or a more serious issue involving the actual decay rate. 

I have the same thing. Stock (but Kopernicus is installed), first launch, tracking station not upgraded. Orbiting probe never decays, just NaN per day. It was in about a 110km Low kerbin orbit.

Edited by westamastaflash
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14 hours ago, Bersia said:

So, I was getting this weird game breaking glitch where on a new launch I'd fly across the world and have no speed, money, or science. I thought it was KCT or maybe KAC since the time was also 99years into the future and KCT stated infinity on everything. I got rid of KAC and re-installed KCT and then on my first flight I got a CTD. Not sure what's causing it, I thought the previous glitch was possibly OD since I saw the last changelist had something about zooming so I updated. I think I got my log properly uploaded. Can anyone tell me if it is an OD issue or something else?

Weird glitch of 000000: https://www.dropbox.com/s/85pu9avr0h4nr0r/20160506193200_1.jpg?dl=0 (I removed KCT and reinstalled it, plus I got the same glitch after removing it last night)
Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7g6uawynxcfccn/output_log.txt?dl=0

This is a pretty severe glitch! Not to worry I will look into this asap sounds like a nasty kraken attack possibly due to some Nan issue in the predicted decay time spreading to other areas of the game! 

2 minutes ago, westamastaflash said:

I have the same thing. Stock (but Kopernicus is installed), first launch, tracking station not upgraded. Orbiting probe never decays, just NaN per day. It was in about a 110km Low kerbin orbit.

Weird... I will look into this as soon as I can, probably some crossover bug when I set up the Stock decay system, can you check the alt f12 menu and see what exceptions are popping up? 

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Just now, westamastaflash said:

No exceptions related to orbital decay manager...

I also have realfuels installed, could that be causing the trouble?

Ah that could be a possibility, could you try temporarily removing the real fuels folder and seeing if this happens again? I thought I had fixed real fuel compatibility but then again I have changed the resource system in the latest version! 

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16 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

Ahh I see the problem here, are you only having issues with contract spawned vessel rendezvous or general vessel rendezvous? The contract vessel may not be being simulated correctly, added to the 1.4.2 list!

I'm in a new career save, so rescue a kerbal was the first rendezvous, maybe it's just because you cannot focus this vessel. The decay rate of the contract vessel was around 50km/day in LKO while my rescue vessel showed only 10km/day in a similiar orbit. Imho when the decay rates are similiar rendezvous shouldn't be that hard.

Btw I finally brought the kerbal home savely, due to incredibly chasing behind him.  After entering physics range the first time the contract vessel was suddenly 11km away, but I didn't recognize a difference for the second entering.

Edited by funk
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1 minute ago, funk said:

I'm in a new career save, so rescue a kerbal was the first rendevous, maybe it's just because you cannot focus this vessel. The decay rate of the contract vessel was around 50km/day in LKO while my rescue vessel showed 10km/day only in a similiar orbit. Imho when the decay rates are similiar rendevous shouldn't be that hard.

Btw I finally brought the kerbal home savely, due to incredibly chasing behind him.  After entering physics range the first time the contract vessel was suddenly 11km away, but I didn't recognize a difference for the second entering.

Ah yes, hopefully I can fix this one easily, looks like the system didn't properly recognize that the vessel existed so it assumed it had a mass of 1 and an area of 1 (hence the very fast decay rates), as for the rendezvous jumps probably an oversight on my part, that being said would it be possible for you to test a rendezvous between two vessels you have launched yourself and see if the jumping issue occurs again on rendevouz? 

I will be away from the computer for today and possibly tomorrow so I don't really have time to set up a scenario like this to test out! :( 

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8 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

Ah yes, hopefully I can fix this one easily, looks like the system didn't properly recognize that the vessel existed so it assumed it had a mass of 1 and an area of 1 (hence the very fast decay rates), as for the rendezvous jumps probably an oversight on my part, that being said would it be possible for you to test a rendezvous between two vessels you have launched yourself and see if the jumping issue occurs again on rendevouz? 

I will be away from the computer for today and possibly tomorrow so I don't really have time to set up a scenario like this to test out! :( 

Ok, glad to help, results later...

I was suspicious, because the contract vessels are rated like asteroids. For example the vessel with the kerbal onboard was rated as size A in the tracking station. Maybe you're assuming the max mass for size A vessels/asteroids until the mass is determined when entering physics range?

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2 minutes ago, funk said:

Ok, glad to help, results later...

I was suspicious, because the contract vessels are rated like asteroids. For example the vessel with the kerbal onboard was rated as size A in the tracking station. Maybe you're assuming the max mass for size A vessels/asteroids until the mass is determined when entering physics range?


That makes sense, possibly because some relics in my code from back in August last year ignore asteroids/unknown objects (these spawned vessels) and some include these, so there may even be some Nans being thrown around inside the code leading to the 50km/day decay rate, possibly causing the rendezvous issues too. 

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39 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

This is a pretty severe glitch! Not to worry I will look into this asap sounds like a nasty kraken attack possibly due to some Nan issue in the predicted decay time spreading to other areas of the game! 

Weird... I will look into this as soon as I can, probably some crossover bug when I set up the Stock decay system, can you check the alt f12 menu and see what exceptions are popping up? 

They were scrolling by too fast to read. :(
I removed the mod and was able to play fine for a few hours before getting a CTD. Although I think it was honestly just 1.1.2. nevertheless I think a mod culling is in order.

Plus I was victim of the huge decay rates with my small sats. Lost my whole early relay system. 12.4km/day was the wrost.

Edited by Bersia
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As for Nan per day, could you tell me the following: Rss or Stock? Moon or Kerbin/earth? And at what altitude was/is your vessel orbiting? Maybe a problem with formatting or a more serious issue involving the actual decay rate. 

Stock-Game. New career. It happened in every Orbit around Kerbin. I haven't tested mun, minmus or another planet.

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Hey @Whitecat106, I've seen that you created a new issue on github for stock decay rates this morning, I wasn't sure if it is bug or just the result of an exponential formula. I've had some troubles to get consistent results in my tests, so I went back to vanilla KSP with OD installed only.  Fresh install, after loosing trust in steam integrity check... I think I will use KER for future tests to get some information about the vessel mass.

First thing I've found are two NRE while loading the game. Do I need MM? Orbital decay isn't working as you can see at one of my pictures below. It doesn't matter if it's 64bit or 32bit.


Filename:  Line: 1649)

Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
WhitecatIndustries SCS - Saving to .cfg
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

WhitecatIndustries - Orbital Decay - Vessel Information saved.
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at WhitecatIndustries.VesselData.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename:  Line: -1)

UnloadTime: 10.748720 ms
AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'StationKeepingManager' from assembly 'OrbitalDecay'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'DecayManager' from assembly 'OrbitalDecay'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'VesselData' from assembly 'OrbitalDecay'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

Error: Empty part config file
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at WhitecatIndustries.VesselData.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
(Filename:  Line: -1)

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Settings' from assembly 'OrbitalDecay'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'UserInterface' from assembly 'OrbitalDecay'

Full output.log here.

First results from my former tests in a modded game (only reproducible issues, cause I think sometimes it's just a buggy KSP thing). The descriptions of the pictures explain the issues. I will extend this album with whatever I will find.

Suggestion: Is there a wiki anywhere? I'd like to see the formula you're using as well as a description of the settings. How is planetarium / debris updating working?

Edited by funk
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Hello everyone,

Been working on fixes today, managed to fix the issues with NaN's in orbits and decay rates, still working on fixing the contract spawned vessel issues and the speed and magnitude of the stock decay rates, at the moment issues #29, #27 and #26 are the only ones holding back a 1.4.2 release to fix everything! Sorry again about this everyone, it seems like for every bug I fix; three more pop up from the fixes! Should have a fix out before Wednesday with any luck!

Thanks for all your bug reports and images, I have a temporary solution for 1.4.1 NaNs and 'empty part config file' warnings: Just clear everything in your VesselData.cfg in the WhitecatIndustries/Orbital Decay/PluginData folder and paste the following into it:

	name = WhitecatsDummyVessel
	id = 000
	persistence = WhitecatsDummySaveFileThatNoOneShouldNameTheirSave

As I said things are coming along, hopefully I can fix this contract issue as soon as possible, furthermore if you are worried about too high decay rates for small vessels you could open the WhitecatIndustries/Orbital Decay/PluginData/ Settings.cfg and set the DecayDifficulty to a lower value, the ingame settings slider only allows you to change the decay rate to 0.1 but you could bring this down in the settings.cfg to 0.01 or lower!

I will include a wiki for 1.5.0 along with many new features, I just hope I can resolve these contract spawned vessel issues and balance the stock decay rates first! 1.4.2 will be out soon! Hopefully this information will help you continue playing if you have issues with NaN's and superfast orbit decay!

@Svm420, wow interesting I didnt realise KSP would natively simulate decay to a vessels apoapsis; even if it is a bug! Hopefully this wont affect me, apart from possibly some contract issues... recover part 'blah' from LKO or if the stock rescue 'pod' is only one part. Thanks for the heads up though!

Whitecat106 :)

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Hello everyone,

Having some pretty major issues right now, trying to fix a newly apparent bug where an active Eva causes one or both vessels to lose all orbital velocity. To be honest the plugin is just becoming more and more buggy so I will try my best this week to get a new release out, if not it will likely be next week where I can rewrite and clean up the code again...


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3 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

Hello everyone,

Having some pretty major issues right now, trying to fix a newly apparent bug where an active Eva causes one or both vessels to lose all orbital velocity. To be honest the plugin is just becoming more and more buggy so I will try my best this week to get a new release out, if not it will likely be next week where I can rewrite and clean up the code again...


No worries, take your time and get it right :)

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I can confirm something is really off in Stock. Even without station keeping, unmanned orbits jump around even through saves. Simple scenario: manned craft trying to dock with unmanned lander. During approach, orbit changed a few times, making me miss the rendezvous by a few kilometers. After tweaking, I was at 1km away, saved, nudged it closer, my target started to jump around by a few kilometers. Loaded, target was now at 25 kilometers away. 

Switched to the lander but craft suddenly dipped and orbit changed from 100x100km to a -70km x -400km orbit. So far I haven't had problems with manned pods. Mods too numerous to mention, but suffice to say, disabled all important ones one by one and ended up with Orbital Decay. 

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1 minute ago, karamazovnew said:

I can confirm something is really off in Stock. Even without station keeping, unmanned orbits jump around even through saves. Simple scenario: manned craft trying to dock with unmanned lander. During approach, orbit changed a few times, making me miss the rendezvous by a few kilometers. After tweaking, I was at 1km away, saved, nudged it closer, my target started to jump around by a few kilometers. Loaded, target was now at 25 kilometers away. 

Switched to the lander but craft suddenly dipped and orbit changed from 100x100km to a -70km x -400km orbit. So far I haven't had problems with manned pods. Mods too numerous to mention, but suffice to say, disabled all important ones one by one and ended up with Orbital Decay. 

Something definitely is, rendezvous is a big problem, as for manned pods and unmanned I am unsure what is going on here, to be safe I am going to remove the download link again until I can get some stability back to everything!

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@Svm420, I am starting to wonder whether the game bug #9619 might even be intentional by squad rather than an actual bug, if so as you can imagine I will be pretty annoyed.. but I believe this is negatively influencing my testing and bug fixing of the plugin.

Been working on the Kerbal Eva bug today, fixed the vessel jumps on Eva bug, next I will be working on the rendezvous bugs and other close proximity vessel issues.

Update 11th May,

Been working on 1.4.2 today, solved some bugs with Eva and proximity's, working on a new big bug with station keeping and resource rates, should be solved soon. Hopefully a release will be out by the end of the week!

Update 13th May,

Almost fixed everything, will hopefully have the patch release out today! 1.5.0 looks promising too, I will be including Mascon perturbation and possibly the Yarkovsky effect.

Edited by Whitecat106
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Hello everyone,

This release should have fixed various issues from the 1.4.0 release such as:
- Rendezvous Jumps
- Resource handling issues
- EVA Warps
- NaN issues
- Decay Rates
- UI issues

Hopefully this will be a little more playable than the last version! For 1.5.0 I will address any more minor issues and add in some new features including fixing the Active Vessel Decay during no time warp. However I will release a 1.4.3 if there are any big bugs that pop up.


Whitecat106 :)

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I have a very quick and very simple question for which I simply need confirmation, as I am almost sure of the answer already:


When the decay rate for a vessel says that it is in a stable orbit, it is no longer decaying at all, correct?  I am assuming that I will not need stationkeeping resources for these vessels.  Is this correct?


The only reason I ask is because there is still a time to reentry, even if it is >1000 years, and I wanted to be sure.

Edited by xx_mortekai_xx
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7 hours ago, xx_mortekai_xx said:

I have a very quick and very simple question for which I simply need confirmation, as I am almost sure of the answer already:


When the decay rate for a vessel says that it is in a stable orbit, it is no longer decaying at all, correct?  I am assuming that I will not need stationkeeping resources for these vessels.  Is this correct?


The only reason I ask is because there is still a time to reentry, even if it is >1000 years, and I wanted to be sure.

Sorry for the late reply on this one!

You do not need to station keep in this scenario no. :) But as a word of warning to users at the moment; the estimated time to reentry really is an estimate, sometimes it can be too early, other times many days too late, trying to get this more precise for the next release, but the decay rate is always accurate, so if you are in a 500km x 500km orbit and the decay rate is 0.5m per day, you should not really have to worry about station keeping unless you want a precisely kept orbit. That said, Stationkeeping at a higher altitude will be more efficient than at a lower altitude.

Taking a break from modding at the moment, spending some time actually playing KSP since my last proper game was KSP 1.0.5! Will be back to work in a few days or so, in the mean time, I will be here to fix any issues.

Whitecat106 :)

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1 minute ago, Whitecat106 said:

Sorry for the late reply on this one!

You do not need to station keep in this scenario no. :) But as a word of warning to users at the moment; the estimated time to reentry really is an estimate, sometimes it can be too early, other times many days too late, trying to get this more precise for the next release, but the decay rate is always accurate, so if you are in a 500km x 500km orbit and the decay rate is 0.5m per day, you should not really have to worry about station keeping unless you want a precisely kept orbit. That said, Stationkeeping at a higher altitude will be more efficient than at a lower altitude.

Taking a break from modding at the moment, spending some time actually playing KSP since my last proper game was KSP 1.0.5! Will be back to work in a few days or so, in the mean time, I will be here to fix any issues.

Whitecat106 :)

Cool, thanks for the info!  Im trying to set up a commsat network, and would rather not deal with my nodes dropping unexpectedly.

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