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Do KSP players dream of spacefaring sheep?

Goddess Bhavani

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I have been having a lot of dreams lately and it seems to be good stress /comic relief telling people how ridiculous my subconscious is.

Last night I found myself battling and running away from a race of atomic supermen as I soared over the red Martian soil crisscrossed by roadways of white ivory.

Whatever cargo I was hauling in the trailer must have been important, as the supermen hounded me mercilessly. Eventually, I reached space and went to hiding on some forlorn little rocky moon and concealed my space truck in an abandoned mine. Suddenly I got the sense I had to run away, really fast and sent the truck spiralling down into vast caverns dodging various pieces of derelict machinery strewn about the cavern like the innards of some gargantuan beast.

At some point of time the space truck forgot the former part of its designation and started to drive on wheels, subjected to gravity and all. In a bout of fear, I sought to lose my pursuers by jumping across a deep chasm and land atop an assortment of KIS cargo containers on the other side.

This obviously did not work, the seemingly unbroken chain of SC-62 storage containers erupting into fissures like the San Andreas fault the moment the massive rig contacted its surface. But break the fall it did and as the rig, trailer, the whole shebang disintegrated in a pyrotechnic display of Michael Bay proportions, I came to amid a stack of brown shoe box sized parcels. Curiosity took the better of me as I opened one of them, and out oozed some sort of colorful slime - some silicate-based lifeform I presume, and I got the mental hint that they are the only surviving specimens of their species.

An exchange of emotional energy and mental imagery ensued, where I learned they are a race of sentient space sheep (!!!) seeking a new homeworld, to which I replied, as an image of Duna appeared: -

"All these worlds are yours - except Kerbin. Attempt no landing there."

I was soon summoned to the land of the living - and sanity, by the incessant buzzing of my phone, where I started a conversation describing the above dream in enough detail that it's now permanently burned into working memory. I was also completely overwhelmed by emotions, sobbing like a desperate housewife and all because I saved an alien species :P

I have no idea if I have ever tried to build a space trucking rig in my years of poking around KSP, but I shall do so soon :D

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I have been having a lot of dreams lately and it seems to be good stress /comic relief telling people how ridiculous my subconscious is.

I'll take a double shot of whatever you're drinking ;)

I have KSP dreams sometimes but they're all about how to solve various design problems I couldn't solve before I went to bed. Never any narrative to them, just moving parts around in the VAB. The weird thing is, when I wake up, these dream solutions usually work.

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I have been having a lot of dreams lately and it seems to be good stress /comic relief telling people how ridiculous my subconscious is.

YESYESYES! I always enjoy listening and sharing the stupid crap my subconscious comes up with! rep to you sir!

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I sometimes solve construction issues or build new craft while sleeping... with click sounds :D... Then i wake up and... i have to go to work. But it results in a lot of doodles on sticky notes, that i find days later somewhere in a pocket.

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Lol I didn't know there were this many replies.

I found replaying the dream events and imagining what happened is important for transferring the memory of it to active memory, as whatever's played out in the dream is not automatically 'saved'. Just hanging on to a specific scene, vision or thought should suffice to save enough detail that you can reconstruct the scenes later on. Remembering or 'playing back' the events in reverse order seems to work easiest.

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