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SCF Home base + 7/8/15 Spacecraft friday [Looking for you!]

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59 minutes ago, ExplorerKlatt said:

Where I am it is over 24 hrs over due. It is currently 9am Sunday here. 

AEST ( my time zone ) is +10h, MST (which SA said he was basing it on) is -6h. That means 12:35am Monday AEST is 8:35am Saturday in MST. That also means that it is almost two days over due here since it is now Monday as of 41m ago.

Edited by RA3236
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And it looks like I'll have to continue that tradition. :( Some how I have fallen sick over night so I won't be able to do the SCF this week sorry. I had a massive Easter weekend and was up almost all last night battling a runny nose and sore throat so I'm gonna have to miss this one unfortunately. ;.;

If anyone wants to take my place please feel free.

Sorry to be annoying but sometimes life gets in the way of the webernet life.

Happy Flying


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10 minutes ago, Yukon0009 said:

Don't worry mate, already selected the crafts to go. You may or may not enjoy my selection of crafts though.

I think I will enjoy it, I didn't release anything apart from the Space Shuttle, which i don't want featured, so no way to offend me.

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On 03/25/2016 at 4:58 AM, YargJay9991 said:

Oops! Must be me... I'll have it done sometime either today or tomorrow. Easter......

Happy Flying


Do you want to take my place this week? I am working all weekend so most likely wont be able to.

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