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[1.8-1.12] Kethane Plugin and Parts 0.11.0 - Now with background scanning.


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11 minutes ago, goldenpsp said:

seriously?  Did you not bother to even read the post just before yours?  Borderline rude.

Nevermind it crashes the game when I install it :( I don't know how others got it to work in KSP 1.3 and I would want some help please. I do look at the other posts but I don't seem to find anything usefull. I hate my spelling.

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11 minutes ago, Trekkie148 said:

Nevermind it crashes the game when I install it :( I don't know how others got it to work in KSP 1.3 and I would want some help please. I do look at the other posts but I don't seem to find anything usefull. I hate my spelling.

If you actually read, @taniwha is working on a 1.3 release but has been busy with RL. So the operative word is Patience.

And from the other post, as I'm going to guess you didn't click through and read, the important bit is:

"For everyone interested in updates to their favorite add-ons, please do not pester modders in the add-on thread, modders volunteer their time and requests or inquiries for updates just derail threads and will not make updates come any sooner."


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've released version 0.9.9 of Kethane.

Changes from 0.9.8:

  • Fixes for KSP 1.3.
  • Add Kethane-specific kerbnet access to the scanners.

I have not had a chance to redo the assemblies, so do delete the two that are not for your OS or you will probably get magenta hexgrids. Also, no progress on background scanning yet (I have plans, just not time: need my own background "scanner" :wink:)

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On 9/4/2017 at 11:30 AM, taniwha said:

I've released version 0.9.9 of Kethane.

Changes from 0.9.8:

  • Fixes for KSP 1.3.
  • Add Kethane-specific kerbnet access to the scanners.

I have not had a chance to redo the assemblies, so do delete the two that are not for your OS or you will probably get magenta hexgrids. Also, no progress on background scanning yet (I have plans, just not time: need my own background "scanner" :wink:)

\o/ yay!

Looking forward to background scanning, but I've learned to just let KSP run overnight for scans

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a Weird bug/glitch/I'm not pressing the right button where after I had started scanning for kethane I when I clicked the hexagonal button in the map menu and the tracking station(witch was previously how I say the hexagonal grid that showed kethane deposits) nothing happened

if I'm doing something wrong, if there is a way I can fix this, or you need more info please quote me

:D Thanks for your time!

(I know goldenpsp is going to find someway to be critical about my comment :P)

Edited by Rockmonster0921
i read the posts before mine
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Nothing is meant to happen when you click on a hex. The only thing that happens is an info window pops up (tool-tip style) when you hover your mouse over a hex.

Unfortunately, to scan in kethane, you need to stay with the scanner because I have not implemented background scanning yet (dealing with ElectricCharge is the reason).

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On 9/16/2017 at 6:24 PM, Rockmonster0921 said:

I'm having a Weird bug/glitch/I'm not pressing the right button where after I had started scanning for kethane I when I clicked the hexagonal button in the map menu and the tracking station(witch was previously how I say the hexagonal grid that showed kethane deposits) nothing happened

if I'm doing something wrong, if there is a way I can fix this, or you need more info please quote me

:D Thanks for your time!

(I know goldenpsp is going to find someway to be critical about my comment :P)

Solution: go into the GameData/Kethane directory and open the settings.cfg file.  Remove the line that says Debug = True and change the WindowLeft parameter to 500 then save the settings.cfg file.

Edited to add: you didn't do anything wrong, you just have a smaller monitor than taniwha.

Edited by edrobotguy
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is this mod still actively developed or maintained?  I note that this forum indicates that a recompile for KSP v1.3 was released some weeks ago, but CKAN (if I recall correctly, a community-submitted CKAN listing) only indicates the latest version is meta-rated for KSP v1.2.2 with Kethane v0.9.8.

This mod was my first mod that I ever installed back in v0.18, and it'll always be a must-install-if-available because of that.  I'd gladly plunk a coin into a donation cup somewhere if I were shown to one.

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6 hours ago, MisterFister said:

Is this mod still actively developed or maintained?  I note that this forum indicates that a recompile for KSP v1.3 was released some weeks ago, but CKAN (if I recall correctly, a community-submitted CKAN listing) only indicates the latest version is meta-rated for KSP v1.2.2 with Kethane v0.9.8.

This mod was my first mod that I ever installed back in v0.18, and it'll always be a must-install-if-available because of that.  I'd gladly plunk a coin into a donation cup somewhere if I were shown to one.

If you spend any time reading back a bit on this thread you will find @taniwha is still quite active.  You will also find him mention that he does not generally handle CKAN stuff himself.

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13 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

If you spend any time reading back a bit on this thread you will find @taniwha is still quite active.  You will also find him mention that he does not generally handle CKAN stuff himself.

I literally quoted from the most recent comments by the modder.  You know.  If I spent any time.

On the other items, you make a fair point.

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Oh, I am still here, and still maintaining things, just this hasn't been a great year for me and so I'm a little behind with KSP 1.3.1: I've barely even used it, so I haven't had a chance to test most of my mods in it.

For now, please install Kethane by hand and let me know how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've installed 0.9.9 on KSP 1.3.1 and it looks like most of the mod content is working, but the planet with scan grids is pink. This happens on the loading screen and the in-game map view as well.

It is visually the same as http://walbao.com/pinkKerbin.png (earlier post about pink planet).


Edited by Ionaru
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  • 1 month later...

@taniwha I dropped the 0.9.9 into ksp 1.3.1 but right at the start it says that it's not for the proper version of ksp, is it just a minor setting in version checking or do i need to wait for your update (no pressure at all)?


also one more question : i saw that you separated geodisc from kethane itself, does it has any sort of API so that other mod developers can utilize it for their own scanner types?

Edited by Jiraiyah
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1 minute ago, taniwha said:


It was actually Majiir that did the separation, but yes, it does have an API that other mod devs can use.

I know you are a very busy mod developer, but when it comes to API stuff, having sort of wiki guide would be really nice, I don't know how the internals of that system work, but how about making it a module that developers can drop on their parts and lets say specify a color for it? then it can be a totally separated mod by itself?

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