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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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Would anyone be interested in the engines pointing directly at the center of thrust at all times?  I'm currently trying to resurrect Sarbian's old Gimbal Auto Trim mod (actually it's now looking like a rewrite!) and I could use help figuring out how to code with KSP.

I'm advertising the mod here because I thought some of the people who enjoy the shuttle might want a plugin to point the engines at the center of mass at all times automatically.  And of course I'm hoping to get the word out that I'm looking for someone more familiar with KSP Plugin development to help me figure out how to use the KSP API.

I'm on topic because I want shuttle engine gimbal auto trimming!  >:O

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For some reason the 2.5 patch doesn't seem to be working. I dropped it directly into the patches folder.

Thanks in advance.


Edit: Also Module Manager finds an error with the 2.5 patch. 

Edited by DarthGav
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15 hours ago, DarthGav said:

For some reason the 2.5 patch doesn't seem to be working. I dropped it directly into the patches folder.

Thanks in advance.


Edit: Also Module Manager finds an error with the 2.5 patch. 

What isn't working? This patch is only a config. It can be dropped everywhere in GameData. But I don`t know if it works with the last CA-Version.

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Just now, Cheesecake said:

What isn't working? This patch is only a config. It can be dropped everywhere in GameData. But I don`t know if it works with the last CA-Version.

It acts as if the patch wasn't applied. The shuttle creeps off the pad even when there is no payload in it. I dropped into the patches folder in the CA folder. Although I found a patch for the patch a couple of pages back so I will try that when I get off work.


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2 hours ago, DarthGav said:

It acts as if the patch wasn't applied. The shuttle creeps off the pad even when there is no payload in it. I dropped into the patches folder in the CA folder. Although I found a patch for the patch a couple of pages back so I will try that when I get off work.


Ok so I tried it and the Module Manager error is still there, but the shuttle gets to orbit now. Also some people keep talking about there being a Canadarm in this mod, but I cant seem to find it.



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11 hours ago, DarthGav said:

Ok so I tried it and the Module Manager error is still there, but the shuttle gets to orbit now. Also some people keep talking about there being a Canadarm in this mod, but I cant seem to find it.



Thats because you must install canadarm separately or download the dev-version of CA.

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26 minutes ago, MisterR0711 said:

I have a problem...

I've just downloaded cormorant mod but it doesn't work...

I downloaded the 1.6.1 version but I have also 1.6 only...

Maybe I didn't put the file at the global place, can you tell me where should I put it...



Like every other mod: put it into GameData. There must be an folder Cormorant Aeronology in GameData.
Don`t forget the dependencies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In version 1.7 of Kerbal I'm having issues with the CA-SRB separation nosecone just ripping itself off the parachute component.  Is anyone else seeing this?

EDIT:  I found the issue.  I was trigegring the parachutes at the same time.  The parachute was blowing the nosecap off the rocket.  So it was a PEBKAC issue.  Resequencing the staging has fixed the issue.

Edited by gnrnr
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When I do physics warps in Cormorant shuttles it sends my vessel into an interstellar trajectory and deletes the Kerbol system, altitude and speed data shows up as "NaN" (or something) and the faces of kerbals/walls of the ksc/surface of kerbin becomes transparent/disappears. i can't give a screenshot right now but i will later, i don't know if it's directly connected to this mod but it's kind of frustrating

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5 hours ago, Captainamtrak456 said:

Any way you can add custom names? WITHOUT having to use a paint editor?

Not as far as I know, but it’s as simple as putting a text box over one of the rectangles on the ‘CA_decals’ file and typing whatever name you want.

I just used MS paint to do mine and it worked nicely. No need for anything more complicated or expensive.

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2 hours ago, Captainamtrak456 said:

I'm not used to using programs like that. Any tutorial for  me and some other people who arent used to it?

There are most likely tutorial videos on YouTube that you can watch to learn how to do it, but it’s generally pretty intuitive and the act of adding your own names is very simple.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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How can I re enter the atmosphere on a CA Shuttle? I put the nose up to 40 degrees angle of attack, but the shuttle starts to shake around, and I eventually loose control and it spins around. The Shuttle refuses to pull up its nose, as it continues to descend, and it leads to it travelling so fast that it crashes into the ground. Any way I can fix this?

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3 hours ago, Captainamtrak456 said:

How can I re enter the atmosphere on a CA Shuttle? I put the nose up to 40 degrees angle of attack, but the shuttle starts to shake around, and I eventually loose control and it spins around. The Shuttle refuses to pull up its nose, as it continues to descend, and it leads to it travelling so fast that it crashes into the ground. Any way I can fix this?

Your 40 degree AOA should be 40deg MINUS your prograde.

So if your prograde indicator is sitting at -10 then you only have to pitch up +30 degrees...if you get what I mean.

Re-entry like this is doable but needs constant adjustment, best technique I've used is to de-orbit over Crater Rim Ground Station and try to put your re-entry vector on top of KSC. (If you have the trajectories Mod or Mechjeb you can put the marker on top of the mountains behind KSC) then adjust your pitch as necessary.

When you've bled off enough speed drop the nose -20 degrees, retract your body flap and aim just in front of the KSC runway. Hold your pitch (and nerve) until you hit 500m then pitch up and drop your gear...use airbrakes and chutes to stop.

Using this method I can land from an equatorial orbit 9/10 times... inclined orbits are a little trickier.

Hope this helps... and don't forget to take a picture of your first successful landing :wink:

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I have...probably a noob question, sorry in advance... hopefully someone's around that could help? Ive been trying to maneuver the EMU but I dont seem to be able to do it very well...any tips would be helpful as it seems to function differently than standard kerbal eva. For one..I havnt been able to figure out how to go backwards using the for thrusters. 

Normal EVA(just a kerbal):

W=forward, A=strafe left, S=backwards, D=strafe right

using the EMU chair:

W=Pitch down, A=Rotate left, S=Pitch up, D=rotate right

IJKL keys control translation down,right,up,left

Shift or Z controls forward thrust kinda like engine thrust..but it certainly isnt controllable from what I can tell(either full thrust or none)

cannot find what controls backwards thrust. <---this is what id like to know for the most part


Id also like to know if I can configure how this part works so its more inline with stock eva control(my idea would be to use wasd keys how kerbals use eva and then the IJKL keys would control rotation and pitch if need be. I find it a bit...strange...especially since translation is used more than rotation/pitch in most situations. The CFG for this part contains the following:

        enablePitch = false
        enableYaw = false
        enableRoll = false


however considering that wasd keys control pitch/yaw/roll via reaction wheel...I dont know what these parameters are preventing, It is part of the RCSFX module..so Im going to assume it prevents translations and rotation at the same time with the reaction wheel...


Thank you for yalls help!!

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3 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

I have...probably a noob question, sorry in advance... hopefully someone's around that could help? Ive been trying to maneuver the EMU but I dont seem to be able to do it very well...any tips would be helpful as it seems to function differently than standard kerbal eva. For one..I havnt been able to figure out how to go backwards using the for thrusters.

Like the standard RCS translation controls "H" is forward, and "N" is aft. The game treats the MMU as a craft just like any other, and not like the EVA packs on the kerbals.

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7 hours ago, TimothyC said:

Like the standard RCS translation controls "H" is forward, and "N" is aft. The game treats the MMU as a craft just like any other, and not like the EVA packs on the kerbals.

Ahh...i didnt even try H or N..durp. Ive always let mechjeb do docking manuvers for me as i find it very simple so im not familure with translation controls.. Thanks m8!

Ill have to do some more research for hotswapping the layout as I still find standard eva controls better for me personally but atleast i can use the MMU now.

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