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[1.4] SpaceY Expanded, v1.5 (2018-04-02)


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So, if some bandit swapped out the dependency (A hard dependency btw) in CKAN for the core mod, there's realistically no chance of breaking the mod?

Unless it's relying on those additional xenon-like fuel tanks for some reason, then yeah, it looks like it should be pretty safe. It's really the 'Core' that is needed for the functionality and is the more correct one to use as a dependency, IMHO.

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Yeah categorys! Thats something I was hoping for. So I guess all your fantastic mods will be categoriced??


Okay now im confused, I could swear I saw a "SpaceY"-Category while I had the "Pathfinder" mod installed because I wanted to have a look at the parts. Now that I deinstalled It, the "SpaceY" category is gone again? But i do have the Category folders inside the mod folders. I just cant see the categories anymore.

Can someone explain that to me?

Edited by maculator
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I made a modulemanager patch to set your parts into a own category, But i might try that again later. Need to read some tutorials algain. But i got myself the filterextensions and it didnt work. I habe all the patches and the omly time i see the space y and space y expanded categories is when i install the prwvious mentioned mod. Sorry for the typing. German autocorrect and english dont really fit together.

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I made a modulemanager patch to set your parts into a own category, But i might try that again later. Need to read some tutorials algain. But i got myself the filterextensions and it didnt work. I habe all the patches and the omly time i see the space y and space y expanded categories is when i install the prwvious mentioned mod. Sorry for the typing. German autocorrect and english dont really fit together.

In Filter Extensions, the mods get categorized in the manufacturer tab, from what I've seen.

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That what it does. And it does it perfectly. But the things thSt confuses me is:

You have the folder "category" in your mod with a .cfg and bmps with icons.

Now when I have space y installed only i dont See a category .

If i install wildbluetools and space y, your category appears and its all sorted.

And if i install space y and filterextensions i get the aditional categories and subcategories and space y is sorted and placed in there as well. BUT I dont See the space y folder anymore wich onloy showed under the combination of space y and wildbluetools. Thats what i dont get. But never mind. Its just a thing i noticed.

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You have the folder "category" in your mod with a .cfg and bmps with icons.


And if i install space y and filterextensions i get the aditional categories and subcategories and space y is sorted and placed in there as well. BUT I dont See the space y folder anymore wich onloy showed under the combination of space y and wildbluetools. Thats what i dont get. But never mind. Its just a thing i noticed.

Oh! I forgot about the "category" folder. Truthfully, I didn't know which mods would use that successfully. I saw it done in another mod (forgetting which one), and replicated it there just in case any of the menu filter mods would use it. I guess WildBlueTools does that.

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0.7 (2015-10-09) - Beta.
- Corrected the cross-section profile on several parts (mainly Emu engines and decoupler/separators).
- Fuel tanks now have multiple paint schemes, selectable if InterstellarFuelSwitch or Firespitter are installed.
- Known issue: Will have nasty z-fighting with all paint schemes at once, if something tricks ModuleManager about Interstelar/Firespitter installed state. Might have to delete ModuleManager config cache.

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Update posted:

0.8 (2015-10-16) - Beta, engine updates.
- Adjusted R9 engine HotRockets config to correspond to SpaceY Lifters' fixes (as of Lifters v1.3).
- R9 engine now uses custom default engine effects from SpaceY Lifters (requires Lifters v1.3+).
- R9 engine now uses new engine bell art assets from SpaceY Lifters 1.3+.
- New default custom particle effects for LFO engines (E,P series).

And here I am sitting and waiting for the 10m and 15m parts how long untill those come?

No plans for that currently. :)

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I don't know what are your plans for the next update but 7.5m external reaction wheels would be really useful. Rotating a 1000 tons payload is a bit of a pain in the ass right now.

Pickled, there's a 7.5m probe core that has fantastic torque and is (IMHO) better than a 7.5m external reaction wheels would be...


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  • 2 weeks later...
One more thing... Can we get a fairing texture that doesn't have those stockalike stripes? The regular 5m white is vastly more attractive and plays nicer with other parts and mods.

Yeah, I'm not terribly attached to the stripes either. They worked OK on smaller fairings, but when you make large ones it looks very repetitive. I may pull them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm posting this update in several of my mod threads, since it pertains to each of them. I believe all of these mods are probably working acceptably for now, with MRS needing the most love due to the changes in jet engines and air intakes. So I've marked them all as compatible with 1.0.5 except MRS.

I've gone through the part CFG changes, and the patch notes, and built a laundry list of things to go over and tweak. Most of these are somewhat broad categories (like liquid fueled engines), rather than single parts, but I have a screenshot of my notes below. :) I may get some done today, but tomorrow will probably be the more productive day since I have Wednesday off from work for the holiday. Pardon the chicken-scratch. My handwriting is particularly bad when I'm rushing. :)


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