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Good names for Urlum (Outer Planet Mod Uranus Analog) Probe


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Wellllll, there hasn't been a dedicated Uranus or Neptune probe to go out that way other than the Voyager missions, which I feel like wouldn't be a perfect match. The Voyager missions are more commonly associated with solar escapes than Uranus flybies. I would say name your probe after the moons of Uranus instead. Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon. Plenty of names to pick from and kerbalize!

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I'd suggest [Planetname]-[Orbit/Biome]-[Function]-[Number]


Urlum-Polarorbit-Scanner (or just Urlum-Scanner) if you like cause they are allways in polar orbit. In a time there can be more than two probes per body like a scanner, a science probe for those "in space around" and a lander for the "from the surface of" and in future many more will buzz around for the relay network.

Plus kerbaled missions, stations, mining ops, asteroids, ....

The list can get very long in the tracking station .... :-)

The kraken is confused and stays away :-)

Edited by kemde
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And it's kinda disappointing too, because it isn't even pronounced like silly English-speakers think it is...

Seriously guys, it's a latin word, the stress is on the first letter, and the 'a' is short and flat like in "frying pan". Get it right! :P

Edited by Streetwind
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  Streetwind said:
And it's kinda disappointing too, because it isn't even pronounced like silly English-speakers think it is...

Seriously guys, it's a latin word, the stress is on the first letter, and the 'a' is short and flat like in "frying pan". Get it right! :P

So you're saying it's not 'your anus' but 'urinous'? Ew...

And call me crazy, but I believe 'anus' is also a latin word.

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No, the only letter you pronounce different from the butt joke is the 'a'. You should not double up on the length of the last vowel, that remains a short 'u' like in 'fuss' (which it in fact rhymes with). And then you put the stress on the first letter - the 'U' instead of the 'a'. I know, text on the internet doesn't translate well into spoken word - want me to find a youtube video where it is pronounced properly? :)

I mean, technically it's even starting with a "oo" sound instead of a "you" sound, due to its roman origins. But that's honestly an acceptable change that 'localizes' it a bit for English-speakers and doesn't modify the name in any significant way. Just a little embellishment on the onset while the word remains otherwise unchanged. It's when you start moving the stress to other parts of the word and use the wrong 'a' that it starts being a mispronunciation.

Edited by Streetwind
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