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Good names for rovers...


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TheMoonRover :cool:

But I usually just call mine things like "Duna Rover" or "Minmus Hovercraft" etc.

How about naming them after land animals, for example: the mouse, the kitten (for small rovers), the badger, the wolfhound (for larger ones), the tiger, the rhino (for even bigger ones), or the elephant (for a roving base)

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  • 6 years later...

I commonly name my spaceships after stars and constellations (Arkturus, Sirius, Nova, Eridani...) and rovers and bases after minerals (Ruby, Emerald, Beryllium, Amethyst...), for surface stuff being on ground so I choose things deep underground, and space stuff being in space so I choose things far away in deep space, for symbolic reasons. Thus my surface stuff will stay on ground and my space stuff will go deeper in the cold Universe.

Edited by Nazalassa
[Jeb] Hey Bob, going to climb that mountain over there? Have fun! (Kerbin Sorta-Circumnavigtion, by Purpleivan.)
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