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Is it possible to increase the size of the navball?

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In the game's settings, look for an option labelled "Flight UI" (I'm not sure which tab it is; my brain is saying "Graphics" but I'm thinking that's not right). The default setting is "small"; adjusting it will increase/decrease the nav ball's size. Of course, it'll also increase the size of the altimeter, etc.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

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Better than that there is (as usual) a mod to help you. Install Enhanced Navball and you can both resize the navball and slide it left and right along the bottom of the screen.

Looks great and I downloaded it to my desktop. Now, can you tell me where to extract the files to? I know it's Steam>/steam apps/common/Kerbal Space Program ... but where do I put them once I'm there?

Appreciate your help.

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Looks great and I downloaded it to my desktop. Now, can you tell me where to extract the files to? I know it's Steam>/steam apps/common/Kerbal Space Program ... but where do I put them once I'm there?

Appreciate your help.

All mods go in the GameData folder. A lot of mods come with a labelled GameData folder, to help remove ambiguity about what goes in.

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Something you may need to do is configure Toolbar (If it comes with the mod, and the mod likes it). In-game, there's a little GUI button with some dots on it and an arrow. Generally in the middle of the screen towards the left. If you click it (Button or arrow, can't remember which. Hovering over it reveals the phrase, "Configure Visible Buttons" or something), you can then select to display the Enhanced Navball menu button. Then if you close the new option pane, the menu can be opened with the new button.

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Stone Blue said:
^^ If you're talking about how to use the Enhanced Navball mod, theres a showcase video on the KerbalStuff page:

[removed link to defunct website]

I just watched it (again -- the first time is what sold me on it) but it doesn't explain how to get it operational. I put the extracted files in Game Data but nothing happens. There's no little icon at the top of the screen for me to click and play with. How do i get that there?

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When you open the Enhanced Navball zip, there's a folder in there called 'EnhancedNavBall'. That is what should be placed inside the GameData folder.

It's there. It's called Enhanced Navball - Master and it's sitting above a folder called Squad. Inside "Master" is another set of files, one of which is called Enhanced Navball, and there's a config file and a sliding.cs file and similar things. So it all appears to be there; it's just not appearing on my play screen.

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Strange. That's not at all what I see in my install. The folder inside GameData is called 'EnhancedNavBall' with no spaces and nothing else in the name. That contains two other folders called 'Plugins' and 'Resources'.

If yours doesn't look like that, then I must ask which version of the mod you have.

Happy landings!

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It's there. It's called Enhanced Navball - Master and it's sitting above a folder called Squad. Inside "Master" is another set of files, one of which is called Enhanced Navball, and there's a config file and a sliding.cs file and similar things. So it all appears to be there; it's just not appearing on my play screen.
Sounds like you downloaded the source code, instead of the install files.

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I have this one: [removed link to defunct website] which is version 1.3. And my KSP is version 1.04 from Steam.

I tried to send a MWSnap picture of my Game Data folder but couldn't. It required an URL and I couldn't find an "attach" icon.

By the way, thanks for taking the time with me on this.

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JackBush said:
I have this one: [removed link to defunct website] which is version 1.3. And my KSP is version 1.04 from Steam.

I tried to send a MWSnap picture of my Game Data folder but couldn't. It required an URL and I couldn't find an "attach" icon.

By the way, thanks for taking the time with me on this.

No worries. Just do what Val says above and you should be good to go.

Happy landings!

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