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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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I have personal matters to tend to for the rest of the week, but I might have some time to finish the bug stomping. I'm working on an EL issue where the Stockyards aren't recycling the ships. Once I fix that and finish a new part, Pathfinder will be good to go. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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  On 4/21/2016 at 6:46 PM, Angel-125 said:

I have personal matters to tend to for the rest of the week, but I might have some time to finish the bug stomping. I'm working on an EL issue where the Stockyards aren't recycling the ships. Once I fix that and finish a new part, Pathfinder will be good to go. :)


No worries take care of your personal stuff, better to attack issue with a clear head

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  On 4/21/2016 at 6:46 PM, Angel-125 said:

I have personal matters to tend to for the rest of the week, but I might have some time to finish the bug stomping. I'm working on an EL issue where the Stockyards aren't recycling the ships. Once I fix that and finish a new part, Pathfinder will be good to go. :)


I hope your personal things aren't the bad kind.  We'll see you when you get back.

EDIT:  BTW, doesn't Pathfinder have to wait on KAS/KIS?

Edited by Geschosskopf
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  On 4/22/2016 at 4:19 AM, Geschosskopf said:

I hope your personal things aren't the bad kind.  We'll see you when you get back.

EDIT:  BTW, doesn't Pathfinder have to wait on KAS/KIS?


Definitely not the bad kind. Celebrating my girlfriend's birthday. :) Yes, Pathfinder is heavily dependent upon KIS/KAS, which is in 1.1 alpha, so I have a bit of time. Hoping to showcase the new parts soon :) as I get some time. :)

Or not... :wink:


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  On 4/22/2016 at 11:56 AM, taniwha said:

If there's something you think EL needs to do, or need any help, let me know.


Thank you much. :) Most likely there is some idiocy on my part, like not setting up a part trigger or something. Once I know what's going on, I'll hollar if I need some help. Thanks for keeping EL working, it's one of my favorite mods to play with. :)

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:08 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Well, that looks interesting.  Are those pipe ends I see on the Switchback?

Anyway, give the GF some birthday spankings from us all :)



Yup, the new Switchback is designed to rest on the ground without the need for the Saddle, so it has a KAS pipe integrated into it. The Tunnel Extender gives you a place to attach equipment, and adds more space in between the airlocks on inflatable modules. And the Multipurpose Base Unit gives you another way to deliver bases to the ground; it even has enough Equipment to inflate and configure two Casa modules.

So, my first orbital construction attempt failed spectacularly. The dock exploded along with the built craft inside. Not sure why yet, so I've just rebuilt the dock to use box colliders instead of mesh colliders. We'll see what happens. :)

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:41 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yup, the new Switchback is designed to rest on the ground without the need for the Saddle, so it has a KAS pipe integrated into it. The Tunnel Extender gives you a place to attach equipment, and adds more space in between the airlocks on inflatable modules. And the Multipurpose Base Unit gives you another way to deliver bases to the ground; it even has enough Equipment to inflate and configure two Casa modules.

So, my first orbital construction attempt failed spectacularly. The dock exploded along with the built craft inside. Not sure why yet, so I've just rebuilt the dock to use box colliders instead of mesh colliders. We'll see what happens. :)


Can we put the new Switchback on a Saddle or is the old Switchback still available?  I really like nailing bases to the ground instead of just sitting them on the surface.  They seem more Kraken-proof when mounted on the ground, and don't slide down the slight slopes that are always present.

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:43 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Can we put the new Switchback on a Saddle or is the old Switchback still available?  I really like nailing bases to the ground instead of just sitting them on the surface.  They seem more Kraken-proof when mounted on the ground, and don't slide down the slight slopes that are always present.


The new Switchback can't be put on the Saddle; the access ports would be too high off the ground. However, you will have the ability to directly bolt the new Switchback to the ground if desired.

Meanwhile, swapping out mesh colliders in favor of box colliders fixed my exploding dock. Now I can build new craft in orbit. :) I'm having difficulty getting the recycler to work, however, so I'm hoping @taniwha can shed some light on what I may be doing wrong. Below is a screenshot of the dock with its RecycleTarget:


And here is the part config:


        name = ExRecycler


        name = ExTarget

        TargetName = Recycling Bin

        TargetTransform = RecycleTarget



I'm wondering if there is a disconnect between my setup in Unity and the config settings. What is TargetName for, for instance?

Thanks for your help! :)

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  On 4/23/2016 at 8:07 PM, Angel-125 said:

The new Switchback can't be put on the Saddle; the access ports would be too high off the ground. However, you will have the ability to directly bolt the new Switchback to the ground if desired.


Works for me!

Good luck with the EL issue.  I'd help if I could.

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@Angel-125: just to be certain, the collider for the recycle field should (must?) not touch anything else. Also, it must be a trigger collider (thus the no-touch rule).

For the recycler itself, the transform name of the recycle field is specified by RecycleField_name (defaults to "RecycleField") and the rate can be adjusted using RecycleRate (defaults to 1.0). These go in the ExRecycler node.

The ExTarget node is to make it so you can target the recycler for "docking".  If TargetTransform is specified, it is the transform used for the target transform to give position and orientation (works with docking alignment mods, or at least those that properly support ITargetable (DPAI, navball, navhud)), and TargetName is added to the vessel name when you set as target. If TargetTransform is not set, or the transform cannot be found, the part's root transform is used.

Btw, this is what EL's small recycling bin looks like in blender. The gray is the recycling field and is a cm or two separated from the panel (mesh) colliders of the walls.


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Pathfinder for KSP 1.1 is here!

Get the latest from here.

0.9.12 The Perfect Storm

This release updates Pathfinder to KSP 1.1!

@eberkain had a request to have a conversion chain similar to Simple Construction’s Ore->Metal->Rocketparts. That got me thinking about dusting off some old plans I had for Pathfinder and rethinking them. Among other things, this update implements those plans. Thanks eberkain! :)

New Parts
- Added the Tunnel Extender, a part designed to put some space between between modules to make it easier to use the airlocks. It also has a solar panel on the roof and can serve as an attachment location for your stuff.
- Added the all new Consestoga Multipurpose Base Module (MBM). This redesign turns the Conestoga into a foundation module for your bases. Simply fly and/or drive it to the desired location, eject the wheels (if you attached the M1-A1), and rest the module directly on the ground. The original part is still around! The old Conestoga has been renamed the Mule.

M1A1 Mountain Goat
- M1-A1 Mountain Goats now have an eject feature. They're particularly useful for moving a starter base into position before discarding the wheels. The staging is disabled be default to avoid /ragequit :wink:

Pathfinder Settings Window
- Added a Play Mode indicator and a button to change the play mode. This is only available at the Space Center. Pathfinder now offers three different play modes: Default, with all the bells and whistles enabled; Simplified, which reduces the number of resources and configurations you need to keep track of (which has a simplified Ore->RocketParts converter among other things); and Pristine, which just gives you nice looking modules to assemble without the hassle of things like resource extraction and conversion. You can find detailed descriptions of these play modes on the Pathfinder Wiki. To use a play mode, simply open the Pathfinder Settings Window from the Space Center, choose the mode you want, and then restart KSP. Pathfinder’s existing parts and plugin code will adjust accordingly.
Warning: changing Pathfinder’s play mode WILL affect your currently deployed bases. Custom play modes are possible, just consult the wiki.

- Added the ability to evenly redistribute resources to all vessels within physics range. This happens automatically, but you can manually initiate a resource distribution from the Pathfinder Settings window. The Ponderosa, Casa, Doc, Hacienda, Chuckwagon, and Conestoga can all distribute their resources automatically if you opt-in. To enable an individual part, simply right-click on the part and make sure that the Distributor is set to "ON." To enable resource distribution on all parts that have the capability on the currently focused vessel, go to the Pathfinder Settings window and press the Distribution button until it says "ON." If you want to prevent a part's individual resource from being distributed, then be sure to lock the resource.
NOTE: Resource distribution favors parts with converters that have required resources (such as the greenhouse's Dirt). Resources will fill parts that have converters with required resources first before distributing the remainder to other parts. For more information, consult the wiki.

- Added the official IVA. As with the Ponderosa/Casa, you can safely delete the Ponderosa/Spaces folder if you need more system memory/performance. If you do that, you'll have the placeholder IVAs (which will look wonky).
- Fixed issues with the drill not showing up for the Claimjumper and Hot Springs.

- The Pigpen template will only be available if you install a life support mod (Snacks, TAC-LS, or USI-LS).

- Added minimalist IVA. It will be completed at a later date.

- Added minimalist IVA. It will be completed at a later date.
- The ability to convert between storage and a greenhouse will only be available if you install a life support mod (Snacks, TAC-LS, or USI-LS).
- Revised the in-field template switching. Instead of the Next and Previous buttons, now you click on the Reconfigure Storage button.
NOTE: If you'e upgrading from previous versions, you'll lose your stored resources. Be sure to Hyper-edit back what you need.

- Revised the in-field template switching. Instead of the Next and Previous buttons, now you click on the Reconfigure Storage button.
NOTE: If you'e upgrading from previous versions, you'll lose your stored resources. Be sure to Hyper-edit back what you need.

- Fixed the conversion recipies for MetalOre->Metal, Metal->RocketParts & ScrapMetal, RocketParts->MaterialKits and MaterialKits->RocketParts. Thanks @RiverRat2800! :)
- Added the ability to create Equipment from Ore, RareMetals, ExoticMaterials, and ElectricCharge.
- Added converter to go between RocketParts and Equipment.

- Fixed an issue where you could not scan for resources in certain situations. Thanks for the detailed assessment, @nobodyhasthis2! :)

- Redesigned the part slightly so that it no longer needs to be attached to a Saddle. Simply drop it onto the ground and you're good to go (you can also bolt it to the ground). It also includes a KAS pipe. The previous design has been deprecated.

- Both the Stockyard 250 and Stockyard 375 are now properly updated to the latest Extraplanetary Launchpads. Thanks for your help, @taniwha! :)

- Added Equipment resource and template.
- Refactored RocketParts storage template to reflect that it’s actually a 5-liter resource instead of a 1-liter resource. Whoops!
- Inflating and reconfiguring modules now uses Equipment instead of RocketParts. Repairs still require RocketParts.

- You can now specify the resource and amount required to switch a template instead of the previously hard-coded requirement for RocketParts.
- Changed the texture on the crew ports for inflatable modules because @Parkaboy is awesome. Fantastic idea! :)

Edited by Angel-125
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  On 4/24/2016 at 1:44 AM, taniwha said:

Angel-123: it may be a bit late to help you, but I would very much appreciate your feedback on this very WIP EL modding manual. I put it together between my earlier post and now (that post was its seed). It will probably become part of a larger manual for EL.


Sure, happy to help. :)

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  On 4/24/2016 at 9:20 AM, JohnWildman said:

What about: Thank you! Your are awesome!

But nooooo, ppl. are always only demanding stuff....


What ever.

@Angel-125 Thank you! You are awesome! I love your mod and I am glad to see it up to date.


Thanks! :) It was a lot of work but it was worth it. The new MBM, Switchback, and resource distribution should help with the terrain issues that occur when you have large bases, and there are a bunch of bug fixes for quality of life improvements. And there's still more to come. :) I'm focusing Pathfinder on surface bases, so the only orbital elements you'll likely see in the mod are the Stockyards and Homestead. I've thought about transferring the Stockyards over to my MOLE mod, but more likely I'll just make them available for when you have MOLE but not Pathfinder installed.

@taniwha: Thanks for the modding guide, I think it'll definitely help. :) One suggestion I had was to create tutorials or have more screenshots showing how EL's parts are set up in Unity. For visual folks like me, having a picture associated with the part module fields would really help. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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Hey Angel...finally got time to start playing with 1.1 this weekend and ran into this today right off the bat when trying out the latest Pathfinder build and couldn't find any parts in the editor...

From Output Log

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Double checked both my Pathfinder and WildBlueTools packages to make sure all are up to date and they are.  I can post the additional log info if you need it. For info's sake I'm using the x64 build under Windows 7.  I do have a excrements ton of mods loaded and can provide the full list if needs be.  Will also perform a stripped down test later today after my Stanley Cup game is finished to make sure it's not something else I've got loaded that might not be playing nice.

Edited by rasta013
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  On 4/24/2016 at 5:35 PM, Angel-125 said:

Thanks! :) It was a lot of work but it was worth it. The new MBM, Switchback, and resource distribution should help with the terrain issues that occur when you have large bases, and there are a bunch of bug fixes for quality of life improvements.


And for the most part it seems to work fairly well.  I've noticed, however, that I can't turn on the lights in the Casa or Doc, and I can't inflate the Homestead in the VAB.

Also, I wish you could still select the life support parts (Greenhouse, Pig Pen, etc.) even if you don't have an LS mod installed.  You know, for aesthetics and RP.  I'm currently on strike from actually using LS mods but I RP like I've got it, and my bases look wrong without the greenhouses :)


  1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

And there's still more to come. :) I'm focusing Pathfinder on surface bases, so the only orbital elements you'll likely see in the mod are the Stockyards and Homestead. I've thought about transferring the Stockyards over to my MOLE mod, but more likely I'll just make them available for when you have MOLE but not Pathfinder installed.


Please no.  I don't have much use for MOLE and really like these parts in Pathfinder.  Now, if you later made a dedicated station parts mod, you could put the Stockyards in that eventually.

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Sorry if someone else brought this up already.  I didn't see it mentioned... So when I download this from both Spacedock and Github, it's claiming to be 0.9.12, but the .version file says 0.9.11 and AVC get angry with it during loading.  The folder seems to indicate 0.9.12, so I'm not sure if this is just a bad .version file in the pathfinder folder or if something is gummed up.

Great mod, by the way.  Don't feel right playing without it anymore easily one of my core mods.  Great job with this, Angel.

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  On 4/24/2016 at 6:59 PM, rasta013 said:

Hey Angel...finally got time to start playing with 1.1 this weekend and ran into this today right off the bat when trying out the latest Pathfinder build and couldn't find any parts in the editor...

From Output Log

  Reveal hidden contents

Double checked both my Pathfinder and WildBlueTools packages to make sure all are up to date and they are.  I can post the additional log info if you need it. For info's sake I'm using the x64 build under Windows 7.  I do have a excrements ton of mods loaded and can provide the full list if needs be.  Will also perform a stripped down test later today after my Stanley Cup game is finished to make sure it's not something else I've got loaded that might not be playing nice.


Hm, sounds like an installation issue. I'll pull the latest and do a test install, and see what happens.


  On 4/24/2016 at 7:13 PM, Geschosskopf said:

And for the most part it seems to work fairly well.  I've noticed, however, that I can't turn on the lights in the Casa or Doc, and I can't inflate the Homestead in the VAB.

Also, I wish you could still select the life support parts (Greenhouse, Pig Pen, etc.) even if you don't have an LS mod installed.  You know, for aesthetics and RP.  I'm currently on strike from actually using LS mods but I RP like I've got it, and my bases look wrong without the greenhouses :)


Please no.  I don't have much use for MOLE and really like these parts in Pathfinder.  Now, if you later made a dedicated station parts mod, you could put the Stockyards in that eventually.


Ok, I'll consider making them available when no life support mod is available. Only thing is, they would be pretty much just empty shells.

And actually, MOLE is my dedication station parts mod. That's why I was thinking of bringing the Stockyards over. But like I said I'll most likely add the drydocks to MOLE but hide them when Pathfinder is installed, which has the Stockyards. MOLE is designed to work independently but also have tie-ins to Pathfinder. Think of MOLE as Pathfinder's orbital components. :)

I'll check out what's going on with the lights, they were working last time I checked. Not being able to inflate the Homestead in the VAB is by design. I did that to avoid issues with part costs

  On 4/24/2016 at 7:28 PM, JJE64 said:

Sorry if someone else brought this up already.  I didn't see it mentioned... So when I download this from both Spacedock and Github, it's claiming to be 0.9.12, but the .version file says 0.9.11 and AVC get angry with it during loading.  The folder seems to indicate 0.9.12, so I'm not sure if this is just a bad .version file in the pathfinder folder or if something is gummed up.

Great mod, by the way.  Don't feel right playing without it anymore easily one of my core mods.  Great job with this, Angel.


Ok, it sounds like there's something off about the installation bundle. I'll take a look and get it fixed up. :)

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